河北承德平安堡中学七级英语下册Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A1a2d导学案新人教新目标.doc

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河北承德平安堡中学七级英语下册Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A1a2d导学案新人教新目标.doc_第1页
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《河北承德平安堡中学七级英语下册Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A1a2d导学案新人教新目标.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北承德平安堡中学七级英语下册Unit 3 How do you get to school Section A1a2d导学案新人教新目标.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、河北省承德市平安堡中学七年级英语下册Unit 3 How do you get to school SectionA(1a-2d)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版Uni3 SectionA1a2d 课时:1课时 课型:预习+展示 学案编号:编制人核人:使用时间班级: 姓名: 小组: 评价等级:教师或学生笔记栏学习目标:1其中2和3 为重难点1.识记并会运用单词。2.理解并运用短语:Get to school , what about/how about , take the subway/train/bus , walk to school , by bus/train/bike3. 掌握

2、并会运用句型:How do you get to school? I ride my bike。学习过程:1. 课前独学,完成相关内容。2.课上对学,群学,小组展示 ,准备班内大展示。(10分钟)3.班内大展示 。(25分钟) 4.学案整理,达标测评 。(10分钟)导学过程Step 1:(学法指导:请同学们认真阅读课本19、20页的内容,按要求完成以下预习任务,并清楚工整的整理在预习本上,相信大家能够出色的完成!请记住使用双色笔。)任务一:找出这两页中的短语或固定搭配并背下来:到学校_。怎么样_ 乘坐地铁/火车/公共汽车_ 步行去上学_ 乘公共汽车/乘火车/骑自行车_任务二:列出主要句型:1你

3、如何到达学校?我骑自行车。_-. 2他如何到达学校? _.3你要和谁去?_?4他步行去学校。_。5它花多长时间?步行它大约花25分钟坐公交车10分钟。 ?_。任务三:查阅资料总结take单词的用法。写出单词的词性,词义,并分别造句(有的单词的词性会有好几种呢!)1 I take the bus .take 词性_.词义 _(_例句)2 It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus . 词性_词义 take 的用法._.学以致用1 He often _( take) to work.2 How long did it _(花费)

4、you to get to school ?3 _(如何) do you get to school ?.4 Are you _(四十)years old ?5He often goes to school _(乘坐) subway .任务四:语法。1 How do you usually get to school ?. 2 He doesnt walks to school .?3 He walks to school .4.Does he go to work by bus ?翻译以上句子。总结语法内容。这是_时态。构成_-。陈述句_-疑问句_?回答_否定句_-.语法集中连;1 He o

5、ften_(乘坐) the train to school.2 Three _(百 )students are watching the match .3 It takes 25 _(分钟) to get there .4 He _(骑) his bike to work.5 Mike usually walks to school . (疑问句/ 否定句)_-?_。Step2 完成对话展示内容。依下列对话为范本,使用第三人称适当扩充。(二或三人一组,也可四人一组整体完成)A : How do you get to school ?B : I usually walk but sometime

6、s I take the bus .A : How long does it take ? B : It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 5 minutes by bus .达标检测;(1至3号同学全部完成。4号同学完成前6题即可满分)1 How does he go to school ? He _(乘坐) the train .2 My father often _(fly ) to Beijing for the meeting .3 He is _(40) years old . 4 How does your father go to work

7、_foot _bike ? A on,with Bwith ,on C on,by 5 _does it take her to get to school? 8 minutes. A How far B How long C how often 6 It takes about 40 minutes to walk (疑问句)_? 7 My mother usually takes the bus to work.(否定句) _.8 I usually spend 3 hours doing my homework .(划线句子提问)It usually _ me 3 hours _ _ my homework .2


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