初三英语Unit 4 TV programmes 2 译林新疆知识精讲.doc

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1、用心 爱心 专心 初三英语初三英语 UnitUnit 4 4 TVTV programmesprogrammes 2 2 译林版 新疆 译林版 新疆 本讲教育信息本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 Unit 4 TV programmes 2 Main task Write your own TV programmes for a writing competition Tasks 1 Use while and as to talk about when things happen 2 Use comparatives and superlatives 3 Write your own TV pro

2、grammes for a writing competition 二 重点 难点 Grammar C D C Using while and as 运用 while 和 as while 和 as 是时间连词 当 时候 表示事情 动作 同时发生 当连接同时发生的两个长动作时 常用 while e g While Millie was watching TV Eddie was sleeping 当连接同时发生的一长一短两个动作时 用 while 或 as 引导时间较长的动作 这个 长动作在时间较短的动作发生之前就已开始 e g While Eddie was sleeping Hobo we

3、nt to watch TV As mother was cooking Mary went back 当连接同时发生的两个短动作时 常用 as e g As you see him give him this letter 注意 while 和 as 引导的状语从句在时态上必须和主句保持一致 D Comparatives and superlatives of adverbs 副词的比较级和最高级 副词的比较级和最高级与形容词的比较级及最高级的构成方法相同 即单音节和部分 双音节副词在词尾加 er 加 est 构成比较级和最高级 多音节副词在副词之前加 more 和 most 构成比较级和最

4、高级 以后缀 ly 结尾的副词要用 more 和 most e g fast faster fastest early earlier earliest late later latest beautifully more beautifully most beautifully slowly more slowly most slowly quickly more quickly most quickly 另外还有不规则副词的比较级和最高级 e g well better best badly worse worst much more most little less least far

5、farther farthest 用心 爱心 专心 e g Sandy runs faster than Amy Daniel draws the most carefully in our class IntegratedIntegrated SkillsSkills 1 She is more interested in watching programmes about animals 她对观看动物 节目更感兴趣 be more interested in doing sth 对做某事更感兴趣 2 Usually she spends about two hours every day

6、watching TV 通常她每天花大 约 2 小时的时间看电视 3 He finds programmes about sports boring 他发现体育节目无聊 这是宾补结构的句子 find sth adj 做宾补 e g I find English difficult MainMain TaskTask 1 the two children disagree all the time 两个孩子一直意见不合 disagree vi 不同意 有分歧 反义词是 agree disagree with sb sth 与某人意见不一致 不同意某事 e g I disagree with yo

7、u on that point 我在那一点上与你意见不一致 I disagree with your suggestion 我不同意你的建议 2 the two children argued about what TV programmes to watch 两个孩子争论该 看什么电视节目 argue with sb about sth 为某事与某人争论 争吵 e g He argued with me about how to spend the money yesterday 昨天他就怎 样花这笔钱和我争论 CheckoutCheckout 1 Today is such an exci

8、ting day 今天真是令人兴奋 an exciting day 令人兴奋的日子 exciting adj 令人兴奋的 主语是某件事情 excited adj 使人感到兴奋的 主语是人 e g I am excited about the exciting news 我对这个令人兴奋的消息感到兴奋 such adj 后接名词 so adv 后接形容词或副词 上句也可写成 Today is so exciting a day 看下面两个句子 She is such a good teacher that everyone likes her She is so good a teacher t

9、hat everyone likes her 2 It is you who made our story so perfect 是你让我们的故事如此完美 It is who 是常用的强调句结构 e g It is my mother who cooks supper for us every day 是妈妈每天为我们做 晚饭 It was he who played games the whole night 是他整个晚上都在玩游戏 用心 爱心 专心 模拟试题模拟试题 答题时间 60 分钟 C3YYMX929b ASF 一 听力测试 A 根据听到的句子选应答句 1 A It s full o

10、f horror and mysteries B It s directed by a new director C I have seen it twice 2 A Today s Music Video B News Round up C Weather report 3 A At 7 40 B From 7 40 to 8 05 C Every evening 4 A Between 9 00 and 11 00 B When you want to relax C This coming Saturday 5 A Never mind B I m far too busy to go

11、C My pleasure B 听短文回答问题 1 How old is the girl 2 Did she win in that competition 3 What did she try to do in Chinese classes 4 What did she try to do in music classes 5 Is she afraid of performing in public 二 根据句意 将句子补充完整 1 He talked 少 of all at the meeting 2 After twenty minutes 讨论 the students agre

12、ed with the teacher 3 He was working on the day of his 死 4 It s 危险 to play football in the street 5 I will give you two 月 time to finish the work 6 I got up late yesterday but luck I got to school in time 7 The students are having a week test 8 The boy s grandfather died a nature death 9 The key is

13、one of the direct over there 10 We found this TV programme very enjoy 三 按要求改写句子 1 I know everything about it after my mother told me 改为同义句 用心 爱心 专心 2 Sports World is my favourits programme 改为同义句 3 The basket was full of vegetables just now 改为同义句 4 Ten years has passed since his grandparents died 改为同

14、义句 5 Shall we discuss the matter later 改为同义句 6 It isn t easy to learn any subject well 改为同义句 7 Don t leave before the teacher comes back 改为同义句 8 There were two hundred teachers in our school last year 改为同义句 9 He left the classroom latest yesterday 用比较级改写 意思不变 10 He walks so quickly that I can t catc

15、h up with him 改为简单句 四 用正确的连词填空 since as when as soon as while if after before until because 1 He asked me another question I could answer the first one 2 I was doing my homework suddenly a dog came in 3 The students sang they went along 4 I was writing letters last night he was watching TV 5 I ll be

16、 more careful what you have said 6 Please wait here I come back 7 It is so dark outside it is raining 8 everyone is here let s begin our meeting 9 I get to Beijing I will write to you 10 it rains tomorrow I will not go to Shanghai 五 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 I pull the handle as hard as I could 2 Tom is the strong of the two young men 3 We d better talk little and do more 4 Look The farmers are feeding the animals busy 5 English is wide spoken than Chinese at the moment 6 We should speak to them even polite


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