七级英语下册 Unit6Pets同步练习1 牛津译林.doc

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1、牛津英语7B unit6 词组1 应该做某事 2 应该更有礼貌3 四处有动4 睡在我的膝盖上5 手里拿着东西6 与玩7 别玩火8 眼睛睁得大大的9 做令人感到惊奇的事10 坐在沙发上11 绝大部分时间12 出许多噪音13 按门铃14 做令人感到惊奇的事15 搜寻16 感觉累17 睡在扶手椅上18 敲鸟笼的门19 看起来如此漂亮20 在阳光下21 带狗去散步22 拉兔子的耳朵23 别吓唬猫24 给狗梳梳毛25 别给她鱼骨头26 给她足够的水27 别给她淋浴28 给她保暖29 安静30 跟你的宠物玩一段时间31 在桌旁喂你的狗32 太多的食物33 健康34 整个公寓35 忙于做某事36 整天37

2、(狗)经常叫38 发出许多噪音39 带她到外面的公园里去40 至少41 买一本正确照顾鸟的书42 称重四千克43 确信、务必44 在缸底45 把它拿出水46 听关于扇尾金鱼的报告47 与不同48 看起来有点不同49 对(某事/做某事)感兴趣50 保持鱼缸干净51 各种各样的蔬菜52 玩线段53 好好照料54 用链子栓着她55 与押韵56 别追猫57 不要做某事是重要的58 听起来吵闹59 为担忧60 躺在床上61 照相62所有动物中最聪明的动物63把从水中拿出来64害怕 65与押韵 66按门铃67更有礼貌68阳光下69四处游动70确信2用心 爱心 专心牛津英语7B unit6 测试卷一、给词的

3、适当形式填空:1The clever girl can work out the problem_(easy).2Can you find the _(different) between the twins.3Daniel becomes_(interest) in pets.4Kitty is _(busy) than Amy.5Panda is a kind of _ (love) animal, I like watching it eat bamboos.6Therere two small _ (mouse) in the box.7Its not polite _ (sneeze

4、) before people.8Our team is much _ (strong) than _ (they).9_ (bring) that coat to me. Im cold.二、单项选择1. I think dog is _ animal in the world.A. very kindB. very cleverC. the kindiestD. cleverer2.You cant play with your rabbit _ you finish your homework.3.-Whats wrong with you?-I feel very _. I heard

5、 a _ noise just now.A. frightening, frightenedB. frightening, frighteningC. frightened, frighteningD. frightened, frightened4.The room is big enough for ten people _.A. to live B. liveC. livingD. to live in5.One of the boys suggested _ and we were happy about this.A. go campingB. going campingC. to

6、go campingD. go for camping6._ exciting news it is!A. How anB. What an C. HowD. what7.What house _ he _?A. do, liveB. does, live inC. do live inD. does, live8.She _her tortoises, it moves_.A. like, slowB. love, slowlyC. likes, slowerD. loves, slowly9.Please _ your name _ you finish _ it.A. sign, bef

7、ore, sayingB. sign, after, readingC. write, before, readingD. write down, after, having a look10.We know it _. It enjoys the music_.A. very well, very wellB. very much, very muchC. very well, very muchD. very much, very well三、下列句子中各有一处错误,请指出并改正:( )_1. He doesnt wonderful tricks any more. A B C D( )_

8、2. She didnt stop until she gets to the end.A B C D( )_3. She oughts to drive to work. A B C D( )_4. Dont afraid of that dog. Its very kind.A B C D( )_5.You must be carefully. You made a lot of mistakes. A B C D( )_6. The twins look the same but their hobbies are different from.A B C D( )_7. Simon c

9、ouldnt play football outside because his homework. A B C D( )_8. Must I get someone to help her? No, you mustnt.A B C D( )_9. How many is your telephone number? A B C D( )_10. Not be late again next time.A B C D四、句型转换: a)Its cold out side. Ill watch TV at home. I wont go out.(改为同义句)its cold out side

10、. Ill watch TV _ _ _ out.b)He forgot to bring his football boots to school. (改为否定句)He _ _ _ bring his football boots to school.c)You asked me to your party. Thanks. (改成一句)Thank you _ _ me to your party.d)We must learn English well. (改为同义句)Its _ _ _ us _ learn English well.e)Everyone should help each

11、 other. (划线提问)_ _ _ _?f)Its a lovely baby.(改为感叹句)_ _ lovely baby!_ _ lovely the baby is!五、完成句子:a)即使天下雨的时候,他也练习打篮球。He _ _ basketball even when it _.b)他们轮流打扫教室。They _ _ _ _ the classroom.c)我们必须是孩子们远离河和湖。We must _ children _ _ rivers and lakes.d)知道长颈鹿用舌头清洁耳朵是有趣的。_ is _ _ learn that giraffes clean there ears with their _.e)你上次考试太粗心了,下次应该更仔细些。You were too _ in your _ exam, You _ _ be _ _


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