河北承德围场半截塔中学八级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A 1 新人教新目标.ppt

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河北承德围场半截塔中学八级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A 1 新人教新目标.ppt_第1页
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河北承德围场半截塔中学八级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A 1 新人教新目标.ppt_第2页
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《河北承德围场半截塔中学八级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A 1 新人教新目标.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北承德围场半截塔中学八级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A 1 新人教新目标.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4Whydon tyoutalktoyourparents SectionA11a 2d Pre study 请翻译25页1a部分的句型 Learning aims 能力目标 1 能够运用所学知识谈论问题和困难 提出建议并做出选择 2 能根据对方所提出的问题 给出一些合理的建议 知识目标 1 能掌握以下单词 allow wrong guess deal workout2 能掌握以下句型 What swrong I mreallytriedbecauseIstudieduntilmidnightlastnight Whydon tyoutalktohimaboutit 情感目标 正确认识

2、生活中的一些困难 能采用正确的方式解决生活中的问题 1 IhavetostudytoomuchsoIdon tgetenoughsleep 2 IhavetoomuchhomeworksoIdon thaveanyfreetimetodothingsIlike Lookattheseproblems Doyouthinktheyareseriousornot 1a 学得太多 足够的休息 有空闲时间做某事 4 Ihavetoomanyafter schoolclasses 5 Igotintoafightwithmybestfriend 3 Myparentsdon tallowmetohang

3、outwithmyfriends 允许某人做某事 课外辅导班 陷入和某人打架中 1 IhavetostudytoomuchsoIdon tgetenoughsleep Discusstheseproblemsandgivesomeadvice Discussing Whydon tyougotosleepearlierthisevening 2 IhavetoomuchhomeworksoIdon thaveanyfreetimetodothingsIlike Whydon tyougotoamoviethisevening 3 Myparentsdon tallowmetohangoutwi

4、thmyfriends Whynotreadsomeinterestingbooksathome 4 Ihavetoomanyafter schoolclasses 5 Igotintoafightwithmybestfriend Whynottalkaboutitwithyourparents Whynotcallhimup Listening Listenandcircletheproblemsyouhearin1a 1b Pairwork 1c Lookattheproblemsin1aandmakeconversations What swrong I mreallytriedbeca

5、useIstudieduntilmidnightlastnight Whydon tyougotosleepearlierthisevening What swrong Myparentsdon tallowmetohangoutwithmyfriends Whynotreadsomeinterestingbooksathome What swrong Ihavetoomanyafter schoolclasses Whynottalkaboutitwithyourparents 1 allowv 允许 准许 e g Myparentsallowmetostayuplate 我父母允许我熬夜

6、Mr SmithallowedMiketodrivethere 史密斯先生允许迈克开车去那里 allowsb not todosth 不 允许某人做某事 Languagepoints e g Somewordsontheadvertisementarewrong 广告上的一些字错了 2 wrongadj 错误的 不对的 notright Unit4Whydon tyoutalktoyourparents SectionA12a 2d Pre study 说出自己存在的问题 并提出建议 请使用所学的相关句型 Listening Listen Peter sfriendisgivinghimadv

7、ice Fillintheblankswithcouldorshould 2a 1 You writehimaletter 2 You callhimup 3 You talktohimsothatyoucansayyou resorry 4 You gotohishouse 5 You takehimtotheballgame could should should could could d e a c Listenagain Fillintheblanks b 2b Pairwork Role playaconversationbetweenPeterandhisfriend 2c Wh

8、at sthematter Peter Well youshouldcallhimsothatyoucansayyou resorry Ihadafightwithmybestfriend WhatshouldIdo What sthematter Peter Well you Ihadafightwithmybestfriend WhatshouldIdo Roleplay Youlooksad KimWhat swrong Well Ifoundmysisterlookingthroughmythingsyesterday ShetooksomeofmynewmagazinesandCDs

9、 Role playtheconversation 2d Hmm that snotverynice Didshegivethembacktoyou Yes butI mstillangrywithher WhatshouldIdo Well Iguessyoucouldtellhertosaysorry Butwhydon tyouforgetaboutitsothatyoucanbefriendsagain Althoughshe swrong it snotabigdeal You reright Thanksforyouradvice Noproblem Hopethingsworko

10、ut A Youlooksad Kim B Well Ifoundmysisterlookingthroughmythingsyesterday ShetooksomeofmynewmagazinesandCDs A Hmm that snotverynice B Yes butI mstillangrywithher A Well Iguessyoucouldtellhertosaysorry Butwhydon tyouforgetaboutitsothatyoucanbefriendsagain B You reright Thanksforyouradvice A Hopethingsworkout d c b e a


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