七级英语下册:Module 2 Spring Festival外研.ppt

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1、Welcome Module2 SpringFestival Unit1We regettingreadyforthespringfestival Atthismoment isyourmothersleeping 2 Whatareyoudoingatthismoment 3 DoyoulikeSpringFestival Freetalk SpringFestival cook meal dragondance LanternFestival floor NewWords Matchthesentenceswiththepictures cleaningthehouse 2 cooking

2、themeal 3 gettingreadyfortheSpringFestival 4 learningadragondance 5 makinglanterns 6 sweepingthefloor Readthedialogueandchoosethebestanswerstothequestions AretheygettingreadyfortheSpringFestival A Yes theyare B No theyaren t 2 Aretheboysmakinglanterns A Yes theyare B No theyaren t 3 IsLingling smoth

3、ersweepingthefloor A Yes sheis B No sheisn t 4 Isherauntcookingthemeal A Yes sheis B No sheisn t 5 IsLingling sgrandmothercookingthemeal A Yes sheis B Nosheisn t 6 IsLingling sfatherworking A Yes heis B No heisn t A A A B B B Readagain answerthequestions 1 Whataretheboysdoing 2 Whatislinglingdoing 3

4、 WhatisLingling smotherdoing 4 WhatisLingling sauntdoing 5 Whatislingling sgrandmotherdoing 6 WhatisLingling sfatherdoing Theyarelearningadragondance Sheismakinglanterns She scleaningthehouse She ssweepingthefloor She scookingthemeal He sworking Workinpairs answerthequestions Model A Atthismoment is

5、yoursisterworking B No sheisn t Atthismoment 1 Isyourteacherspeaking 2 Areyourfriendslisteningtoyourteacher 3 AreyoulearningEnglish 4 Isyourmotherworking 5 Isyourfatherworking Writethewords 1 Therearetwentyfinthattallbuilding 2 Christmasisthemostimportantfinwesterncountries 3 Thisboxisveryheavy CanI

6、hyou 4 InChina weusuallyhavethreemeveryday 5 InSpringfestival peopleputupredltogetgoodluck 6 Thechildrenaresinginganddhappilyintheroomnow Doexercises loors estival elp eals anterns ancing Choosetherightanswers 1 Whousuallyinyourfamily Mymotherdoes A cookB cookingC iscokingD cooks 2 Theyarebusygettin

7、greadyChristmas A atB inC onD for 3 aretheydoingatthemoment A WhatB WhereC HowD Who 4 It stimeforabreak Let sgoplayfootball A B orC andD but D D A C Writefivesentences sayingwhatpeoplearedoinginyourfamily Homework Unit2WhattraditionsdoyouhaveattheSpringFestival 1 Whattraditionsdoyouknow 2 Doyouknowt

8、hepapercut 3 Doyouoftenhaveahaircut Freetalk papercut haircut Newyear firework Christmas dumpling Newwords Matchthequestionsandtheparagraphs 1 WhatdoyoudoattheSpringFestival 2 WhendoesSpringFestivalfinish 3 WhatdoyoudoonSpringfestival sEve 4 WhattraditionsdoyouhaveatSpringFestival B D C A Readthedia

9、logueagain answerthequestions Whatdoyouusuallydecoratewithpapercut 2 Whatpresentsdoyourparentsorgrandparentsgiveyou 3 WhatdoyoueatonSpringfestival Eve 4 WhatdoyouusuallyeatonlanternFestival Thedoorsandwindows Newclothes Jiaoziorasweetricepudding Yuanxiao LookatthenotesaboutChristmasinBritain Matchth

10、enoteswiththeheadings Decorations Food Gettingready Presents Traditions a goshoppingforpresents b eatChristmaspudding c openourpresentsonChristmasDay d decoratehomes e putthepresentsnexttotheChristmastree f getlotsoffoodready g singChristmassongs h haveChristmasdinner i say HappyChristmas tofamilyan

11、dfriends j haveaChristmastree de fh adfg a bcgi Jointwonotesandwriteonesentenceswith and Model goshoppingforpresents getlotsoffoodready Theygoshoppingforpresentsandgetlotsoffoodready 1 decoratehomes haveaChristmastree 2 openourpresentsonChristmasDay say HappyChristmas tofamilyandfriends 3 singChrist

12、massongs eatChristmaspudding 用动词的适当形式填空 1 He s play footballontheplaygroundnow 2 Whattimeheoften get upinthemorning 3 Whatabout watch theballetthisevening 4 It s12 00 Jimmy have lunchathome 5 Heusually have mealsintherestaurant 6 Myfriend notcome fromAustralia 7 Don tspeakhere We listen toher 8 Whyy

13、ou wait here It stimetogohome Doexercises playing does get watching ishaving has doesn tcome arelistening are waiting 用and or so或but填空 1 Heswitchedonthecomputer therewasnopictureonit 2 Ienjoylisteningtothemusic Ioftendownloadmusicfromtheinternet 3 Shedoesn tplaygamessendmailsoncomputer 4 Hegetshomea

14、t5 30beginstocookatonce 5 Herlaptopisbroken sheneedstobuyanewone 6 Hurryup you llbelateforclass 7 Thestoryisshortinteresting but so or and so or but Writefiveparagraphs describingChristmasinBritain Homework Unit3Langueinuse Reviewtheusefulsentences 1 What shappening 2 AreyougettingreadyfortheSpringF

15、estival 3 Itmeansgoodluck 4 Weusuallydecoratethedoorsandwindowswithpapercuts 5 Weusuallyeatakindofricedumplingcalledyuanxiao Writetheshortanswers Model IsLinglingcleaningthehouse No sheisn t IsLinglingsweepingthefloor Yes sheis AretheygettingreadyfortheSpringFestival 2 IsTonylearningadragondancing 3

16、 IsLingling smothercookingthemeal 4 IsLingling sfatherworking 5 Aretheydecoratingthehouse 6 IsLinglingmakinglanterns Yes theyare No heisn t No sheisn t Yes heis No theyaren t Yes sheis Writequestionsandshortanswers Model Lingling learningadragondance IsLinginglearningadragondance No sheisn t 1 Lingling smother cleaningthehouse 2 Lingling sfather makinglanterns 3 Lingling saunt cookingthemeal 4 Lingling sgrandmother sweepingthefloor 5 Theboys learningadragondance 6 Linglingandherfamily gettingrea


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