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1、Unit2 Colour总 课 题 9A Unit2 Colour总课时10第 7 课时课 题 Integrated skills课 型新授教学目标知识目标1.To understand the context of an advertisement and a TV demonstration.2. To understand how a color therapist does.能力目标1.To get information from a printed advertisement.2.To get further information from a TV interview.3.To

2、 consolidation the information gained from reading and listening and determine the facts.情感目标 To learn through different feelings to different colours.教学难点To learn to express different feelings according to colours.教 (学) 过 程教 (学) 活 动自主个案预习导学词组翻译1. 记日记 _ 2. 把房间涂成红色 _3. 发送电子卡片_ 4. 试衣间 _5. 对某人满意 _ 6. 似

3、乎很容易 _7. 有不同的味道_8. 免费的油 _教学过程Step1 RevisionRevise something learned in the last period.Step2 Practice1. Ask the Ss what they think a color therapist is. A color therapist helps people improve their health, mood and appearance by using colors.2. Ask Ss if they believe that colors can affect our mood.

4、 3. Explain to Ss that the paper at the top of page 32 is an advertisement. Ask a student to read the advertisement out loud. Tell the students must use the information in the advertisement to complete Millies notes. Remind them that they will not be able to complete the note.4. Ask ss to look caref

5、ully at what they have written in Part A1, and pay attention to the gaps they have not yet been able to fill in Step3 PracticeDeal with Part B 1. Review “advice”2. Ask one student to play the role of Millie and another one to play the role of Andy.Step4 Sum up Sum up some Language points课内研讨写出用来表示建议

6、或征求意见的表达方式。 训练巩固选择词组并用适当形式填空。(think of look like rubinto prefer to be used for)1. The machine _ washing plates and dishes.2. I dont want to watch TV. I _ play computer games.3. Sam kept _ oil _ his head.4. The baby giant panda _ white mouse.5. Ann always _ others first. I recommended her as our chai

7、rperson.拓展延伸根据句意,将下列各句改写为同义句。1. There isnt anyone in the dining room now. There in the dining room now.2. The comic books have been sold out in the shop. There are no comic books. The comic books have been sold and there is in the shop.3. Id rather do my homework by myself than copy others when I wa

8、s a student. I my homework by myself to copying others when I was a student.4. Mrs Brown is too old to do anything. Mrs Brown is so _ that_ _ _ _.5. How many kilometers are there from Shenzhen to Guangzhou? Please tell me. Please tell me how many kilometers from Shenzhen to Guangzhou.教(学)后记(我的问题,体悟,收获) 3


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