辽宁大连普兰店第十中学九级英语期中pdf 人教新目标.pdf

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1、 2015 2016 学年度第一学期期中考试 初三英语 第 1 页 共 12 页 20152015 20162016 学年度第一学期学年度第一学期期中考试期中考试 初三英语试卷初三英语试卷 说明 1 本试卷分第一卷 选择题 和第二卷 非选择题 两部分 第一卷 第 1 8 页 第二卷 第 9 12 页 考试时间 120 分钟 满分 120 分 2 第一卷的答案必须用 2B 铅笔填涂在答案卡上 答在试卷上无效 第二卷答案必须用黑色钢笔或签字笔 写在试卷上的相应位置 不得用铅笔或红笔 考试结束 第一卷自己保管好 第二卷交回 3 考试前 请你务必在第二卷的密封线内填上相应的内容 第第一一卷 共卷 共

2、7575 分 分 一 听力 第一节 听句子 共 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 听下面 5 个句子 根据所听到的内容选择最合适的答语 听完每个句子后 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 每个句子仅读一遍 听第一个句子 回答第 1 小题 1 A Don t mention it B Thank you C You re right 听第二个句子 回答第 2 小题 2 A Yes I will B No I won t C OK I will listen to you 听第三个句子 回答第 3 小题 3 A Yes please B Sure here you are

3、C I d love to 听第四个句子 回答第 4 小题 4 A No problem B What a pity C Never mind 听第五个句子 回答第 5 小题 5 A Only three days B In the countryside C For a long time 第二节 听对话 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有三个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项 听每段对话前 你将有 15 秒钟时间阅读各个小题 听完每段对话后 你 将有 15 秒钟的作答时间 每段对话读两遍 听第一段对话 回答第 6 8 小题

4、 6 Who will come to the English classes A A foreign lady B The man s friend C The woman s sister 7 When will the person they re talking about come A Tomorrow evening B This afternoon C Tomorrow moring 8 Where is Peter from A China B Canada C Australia 听第二段对话 回答第 9 11 小题 2015 2016 学年度第一学期期中考试 初三英语 第

5、2 页 共 12 页 9 What are they talking about A Going boating B Going hiking C Climbing the moutain 10 What does the boy advise the girl to do A To take more exercise B To have a good rest C To stay at home 11 Whom may the girl go with A The boy B Her friends C Her students 听第三段对话 回答第 12 14 小题 12 When wi

6、ll the chess classes start A On July 6th B On March 16th C On August 20th 13 How often will a learner go to the chess class A Once a week B Twice a week C Three times a week 14 How much will a menber of the chess club pay for all the lessons A 450 B 350 C 600 听第四段对话 回答第 15 17 小题 15 What is the name

7、of the movie A Happiness in Life B Late Autumn C The flowers in the War 16 How much will the two people pay for the movie A 16 yuan B 60 yuan C 120 yuan 17 What are they talking about A Lessons B Movies C Books 听第五段对话 回答第 18 20 小题 18 Where would Anny like to go for the coming holiday A Nanjing B Bej

8、ing C Tianjin 19 What will Anny bring to Tom tomorrow A Tickets B Maps C Photos 20 How many times has Anny been to Beijing before A Four times B Summer vacation C Four o clock 第三节 听短文 共 5 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 10 分 听下面一篇短文 短文后有 5 个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项 听短文前 你将有 25 秒钟时间阅读各个小题 听完后 你将有 25 秒钟的作 答时间 短文读两遍

9、 21 What was Tom told to paint at first A A hand B A foot C A head 22 What did Tom s granda want him to do before painting A Watch the model carefully B Walk on the paper C Listen to him carefully 23 What colour did Tom make his feet with paint A Yellow B Green C Black 2015 2016 学年度第一学期期中考试 初三英语 第 3

10、 页 共 12 页 24 What s his grandpa s feeling when he came back A Excited B Angry C Interested 25 What did Tom do A Copy the model B Ask someone for help C Left his own footprints on the paper 二 单项选择 本大题共 10 小题 每小题 1 分 共 10 分 26 Nick has useful book book is about robots A an The B the The C a The 27 The

11、re are months in a year October is the month A twelve tenth B twelfth tenth C twelfth ten 28 Dave was born a Friday morning A in B on C at 29 Please read every sentence A carefully B careful C careless 30 Have you had breakfast No I didn t like eating anything this morning A taste B feel C sound 31

12、I don t think you should give up English A learn B to learn C learning 32 Tom is a clever boy he can answer all the questions A too to B such that C So that 33 May I speak to Mr White Sorry he Beijing A has gone to B has been to C will go to 34 You come late tomorrow The plane wait for nobody A need

13、n t B mustn t C can 35 I hope you don t mind my opening the window It s much too hot here A Certainly B Of course not C All right 三 完形填空 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 共 15 分 通读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从各个小题所给的三个选项中 选出一个最佳 答案 On thanbksgiving Day American people get together with their families and friends to give thanks for

14、the past year It is 36 with big dinners and special food In December 1620 over 100 pilgrims 清真教徒 came to 37 on the Mayflower 2015 2016 学年度第一学期期中考试 初三英语 第 4 页 共 12 页 and landed at Plymouth Rock The 38 winter was very 39 and they didn t have enough to eat so more than half of them 40 The next year 41

15、Indians helped them grow corn and other 42 The 43 was good and the official of the area William Bradford organized a 44 to thank God for the food that he had given them The first Thanksgiving of 1621 lasted for three days Men shot ducks geese and turkeys and 45 fishes Ninety Indians came and celebra

16、ted with them As time went on the 46 of Thanksgiving spread from Plymouth to other New England areas but for many years to come the new country had no national Thanksgiving Day In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln formally said that Thanksgiving should be celebrated on the 47 Thursday of November In 1939 President Franklin D Rooservelt set the holiday a week earlier He probably wanted to make the Christmas shopping season a bit 48 Today the fourth 49 in November is a holiday all over the United Sta


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