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1、江苏省沛县2014-2015学年八年级英语下学期期中试题八年级英语试题答案一、听力。每题1分,共20分。15ACBCC 610CBCCA 1115 ACBAC 1620CCBBC二、选择填空。每题1分,共15分。2125CCDDA 2630BDCDB 3135CDDDC三、完型填空。每题1分共15分。 3640CBABD 4145BCAAC 4650CBDBD四、阅读理解。每题2分,共20分。 5153ACD 5456 CAD 5760DCBD五、词汇运用。每题1分,共15分。 61. experience 62. ever 63. realize(se) 64. abroad 65. ret

2、urn 66. to go 67. cleaned 68. excited 69. shopping 70. European71. because of 72. never 73. change 74. be interested in 75. at the end of六、任务型阅读。每题2分,共10分。76.早睡早起使人健康、富裕、聪明。77.Ten hours.78. also79. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.80. Because it can help the blood to move around inside

3、the body and our blood takes food to all parts of our body.七、阅读填词。每空1分,共10分,每空一词。81.southern 82.buildings 83.cinema 84. clean 85. waste 86.play 87.present 88.mall 89. solve 90. lonely 八、书面表达。共15分。略附八年级英语听力材料:A. 听下面十段对话,回答第110小题。1. M:How is the weather in England today? W:Oh,its rainy and cold.2. M:

4、Hey, Nancy! Dont talk loudly here. Cant you see the sign in the library? W: Oh, sorry. I didnt see it.3. M: Is it eight oclock now? My watch doesnt work. W: You are late, sir. M: Whats the time now?W: It is eight past ten.4. M: How do you like our school?W: I think its beautiful. But there are too m

5、any students in the classrooms. 5. M: Do you often ride to school, Lucy? W: Sure. But when it rains, my father drives me to school. M: I like to walk to school every day. Walking is good for our health.6. M: Are we going to have a party today, Miss. Green? W: Today is Wednesday, right? Ernot today.

6、Let me see. It is the day after tomorrow. M: Oh, I see. Thanks.7. M:Do you mind if I smoke in the room? W:Sorry,not here. Go to that corner, please.8. M: Hello, Miss Brown. Welcome to Shanghai. How was your journey? W:It was terrible. You know, the plane was late and it was rainy all day.9. M: Did y

7、ou do shopping, Mary? I was looking for you.W: No. I went to the library to look for a book for my English study.10. M: How can I learn English well, Mrs Black?W: I think you should listen to and read it every day.B.听下面一段对话,回答第1112小题。M: Excuse me, I have lost my map. I want to go to the railway stat

8、ion, but I cant find it. Its next to the clock tower, isnt it?W: The railway station was three years ago, but Im afraid its not there any more.M: Oh, really? I havent visited Sunshine Town for a very long time. Things have changed a lot over the years.W: Youre quite right. Now it has been turned int

9、o a park, have you seen it? M: Yes, I have just seen it. The park is so big and beautiful.W: Yes, it is.C.听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题。Summer vacation is coming next week. Everyone in my class has his or her own plan for it. Tom doesnt want to stay at home for the whole vacation. He plans to spend one week goin

10、g camping with his friends. David likes travelling. He is going to visit Harbin with his cousins. Its a good idea to spend time there in summer. He will stay there for 5 days. My best friend Alice is going to have piano classes, because she thinks music can bring her happiness. She wants to be a mus

11、ician in the future.D.听第一篇短文,回答第1620小题。An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see

12、 Tom, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.“My money has finished and my friends have gone,” said the young man. “ What will happen to me now?”“Dont worry, young man,” answered Tom. “Everything will soon be all right again.” “ Wait and you will soon feel much happier.”The young man was very glad. “ Am I going to get rich again then?” he asked Tom.“No, I didnt mean that,” said the old man. “ I meant that you would soon be used to being poor and to having no friends.” 11


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