贵州黔西南州望谟八级英语期中pdf人教新目标 1.pdf

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1、 保密 启用前 望谟县 2017 2018 学年度第一学期期中教学质量监测试卷 八年级 英语 本试卷总分 150 分 考试时间 120 分钟 注意事项 1 答题前 考生务必将自己的姓名 准考证号填涂在答题卡上 2 选择题每小题选出答案后 用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应的题目的答案涂黑 如需改动 用橡皮擦擦 干净后 再选涂其他答案标号 非选择题用黑色签字笔在答题卡上书写作答 在试卷上作答 答 案无效 第 卷 选择题 共 80 分 情景交际 根据所给情景选择最佳答案 10 小题 每小题 2 分 共 20 分 1 How do you do A Nice to meet you too B How d

2、o you do C Fine thank you D Just so so 2 Would you mind not smoking here A OK I will B Sorry I won t C No I can t D No of course 3 Don t shout at him He A will do his best B did well in C is good at D did his best 4 Would you like to go shopping with me Sorry A I have anything else to do B I have el

3、se something to do C I have something else to do D I have else anything to do 5 How are you feeling now I can go to school after lunch A Not so well B Even worse C Much better D I feel terrible 6 My sister is ill I have to look after her 望谟县 英语 RA 期中第 1 页 共 8 页 RA A Not at all B I m sorry to hear th

4、at C It doesn t matter D I m afraid her 7 May I ask you some questions A Sure go ahead B Good idea C Not at all D No you shouldn t 8 Will you join us A No I didn t B You re welcome C I hope not D Of course I will 9 I m so sorry for losing your dictionary A Oh it doesn t matter B You re welcome C Tha

5、t s right D Thank you all the same 10 Must I finish my homework tonight No A you musn t B you don t have to C you must D you shouldn t 单项选择 20 小题 每小题 1 分 共 20 分 A 从下列各题 A B C D 中选出能填入空白处的正确答案 11 You d better too much candy It s bad for your teeth A not eating B not to eat C not eat D don t eat 12 Mi

6、ke lost his watch yesterday and he wants to buy one A a B the other C one D another 13 We had holiday during the National Day A a seven day B a seven days C seven days D seven days 14 Who taught English I learned it by A you myself B your myself C yourself me D yourself myself 望谟县 英语 RA 期中第 2 页 共 8

7、页 15 You kept me out of the door for a long time Sorry I ll be ready soon A stand B to stand C stood D standing 16 Candy tastes good But it s bad to eat too much A such as B for example C in fact D though 17 Miss Hu would you mind telling me how to learn English well Not at all But remember we can l

8、earn nothing well hard work A with B after C without D at 18 I borrow your English book Yes of course you A Could could B Must can C Could can D Can could 19 Jogging is a good way fit A keep B to keep C keeping D keeps 20 She eats meat so she is fat A much too too much B too much much too C much too

9、 the many D too much too many 21 I think important for us breakfast everyday A this have B that to have C it s to have D it s have 22 have you been like this Three days A How long B How often C How far D How soon 23 I had fun basketball with my classmates last Sunday A play B playing C to play D pla

10、yed 24 When will your school hold the sports meet Next week And I the boys 1000 metre race A joined B took part in C will join D will take part in 25 Eating too much candy bad for your teeth A is B are C was D be B 选择与句子划线部分相同或相近的选项 5 分 26 I do well in performing Kunfu 望谟县 英语 RA 期中第 3 页 共 8 页 A am w

11、ell in B do badly in C does well in D am good at 27 I must ask him to give up smoking A begin B stop C finish D start 28 There will be a sports meet on October 8th A is going to have B are going to have C is going to be D are going to be 29 He tries his best to help them to build a new house A will

12、do he best B do him best C does his best D did the best 30 I m very sorry Maria I can t find your favorite model plane It doesn t matter Jack I ll go and buy another one A Don t say that B You are kidding C You are right D Never mind 完型填空 从 ABCD 中选择一个最佳答案 使短文意思完整 10 小题 每小题 1 分 共 10 分 It was very nic

13、e last Sunday and there was a basketball game in our school We played 31 a team from a country school They didn t come 32 the last minute They looked worse than we thought They were wearing old clothes and looked like farm boys We were sure we must 33 the 34 because we were always the best We found

14、in 35 that they did much better than us after the game began They 36 their best and they always played as a team But we didn t Finally we 37 the game and we all felt terrible We thought much 38 the game We re too proud 骄傲 We think we are the best 39 but we can t win For us the most important 40 is O

15、ne can t judge 判断 a person only by his clothes We ll never forget the game 31 A for B against C between D with 32 A after B until C as soon as D while 33 A are B be C been D being 34 A winners B losers C players D stars 35 A surprising B surprised C surprise D stars 36 A trying B try C do D did 37 A

16、 lost B won C missed D caught 38 A before B as C when D after 39 A musicians B teachers C players D classmates 40 A match B game C lesson D result 阅读理解 阅读下面三篇短文 跟据文章内容选择最佳答案 15 小题 每小题 2 分 共 30 分 A 望谟县 英语 RA 期中第 4 页 共 8 页 Many people make their living 谋生 with their hands but Mike makes his living with his feet Mike was born in a poor family of a small city in England His parents were poor Seven people lived in a small house Mike had no place to play but on the street Mike s father often played fo


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