江苏涟水红日中学七级英语下册Unit7Abilities第3课时学案新牛津 1.doc

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1、AbilitiesReading(2)一、学习目标1.能根据文体、标题和图片猜测语境。2.能用英语描述火灾。3.了解用火安全以及发生危险时的自救及求救方法。二、重点难点1.读懂理解文章,学习文中年轻人善良和勇敢的品质。2.能掌握文中重点句型的用法。三、自学交流(一) 写出下列单词1. 毯子_ 2. 消防员_3. 点头 _4. 记者_ 5. 报纸 _ 6. 火柴_ 7. 仔细的,认真的,小心的 _ 8. 时刻,片刻,瞬间 _9.新闻,消息 _ 10. 垃圾,废弃物 _(二)用所给词或汉语意思填空。1.I _ ( hurt) my leg just now, so I couldnt go out

2、 of the room.2. Were you able _( ride) a bike two years ago?3. Please do not leave _(垃圾) here.4. We read the story in the h_ yesterday.5. She is very _(勇敢) little girl.6. It was too late. Li Ming r_ into the classroom this morning.(三)选择题( ) 1. Its important _ fire. A to care B. be careful C. to be c

3、areful D. to be careful with( 2. A car hit her yesterday and she is now_. Lets_ her this afternoon.A. in the hospital, go and to see B. in hospital, go and seeC. in hospital, go and to see D. in the hospital, to go and to see( )3. Wood catches fire easily, so _ fire. A. keep it away from B. dont kee

4、p it away from C. keep it away D. dont keep it away(四)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。swim you be burn anyone1. Did you do anything to protect_?2. The fire _ the whole house yesterday evening.3. We should stop the _ from swimming in the river.4. Listen! I can hear _ calling for help.5. Lin Tao _ in hospital for two

5、 months.四、展示点评五、达标检测(一)根据句意或汉语提示,完成句子。1.The fire _(烧毁) the whole house last year.2. There is a lot of _ ( 烟雾) in the hall.3. A boy fell off the tree and his legs were _(受伤)。4. Could you please wait for me for a _(片刻)?5. Do you like reading _ (报纸)?6. There _(毯子)are made of cotton. .They are light and

6、 warm.7. How much money did you _(筹集)for Protect Hope?8. Its raining heavily. And he gets _(湿的).(二)选择( ) 1. Mr. Liu is an _ man.A.80-years-old B. 80-year-old C. 80 years old D. 80 year old( ) 2. Lucy heard her neighbour _ for help. A. cries B. cry C. to cry D. crying( ) 3. There is a sign “ No _” on

7、 the wall. A. smoke B. smokes C. smoking D. smoking( ) 4. He is _. He always makesmistakes in his homework. A. careless B. carefulC. careD. not care( ) 5. The house was _ fire last night. People put _the fire. Aat, down B. in, out C. on, out D. on, down(三) 完成下面句子1. 小心烟火 Be careful _ _.2.不要让你的头发靠近火。

8、_ your hair _ _ _.3. 我希望他早日康复。 I hope he will _ _ soon.4. 妈妈生病住院了,我必须照顾她。 Mother is ill _ _ .I must look after her.5. 多么勇敢的年轻人啊!What _ _ young man!(四)句型转换1. I can play the piano. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ play the piano.2. Her uncle made her a kite last Sunday. (同义句转换) Her uncle made a kite _ _ last Sunday.3. Lin Tao stayed in hospital for two weeks. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ Lin Tao _ in hospital?4. Its important. You should be careful with fire. (合并为一句) Its important _you _ _ careful with fire.六、反馈反思:3



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