江苏南通实验中学八级英语月考 牛津.doc

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1、江苏省南通市实验中学2014-2015学年八年级英语10月月考试题一 卷 (85分)二、单项选择(本大题每题1分, 共20分)21.- What makes you so _today, Jack? It is your first day of school. -Because my teacher says I am _honest boy. A. happily; an B. happily; a C. happy; a D. happy; an22. Im very _. Could you please get me some water? A. hungry B. happy C.

2、 ill D. thirsty23. Li Lei is one of _ in our class. A. best students B. a good student C. the best students D. good students24. She sings very well, because she has a good _. A. voice B. noise C. sound D. face25. Who is _ swimmer, Peter, Simon or Millie? A. fast B. the fastest C. best D. better26. M

3、ax always _ a smile on his face and looks happy. A. wears B. puts C. pushes D. shows27. Mr Fat has _ money than Mr Thin, but he has _ friends. A. more, fewer B. more, less C. fewer, more D. less, less28. -_? -Hes friendly and helpful. He often helps me with my homework. A. Whats he like B. What does

4、 he like C. What is he look like D. What does he look like29. The taxi is going _ faster than the bus. A. very B. much C. more D. most30. _ the students in my class _ 50. A. A number of , is B. A number of , are C. The number of, is D. The number of , are31. Shanghai is larger than _ in Japan. A. an

5、y other city B. the other city C. any city D. other city32. Nancy spent half an hour _ the piano every day. A. to practice playing B. practicing playing C. practicing to play D. to practice to play33. Eddie is eight years old, but we have seven candles only. We need _ candle. A. only one B. one more

6、 C. some more D. one much34. Be careful not to knock anything _ the bookshelf when you walk _ it. A. off; past B. down; across C. over; pass D. from; past35. Chinese students _ more weeks _ for the summer holiday than British students. A. has, off B. have, off C. has, away D. have, of36. The English

7、 story is very easy for me. There are _ new words in it.A. a little B. little C. many D. few37. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than _ in Beijing. A. that B. it C. this D. one38. _ all the stars, the sun is _ to the earth. A. To, the nearest B. Of, nearer C. In, nearer D. Of, the nearest39. Jenny

8、 is very kind, and she often _ her toys with her friends.A. shows B. gives C. brings D. shares40. Our classroom is _ than theirs. A. much brighter B. more bright C. more brighter D. the most bright三、完形填空 (本大题每题1分,共15分) Not _48_that, the bird was sitting _49_ the branch(树枝) of a tree. It did not know

9、 that a man was shooting (射杀) at it. But the bee saw _50_the man was doing. So it flew into the mans _51_and stung(刺蛰) him. The pain in the mans eye was so great that he was not _52_ to shoot the bird, and the bird _53_away. _54_the bee, whose _55_had been saved by the bird, was able to save the lif

10、e of the bird. 41. A. fly B. eat C. drinking D. drink 42. A. people B. man C. bird D. bee 43. A. a leaf B. leaves C. leaf D. the leaf 44. A. them B. one C. it D. this 45. A. onto B. on C. to D. at 46. A. safety B. safe C. saved D. safely 47. A. climbed away B. ran away C. flew away D. got away 48. A

11、. long before B. before long C. after long D. long after 49. A. in B. on C. at D. by 50. A. that B. what C. which D. when 51. A. eye B. nose C. mouth D. ear 52. A. able B. can C. could D. willing 53. A. flew B. fly C. flied D. flowed 54. A. In the way B. On the way C. In a way D. In this way 55. A.

12、life B. the life C. live D. lives四、阅读理解(本大题每题2分,共30分)AFor ChildrenMuseum: Childrens Museum, Sundays, 89 North Street, 67641235Story time: Childrens Library, 106 Green Street, Wednesdays during 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 66599624Sports: Football Club, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 16 Yangtze Road, 96725643 Basket

13、ball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, 79071632Cinema: New films for children, 99 Brick Road, 69001354Useful Phone NumberFast Food Restaurant: 66387901Hospital: 68787451Visitor Information Center: 800-120-9847Taxi: 79210583Visitor Hotel(宾馆) Information: 800-739-730256. Its Friday afternoon, you can go to _. A. visit the museum B. pl


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