2012英语名师备课(课件)新人教版必修3:Unit3《The Million Pound Bank Note》.ppt

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2012英语名师备课(课件)新人教版必修3:Unit3《The Million Pound Bank Note》.ppt_第1页
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《2012英语名师备课(课件)新人教版必修3:Unit3《The Million Pound Bank Note》.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2012英语名师备课(课件)新人教版必修3:Unit3《The Million Pound Bank Note》.ppt(50页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3Themillionpoundbanknote 1 v 鞠躬 弯腰2 n 理发店3 n 出生地4 n 作者 创始人5 n 故障 毛病6 n 帐目 理由 account bow barber s birthplace author fault 7 v 许可 允许8 v 漫步 徘徊9 n actually12 n 数量 总额 amount permit wander adventure phrase indeed 13 vt 发现n 地点14 n 戏 一场 场面15 n 方式 习惯16 n 通道 文章17 v 凝视 盯着看18 n 甜品 dessert spot scene manner

2、 passage stare adj 相信的 adj 难以置信的 adv 难以置信地 n 信仰 1 believevt 相信 belief believable unbelievable unbelievably It believe thathehaspassedthelastfinalexamination Iholdthestrong believe thatIcanachievemydreaminthefuture isbelieved belief believe nobodycansolvethissimpleproblem Itis believe thattomorrowwil

3、lbeasunnyday becausetherearesomanystarsshininginthesky Unbelievably believable Ienjoyreading novel especiallytheworksofMarkTwain whowasaworldwide novel 2 noveln 小说 n 小说家 novelist novelist novels adv 耐心地 adj 没有耐性的 adv 没有耐性地 n 耐性 3 patientadj 有耐性的n 病人 patience patiently impatient impatiently Theparent

4、slost patient withhisnaughtysonevenwantedtogivehimup Generallyspeaking mostteachersarepatient studentsandkindtothem Asanurseryteacher youmustn tbe patient withthechildren patience with impatient 1 发自内心 2 偶然 3 做出解释 说明原因 4 与 打赌 5 前进 6 值得 fromthebottomofheart byaccident bychance accountfor makeabetwith

5、sb onsth goahead beworth 7 正相反 8 养育 9 盯住 10 衣裳褴褛 11 希望 12在现场 beonthescene spot onthecontrary bringup stareat inrags inthehopethat 13 一大笔钱 14 tobehonest 15 takeachance 16 inamanner 17 orderalotoffood 18 loseone spatience alargeamount sumofmoney 坦城地说 冒险 以 方式 点很多菜 失去耐性 1 Henry原本在一个幸福 富有的家庭中长大 bringup a

6、samatteroffact 2 一场意外的事故 转眼Henry成为一个衣裳破烂的孤儿 byaccident inrags 1 Asamatteroffact Henrywasbroughtupinahappy perfectandwealthyfamily 2 Henrybecameanorphanbyaccident andhewasdressedinrags 3 虽然他路费也没有 但他拒绝了善意的帮助 passage charity 3 Hehadnotanypassage buthedidn tacceptthekindcharity 4 恰恰相反 他发誓要靠自己的双手赚钱 makea

7、bet byhand inthehopethat onthecontrary 5 就算是冒险 他也决定去尝试 takeachance 4 Onthecontrary hemadeabetwithhimselfanddecidedtotakeachanceinthehopethathecouldearnalargeamountofmoneybyhand 5 Hedecidedtotakeachancetohaveatry 6 于是他到处找工 专挑那些最苦 最脏 最廉价的活去干 stareat seek tobehonest 7 几年之后 他靠努力以及坚持不懈的精神 终于取得了难以置信的成功 pa

8、tience unbelievable accountfor 6 Sohesoughtajobeverywhere andstaredatthosejobs tobehonest whicharethehardest dirtiestandcheapestones 7 Afewyearslater hishardworkandpatienceaccountedforhisunbelievablesuccesseventually 8 谈到理想时 毫无疑问 他将勇往直前 asfor undoubtedly goahead 9 他还想以自己的自强自立和坚忍不拔的毅力而流芳百世 becomebest

9、famousfor 8 Asforhisdream undoubtedly hewouldgohead 9 Hewouldliketobecomebestknownforhisindependenceandpersistence Henry who asamatteroffact hadeverbeenbroughtupinahappy wealthyandperfectfamily wasanorphandressedinrags Tosurvive hemadeabetwithhimselfandtookachancetoseekanhonestjobinthehopethathecoul

10、dearnalargeamountofmoneybyhand 基础写作参考范文 Althoughhehadnopassage herefusedanycharity onthecontrary hestaredatthoserejected tobehonest whichwerethehardest dirtiestandcheapestjobs Yearslater it shishardworkandpatiencethataccountedforhisunbelievablesuccess Asforhisdream undoubtedly hewouldgoaheadandbecom

11、ebestknownforhisindependenceandpersistence BorninFlorida MarkTwain anAmericanrenownedwriterandspeaker spenthisboyhoodinHannibal Missouri alongtheMississippiRiver threeof1 mostfamousbooksdescribepeopleonthisgreatriver whose Asthisauthorlovedtheriversomuchthateven2 pennamecomesfromtheriver Asweknow Tw

12、ain isanoldwordfor two So to marktwain thatistosay thewaterisequal3 twofathomsdeep his to Beingpoor Twaindroppedschoolattheageoftwelve4 look forwork Overthenexttwodecadesheworkedasaprinter ariverboatpilot asoldier agoldminer abusinessmanandanewspaperreportertosupportthefamily tolook Itwassaidthathis

13、first5 success storywasaboutajumpingfrogcontest Andhisworksbecameextremelyfamousforitsdescriptionofcommonpeopleandthewaytheytalked especially6 hishumor Asaresult hebecameveryrichfromhisworks successful for 7 thelastyearsofhislife8 fill withsadevents thedeathsofhiswifeandchildren thelonelinessandthel

14、ossofmuchmoney Forthis hiswritingslostmostofitshumorandbecamesad9 him Yetheisstillregardedasoneofthe10 well knownwritersinthemodernworld However wasfilled like best 1 scenen 喜剧 一场 现场 场面 景色 scene scenery sight view onthescene在现场 Thecaveisaverynice inthatplace 运用 请选用上面的词语填空 sight Fromthetopofthehillyo

15、uhaveanice ofthewholecity We lltakeyoutoseethe whenyou reinBeijing The inthemountainsisverybeautiful Firefighterswereonthe immediately view sights scenery scene spotsb doingsth 注意到 发现某人做 onthespot当场 立即hotspot热点aspotof少许 少量inaspot陷入麻烦 2 spotvt 发现 认出n 斑点 污点 地点 Myfather spot severalspellingmistakesinmy

16、compositionjustnow Thepolicefoundabloodyhandkerchief thespotbytheriver 运用 用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空 on spotted seeksb sadvice help征求意见 求帮助seektodosth 试图去做seekhelpfromsb向某人求助seekyourfortune外出寻找发财机会seeksb sth out挑选出 物色 派生 seeker n 找寻者 追求者job seeker求职者 3 seekv sought sought 寻找 探索 寻求 Theyhavesought improve theirEnglishlearningthesedays Shemanagedtocalmhimdownandseekhelp aneighbour 运用 用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空 from toimprove onthecontrary正相反contraryto与 相反 4 contraryn 反面 对立面adj 相反的 相违的 You requitefreenow Ithink I


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