江苏涟水红日中学七级英语7AUnit One This is me 学案1 人教新目标.doc

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1、江苏省涟水县红日中学七年级英语7AUnit One This is me 学案(1)(无答案) 人教新目标版教学目标:1,进一步了解阳光中学的几名学生; 2,学习描绘人的方式; 3,用英语介绍自己或他人。教学重点:理解课文和文中的一些词组、句子教学难点:be good at 的用法及第三人称单数的动词用法教学过程:一、出示目标:二、自主学习:1.指导学生互相打招呼并问候,复习上一课时学习的内容。2.带着问题阅读文章并找出下列重要的句子和词组:12 years oldhave short hairlove readingLets meet my new classmates.like sport

2、splay footballafter schooltall and slimShe likes music.be from Nanjingbe good at=_三、交流展示:1. 预习情况交流2. 指导完成阅读文章,完成B2部分的判断练习。四、释疑解难:解决有可能碰到的疑难。五、当堂检测:得分:_I、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Simons father is 37 _ (year) old.2. Does your brother like _(阅读) very much?3. He is good at _ (swim).4. I am in Class Four, G_ Seven

3、now.5. There are 71 _ (学生) in our class, so I have 70 _ (同班同学).II、句型转换1. She is good at reading. She _ _ _ reading.2. Im in Class 1. (对划线部分提问) _ _ are you in?3. Lucy comes from Shanghai.(改为同义句) Lucy _ _ Shanghai.4. I like football very much.(用She替换I改写句子) _ _ football very much.5. Sandy is very tall.

4、(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _?6. Im 13 years old.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _?III、单项选择( )1. -Are you the dogs master?- _. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, you areC. Yes, I amD. Yes, Im( )2-What class are you in? - _ A. Im in One ClassB. Im in Class One.C. Yes, I amD. No, Im not.( )3. Simon is very tall. He likes playing _basketball

5、. A. aB. anC. theD. /( )4. Now lets _ school. A. to go B. go toC. to go toD. going to( )5. Where _Andy _from? A. is; /B. does; is comeC. does; comesD. do; come( )6. She has _. A. a long hairB. many long hairsC. long hairD. long hairs( )7. -Hi, Im Sandy. _ your name? -_ name is Kate. A. What; MyB. Wh

6、ats; ImC. Whats; MyD. Whats; IIV、英汉互译1. 一位新学生_ 2. after school _3. 擅长踢足球_ 4. have short hair _5. 又高又苗条_ 6. love reading _V、 完形填空 I have a good friend. 1 Chinese name is Liu Tao and his 2 name is Mark Rowswell . He 3 from Canada(加拿大). He can 4 English and French. And he speaks Chinese very 5 . He lik

7、es China very much. Now he teaches English 6 Beijing. Liu Tao 7 a big nose, big eyes 8 short brown hair. He has a happy family. His wife(妻子)is from Sichuan, China. They 9 two children. Liu Taos father and mother are in Canada. But 10 like China, too. And they often come to China. ( )1. A. He B. Him

8、C. His ( )2. A. EnglishB. French C. Japanese ( )3. A. come B. doesC. comes ( )4. A. speakB. speaksC. says ( )5. A. good B. niceC. well ( )6. A. at B. toC. in ( )7. A. is B. areC. has ( )8. A. and B. orC. so ( )9. A. are B. haveC. is ( )10. A. they B. themC. their VI、阅读理解 Hi! I am Jack. Im from the U

9、SA. Now I am in Nanjing with my parents. I am a student at a middle school in Nanjing. I have breakfast at home. But I have no time to go home for lunch, so I have it at school. The food in our school is very good. My father is 38 years old and my mother is 36 years old. They are both teachers, but

10、they work in different(不同的)schools. We go home after school. We have dinner at home together. ( )1. How old is Jack?A. He is ten.B. He is twelve.C. He is nine.D. Sorry, I dont know. ( )2. Where is Jack from? A. He is from Nanjing.B. He is from Beijing. C. He is from the UK.D. He is from the USA. ( )3. Jack and his parents have dinner_. A. at schoolB. at home C. in the classroomD. in different schools ( )4. How old is Jacks mother? She is _. A. 35 B. 36 C. 37 D. 38六、自我评价:3用心 爱心 专心


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