秋九级英语全册周周清9Unit9新人教新目标 1.ppt

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1、检测内容 Unit9 一 单项选择 10 2分 20分 1 Doyouhave electronicdictionary No butmyparentswillbuyoneforme A aB anC theD 不填 2 PuShu snewsongOrdinaryRoadhaswonhigh fromthepublic Yes Itsimplymovesmillionsofpeople A praiseB recordC adviceD purpose B A 3 Theconcertthiseveningissuretobeexciting Butitisa thatIcannotgoth

2、erewithyou A joyB wonderC pityD wound 4 Iprefer someshoppingto campingsincetheweatherisn tlovely A do goingB ding goC do goD doing going C D 5 Tom Iamsosorrythatyougota C again Wouldyoupleasestopmakingme Iamsorry Mom Iwillworkharder Ipromise A offB upC awayD down 6 WhenI msadortired Ioftenlistentomu

3、sicthatcan A cheermeupB cheerupmeC pickmeupD pickupme D A 7 Wegainknowledge frombooks fromlife Yes bothareimportant A as asB neither norC notonly butalsoD not but 8 MyparentssaythatGuoJingming smoviesareabsurd 荒谬的 Maybetheyareright ButGuoisgoodatmakingfilms arelikedbyteenagers A whatB thoseC whoD th

4、at C D 9 HaveyoueverwatchedanyJamesCameron smovies Yes TitanicandAvatar Heisoneofthegreatestdirectorswho themoviehistory A hadinfluencedB isinfluencedC haveinfluencedD areinfluenced 10 Themusicinthemovieissowonderful Ijustthinkthemusicistoonoisy A Ican tagreemoreB That swhatIthinkC Ihavethesamefeeli

5、ngD That syouropinion D C 二 完形填空 15 1分 15分 TwoChinesefarmerssangIntheSpringintheirsmallroomafterdrinkingonalateAugusteveninginBeijing AfriendputtheirsongontheInternet Andsoontheybecame 11 aroundChina WangXu 44 isfromHenan andLiuGang 29 isfromHeilongjiang Theyare 12 themillionsoffarmerswhohavegonetoc

6、itiestowork Although 13 paysattentiontothemusic Iamsinginghappily onstreets underbridgesorinwildcountry withnocreditcard nogirlfriendorahomewithhotwater butonlyaguitar theysing Itisjustlikethelifewe 14 now Wangsaid Wearepoorfarmers andyouknowpeoplewon t 15 us TheirsongislovedbymillionsofChinese 16 p

7、eoplewhoarealsofromthecountryside Manypeoplesaidtheycriedaftertheylistenedtothesong WangcametoBeijingin2000andhas 17 manyjobs Hecan tgetmuchmoney Eachmonthafterhepaid600yuanforthehouseandboughtfood therewas 18 moneyleft Ilovemusic andalsowanttomakemoremoney Wangsaid Ineverdreamedofstandingonsuchabig

8、stage LiucametoBeijingin2002 Iwantedtotrymy 19 inthebigcity hesaid Andnowtheirdreamsofmusichave 20 TheyarereallytheluckiestofallthefarmersinChina 11 A starsB workersC directorsD hosts 12 A betweenB acrossC amongD above 13 A everybodyB SomeoneC nobodyD anyone 14 A holdB hateC shareD live 15 A worryab

9、outB careaboutC thinkaboutD lookfor A C C D B 16 A withoutB IncludingC exceptD throughout 17 A triedB attractedC devotedD marked 18 A fewB littleC enoughD plenty 19 A luckB effortC effectD energy 20 A comeupB comeacrossC comealongD cometrue B A B A D 三 阅读理解 5 3分 15分 21 DengLijun ssongsarepopular A a

10、roundtheworldB inAmericaC inEuropeD inEastAsia 22 JosephGordon LevittactedinthefollowingfilmsEXCEPT A InceptionB 500DaysofSummerC FindingNeverlandD TheDarkKnightRises D C 23 ChloseMoretzstartedactingin A 2010B 2004C 1999D 1988 24 FreddieHighmorecomesfrom A AmericaB JapanC CanadaD England 25 WhichisT

11、RUEaccordingtotheabovereading A JosephGordon LevittisanAmericanactor B DengLijunwasveryfamousforherpopmusic C ChloseMoretzhasstoppedactingfor3years D CharlieBucketwasahard workingactor B D A 四 词汇运用 10 2分 20分 A 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 26 Whereisthe 主人 ofthehouse 27 Manynewspapers 反映 theopinionsofthechildren Do

12、youknowtheseopinions 28 Theyaresoluckytohaveachanceto 表演 ontonight sshow 29 Helikedthewideopenspacesofthe 澳大利亚的 countryside 30 Don tworry Tom Itisaclean 伤口 Itwillbefinesoon master owner reflect perform Australian wound B 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 31 Herchildhoodbroughthernothingbut sad 32 Doyouknowwhothe dire

13、ct ofthenewmovieis Yes It sChenKaige 33 Hisparents praise himforhisgoodbehavioratschoolyesterday 34 Herheadwasvery pain Shecouldn tcontinueherwork 35 Hissistergot marry lastyearandhadalovelybaby sadness director praised painful married 五 任务型阅读 5 3分 15分 TherearealotofkindsoffolkmusicinChina becauseCh

14、inahas56nationalitiesandeverygrouphasitsownstyleofmusic Thereisalotofpoetry 诗意 inChinesefolksongs includingideas feelingsandimages Butinpopsongs thereisnopoetry EachChinesefolksonghasitsownpersonality forexample Jasmine 茉莉花 DancingofYouth 青春舞曲 or Myyouthhas goneawaylike abirdandnevercomesback Folkso

15、ngsarefromthepeople Folksongsarelikeawayofservingthepeople althoughfolksongsexpressthefeelingsofthepeople Chinesefolksongsexpressthefeelings theemotions 感受 andthehopesofpeopleaboutbeinginloveorhowharditis Themorenational themoreinternational InordertospreadChinesefolkmusic aforum 论坛 offolksongscalle

16、d NanningInternationalFestivalofFolkSongsArt isheldeveryyear Chineseandoverseasartgroupsandartistsoftenperformattheopeningceremony suchasChineseminoritysingers HanHong TengGe erandALilang Themorewidelyitspreads themoreattentionthemusicattracts 36 翻译第一段画横线的单词 37 翻译文中画线句子 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 F 38 Thefolksongsonlyexpressthefeelingsofthepeople 39 Inwriter sopinion thereisnopoetryinpopsongs 40 Thispassage 短文 isaboutthecultureofChinesefolksongs 民族 我的青春像鸟一样一去不复返 F T T 六 书面表达 15分 不同的人喜欢不同的音乐 你喜欢什么音乐 你不喜欢什么音乐



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