山东胶南大场中心中学八级英语上册Unit 8 How was your school trip Section A导学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、山东省胶南市大场镇中心中学八年级英语上册Unit 8 How was your school trip Section A导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版知识目标A:.词与短语 Gift ,hang, win, prize, visitor, end monitor, hang out ,sleep late, day off B:句子结构: How was your school trip? “Did you go to the zoo?” “No, I went to the aquarium.” -Were there any sharks? -No, there werent any s

2、harks, but there were some really clever seals.C.语法:一般过去时的用法 预习导航(1)用最快的速度写出下列动词的过去式,(注意分清规则与不规则变化)study go take stop have do/does are clean eat buy see visit hang swim get win meet watch play plan (2) 你能在书中找出下列短语吗?(P4748)注意:动词要用原形。看海豹去水族馆照相和她的朋友们闲逛买份纪念品吃冰淇淋买汉堡包看鲨鱼去海滩买那顶帽子赢了那顶帽子得到某人的亲笔签名一个著名的演员获奖在水族

3、馆知识讲解:P4748(1)There be句型的用法:英语中There be结构表示意思。There是引导词,本身无词义;be为谓语动词,它后面的名词用作主语。Be动词的单复数由其后的第个名词决定。例如:There (be) a dog in front of the house. There (be) some chickens under the tree.There (be) a big tree and some flowers in the yard.它的过去时如下:There was a big tree in the yard when I was a child. 当我是个孩

4、子的时候,院子里有棵大树。否定式:在系动词is, are, was, were 后面加 。 例如:There a big tree in the yard when I was a child.一般疑问句式:系动词is, are, was, were 提到there前面构成一般疑问句。 例如: a big tree in the yard when you were a child? Yes, there . No, .(2)Were there any sharks? 有鲨鱼吗?其中any表示“一些”,通常用于 和句中,肯定句中用some。如:There are some sharks in

5、 the aquarium, but there arent any seals. 拓展:some可用于表示请求、建议的疑问句中?any用于条件句中。 如:Could you give me water? If you have questions, please come and ask me. (3)buy a souvenir买一件纪念品。buy 过去式是bought; 现在分词;三单是;反义词是。When did you buy this car? 你什么时候买的这辆小汽车?短语:buy sb.sth.=buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物。我父亲上星期给我买了一辆自行车。(

6、4)win 过去式是 。后跟比赛,名次,奖品等名称的词。现在分词winning,其名词形式是winner 获胜者,胜利者。辨析:win与beat. win通常跟a game(比赛),a war(战争),a prize(奖品)之类的词。beat之后跟people(人)。We beat them by 10 points. 我们以10分之差打败了他们。(5)else(adv.)“另外,其他”;置于something,anything, someone,anyone, somebody,anybody等不定代词或者what,who, where, when等疑问代词或副词之后。 Would you

7、like anything else? 你还想要点别的东西吗?Where else shall we go? 我们还去别的地方吗?思维拓展:famous(adj.)著名的。其反义词是unknown(不出名的)。a famous city. 一个著名的城市。a famous actor. 一个著名的演员。 be famous for 因而著名。China is very famous for its food in the world. 中国因它的食品而闻名全世界。 be famous as 作为而著名。She is famous as a singer. 她作为歌手而著名。课堂检测1、He h

8、ad breakfast with his family at home this morning. (改为否定句) He breakfast with his family at home this morning.2、There was a park near my home last year. (改为否定句) a park near my home last year?3、Did you sleep late last night?(作肯定回答)。 , I .4、Were there any seals? (改为肯定的陈述句)。 .5、They had a meeting on Tue

9、sday. (划线提问)。 they a meeting?6、What other things did you do on your day off? (改写同义句) did you do on your day off?第二课时Section A (3a-4)知识目标A:.词和短语. Gift ,hang, win, prize, visitor, end monitor, hang out ,sleep late, day off B:句子结构: How was your school trip? “Did you go to the zoo?” “No, I went to the a

10、quarium.” -Were there any sharks? -No, there werent any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.C.语法:一般过去时的用法 预习导航1.翻译下列短语(动词要用原形)过得愉快在学校旅行中蓝水水族馆看一场关于鲨鱼的电影观看一场海豚表演午饭后去礼品店乘公共汽车返回学校在当天结束后虽然累但很高兴打扫公共汽车开车兜风住在加利福尼亚上课在第二天休假时2.内容详解(3a4) (1)have a great time=have a very good time. 汉译:have a good tim

11、e= = 注:time也可以换成其他名词: have a nice holiday 假日过得愉快。have a good winter holiday 汉译:have a great school trip 汉译:(2)Then they watched a dolphin show. 然后他们看了一场海豚表演。 watch 表示“观看”。它的近义词还有see和look。see:看见,了解,领会,注意。see a film. Let me see. Did you see my radio? (指“看到”这一结果)watch:看,注视,警戒,守候。watch a game/match. I watched a movie yesterday. (指“观看”这一事件)look:看,注意,显得,好像。look at, look like, Can I have a look at your photos? (指“看”这一动作) show:可作名词,表示“展览”。a picture show 图画展。a fashion show 时装展还可作动词,表示“出示,指示,展出,显示”等。show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb. 把某物出示给某人看。Ill


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