江西吉安凤凰中学八级英语上册Unit 2 What’s the matter Revision Section AP2 人教新目标.ppt

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江西吉安凤凰中学八级英语上册Unit 2 What’s the matter Revision Section AP2 人教新目标.ppt_第1页
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《江西吉安凤凰中学八级英语上册Unit 2 What’s the matter Revision Section AP2 人教新目标.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江西吉安凤凰中学八级英语上册Unit 2 What’s the matter Revision Section AP2 人教新目标.ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What sthematter Unit2 SectionA Period2 Words Expressions P9 agosoillnessadvice 以前如此 这样疾病 身体不适劝告 忠告 建议 What sthematterwiththem What sthematterwithhim Hehasacold Hehasafever What sthematterwithhim Hehasaheadache Hehasatoothache Hehasastomachache Hehasasoreback Hehasasoreneck Shehasasorethroat What sth

2、ematterwithhim her 3a Fillintheblanks cold twodays getsomerest Comeandshowus What sthematter Doyouhavea I mnotfeelingwell Maybeyoushould Youshouldn t Ihopeyou llfeelbettersoon That sagoodidea 四个学生一组 两个表演 两个配音 3b Practice Makenewconversationsaccordingtotheconversationfrom 3a A What sthematter B I mno

3、tfeelingwell Ihaveathroat A Whendiditstart B About3daysago A Oh that stoobad Youshoulddrinksomehotteawithhoney B Yes Ithinkso A Ihopeyoufeelbettersoon A What sthematter B I mnotfeelingwell Ihaveathroat A Whendiditstart B About3daysago A Oh that stoobad Youshoulddrinksomehotteawithhoney B Yes Ithinks

4、o A Ihopeyoufeelbettersoon A What sthematter B I mnotfeelingwell Ihaveatoothache A Whendiditstart B Aboutaweekago A Oh that stoobad Youshouldseeaprofessionaldentist B Yes Ithinkso A Ihopeyoufeelbettersoon Howtokeephealthy 3 用含有should shouldn t的句子讨论 Discuss 4 MimingGame Makeaninterview A Doyouusuallyhelpyourfriends B Yes No A Whatshouldyoudowhenyourfriendsareill B Homework TrytofindouttheEnglishforotherpartsofthebody Jimisill youcallhim Makethedialoguetoshowyourcare Thankyou


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