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1、高考必考语法改错 被动语态 错中学易掌握印象深永不忘 歌诀 被动语态be字变 过去分词跟后面 被动语态的构成 以do为例 各种时态的被动语态形式为 1 am is are done一般现在时2 has havebeendone现在完成时3 am is arebeingdone现在进行时4 was weredone一般过去时5 hadbeendone过去完成时6 was werebeingdone过去进行时 7 shall willbedone一般将来时例8 should wouldbedone过去将来时例9 shall willhavebeendone将来完成时 少用 10 should wo

2、uldhavebeendone过去将来完成时 少用 被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式 被动语态由be 过去分词构成 be随时态的变化而上变化 get pp 过去分词 的用法 getdone结构 get是系动词 后接过去分词或形容词作表语 表示状语的改变 意为 被 变得 它不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用 getdressed changedgetmarriedgetburnt burnedgetdrunkgetstartedgetlostgetcaughtintheraingetdamagedgetexcitedgetkilledgetpaidgethurt 穿衣服 换衣服结婚烧伤 晒黑喝醉开

3、始迷路被雨淋湿遭到破坏激动丧命得到报酬受伤 考点 get 过去分词 结构 考例 1 Sarah hurryup I mafraidyouwon thavetimeto beforetheparty NMET04 28 2 Becarefulwhenyoucrossthisverybusystreet Ifnot youmay byacar 北京2002 3 Howaretheteamplaying They replayingwell butoneofthem 北京2002春 4 Aswejoinedthebigcrowd I frommyfriends NMET2001 5 Cleaning

4、womeninbigcitiesusually bythehour getchanged 换衣服 getrunover gothurt gotseparated getpaid getchanged getrunover gothurt gotseparated getpaid 改错 注意 2 Alibrarywithfivethousandbooksareofferedtothenationasagift 解析 alibrary是offer的承受者 要用被动语态 又因主语 library 是单数 注意 withfivethousandbooks是alibrary是定语 被动语态十大经典错误例

5、析 is 将语态与主谓一致结合起来命题 1 Alltheemployeesexceptthemanager encourage toworkonlineathome 2 Withmoreforestsbeingdestroyed hugequantitiesofgoodearth wash eachyear areencouraged arebeingwashedaway 语法填空 3 Greatchangeshavebeentakenplaceinourcitysince2000 改错 takeplace和happen都是不及物动词或短语 不能用于被动语态 breakout breakin

6、belongto loseheart consistof addupto rise happen succeed remain lie occur等都属于不及物动词 词组 不能用于被动语态 被动语态十大经典错误例析 不及物动词或短语 Thetrafficaccidentwashappenedyesterday I llcomeafterthemeetingiftime permit Thefirewasbrokeoutinthecapitalbuilding Aftertheearthquake fewhouseswereremained Whenwegottothetopofthemount

7、ain thesunhadalreadybeenrisen permits 我练 我练 我练练 改错 注意 4 IYourpronunciationshouldbepaidattention 有些短语动词相当于及物动词也有被动语态 短语动词变成被动语态时 不能把后面的介词或副词漏掉 被动语态十大经典错误例析 to 短语动词变成被动语态介词 副词不能丢 1 Thedoctorhasbeensent 介词 2 Yourhomeworkshouldbehanded afterclass 副词 3 Womenwerelookeddown intheolddays 4 Hishousewasbroke

8、byathieflastnight 5 Newly bornbabiesaretakengoodcare inhospital for in 语法填空 upon on into of 6 Thepatientisbeingoperated on 短语动词常见的有 catchsightof makeuseof payattentionto setfireto takecareof takeholdof takenoticeof keepaneyeon 7 Goodcaremust babies particularlywhiletheyareill betakenof betakenof 解析

