宁夏吴忠红寺堡区第三中学九级英语第二次专项测试人教新目标 1.doc

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1、 班级 姓名 考场 学号 装 订 线 内 不 准 答 题 红寺堡区第三中学2015-2016学年第一学期九年级英语第二次专项测试Where there is a will, there is a way!一根据汉语意思完成单词拼写(20分)1. 圣诞节 _ 2.不常,很少(adv.) _ 3礼物 _ 4.材料_ 5方便的 _ 6.法国 _ 7. 沉默的_ 8.日常的 _ 9.款式_ 10.硬币 _ 11.项目 _ 12.民族的,国家的 _ 13.先锋_ 14.选择(n.) _ 15.地震 _ 16.贸易_ 17.田野 _ 18.网站 _ 19. 提到(v.) _ 20筷子. _ 21.差,严重

2、地(adv.) _ 22.社会 _ 23.英雄 _ 24.教育(v.)_25.证件_ 26.产品(n.) _ 27.顾客,客户 _ 28.手套_29.安全(n.)_ 30.气球 _31.当地的_ 32.困倦的,瞌睡的_33.交通(n.)_ 34.接收,收到(v.) _35.野餐 _ 36.child复数形式 _37.目的,目标(n.)_ 38.病人 (n.)_ 39.胜利(n.) _ 40.差不多 _ 二、写出下列短语(20分)1.跌倒 _ 2. 由,制成(看不出原材料) _3.梦想做, _ 4. 以,而出名 _5.,的普及 _ 6.剩余的 7.对,认真 8.在,两旁 9.给某人一个拥抱_ 1

3、0. 在许多不同的区域 _11.实现某人的愿望_ 12.打耳洞 _13.阻止某人做某事_ 14.被要求做某事 _ 15.被,覆盖 16.有机会做某事 _17.据说 18.把,翻译成, 19.自己做决定 _ 20.最后 三、单项选择(22分)( )1._ do you study for a test? By taking notes.AWhat B. How C. Where D. When( )2. Tom finds _ useful to work in pairs. A. thatB. thisC. itD. one( )3. Dont worry, your mom will be

4、back_2 weeks. A. on B. for C. in D. at( )4. Linda said _ she would call me. A. that B. how C. if D. when( )5.The more you are_ in math, the better grades you will get.A. interestsB. interested C. interesting D. interest( )6. Could you please tell me _ ? -Two days ago.A. Where you took this photo. B.

5、 When you took this photo. C. When did you took this photo D. Where did you took this photo.( )7._ happens, Ill stand by you.ASo BBut COr DNo matter what ( )8. _ cute young elephant it is! A. How B. What a C. What D. How a( )9. How I regret _ my dear mother. A. talk backB. talked backC. to talk back

6、 D. talking back( )10. As Grade9 students,we _ to spend more time playing.A. are allowed B. wont allow C. arent allowedD. dont allow.( )11.Thanks very much to help me with my English. _-_.A.No thanks. B. Its my pleasure.C. Dont mention it.D. OK( )12. _ should be allowed to make their own decisions.A

7、. 15-year-old B. 15-years-old C. 15-year-oldsD. 15-years-olds( )13. Many flowers_ along the streets during the last meeting.A. are planted B. will plant C.were planted D. plant( )14.My brother is serious_playing basketball. A. practiceB. about practicingC.practicing D. about practice( )15. The weath

8、er in Beijing is really terrible, something must_to fight against it.A. is done B. be doneC. is doing D. be doing( )16. David asked me_I could come to his home for the birthday party on Saturday evening.A. when B. if C. where D. that( )17. Who is crying in the classroom? -It_be Lily. She has gone to

9、 YingChuan.A. can B. must C. cant D. may( )18. My watch is old,it needs_. A. repairing B. repaired C. repairs D. repair( )19. Trees can prevent the wind_the earth away. A. blows B. blow C.from blowing D. to blow( )20. Light colors can make people_happier_more active.A. either;orB. neither; norC. not only; but alsoD. neither; or( )21. My good friend_a gift, but she thought its too expe



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