9、由固定短语takegoodcareof 好好照看 是可知 goodcare与take是被动关系 改错 注意 5 ShewasheardsinganEnglishsongintheclassroom 有些动词如see hear watch notice listento let make等 要求不带不定式符号to的不定式做宾语补足语 但变成被动语态时要加上不定式符号to 原来的宾语变成主语 原来的宾语补足语就变成了主语补足语 被动语态十大经典错误例析 to 1 Theboywasmade crybyhissister 语法填空 to But Thestrangewasletgo 改错 注意 61

10、 WhomwasEnglishspokeninthenextroomjustnow WhospokeEnglishinthenextroomjustnow 主动语态 先把who当作主语sb变为被动语态 得到下面的句子 Englishwasspokenbywhominthenextroomjustnow 疑问词要放在句首变为 WhomwasEnglishspokenbyinthenextroomjustnow 介词by可以同whom一起放在前面 也可以放在后面 被动语态十大经典错误例析 by 62 Frenchisalsotaughtbyourschool 改错 by引出动作发出者 我们学校也教

11、法语 翻译成OurschoolalsoteachesFrench 是错误的 当动作的执行者没有必要指明或为大家所知时 通常用被动语态 Frenchisalsotaughtinourschool in 被动语态十大经典错误例析 1 Peopleshouldbestopped cuttingmoretrees 语法填空 from stop prevent keepsb sth from doingsth阻止 干某事 在主动语态中from可以省去 变成被动句sb sthbestopped preventedfromdoingsth from不可省 Keepsb sthfromdoingsth意思也是

12、 阻止 干 做 事 无论在主动语态或被动语态中 from不能省去 若省去from就变成keepsb sthdoingsth使某人一直干某事 2 wasthenewbridgebuilt 3 Thedoctorisknown usall 4 Themedicalteamismadeup twodoctorsandtennurses Bywhom to of 改错 注意 5 Thejobhadbetterbeenfinishedaheadoftime 含hadbetter的句子由主动语态变为被动语态时作用相当于一个情态动词 同can may must等 变为被动语态时相同 类似的词组还有seemt

13、o happento usedto haveto beableto等 被动语态十大经典错误例析 be 改错 注意 7 AmathsproblemwasdiscussedwhenIenteredtheclassroom 现在进行式的被动语态形式为am is are being 过去分词 过去进行式的被动语态形式为was were being 过去分词 被动语态十大经典错误例析 being Haveyoumovedintoyournewhouse No it paint now 语法填空 isbeingpainted 改错 注意 8 Aninterestingstorywastoldmelastn

14、ight tellsb sth tellsth tosb Sb betoldsth Sth betoldtosb 被动语态十大经典错误例析 to Thecupwithmixturewasshowed theclass 2 Somecountrymusicwasplayed us 3 Aquestionwasasked mebyhim to for of bring give hand lend offer pass pay promise sell show take teach tell等 build buy cook cut choose do fetch find fix get kee

15、p make order paint play sing等 改错 注意 9 Theyhavemarriedfor2years 强调状态 被动语态十大经典错误例析 been 10 Thisbookissoldwellhere 改错 有些动词 如act add brush burn clean cook count cut draw drive keep lock look open read sell smell smoke strike wash wear write等 其主动形式在一些具体场合表示被动意义 这类句子的特点是 主语往往是 物 而不是 人 另外 后面往往带有well这一类副词或者

16、修饰主语的形容词 selling 被动语态十大经典错误例析 主动表被动 Thiskindofcloth wash well Thesoup taste wonderful 语法填空 washes tastes taste feel look sound smell appear等 后接形容词作表语 不可用于被动语态 主动表被动 3 Thepatientneeds takecareof takingcareof tobetakencareof need want require三个词的主语是后面跟的动词的承受者时 动名词用主动形式 表示被动意思 不定式用被动形式 句型为 sb sthneeds wants requiresdoing tobedone 4 Eggswon t keep longinsummer 5 Englishisnoteasy learn 6 Pleaselendmeapen write keep tolearn towritewith Themeatdidn tcookwell 主动句 Themeatwascookedforalongtimeoverlowheat


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