辽宁大连初中英语毕业升学模拟考试二pdf 1.pdf

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1、大 连 市 2 丨 8 年 初 中 毕 业 升 学 模 拟 考 试 二 英 语 注C事 1 请汴 fttMi 作荇 ft试 上作答无效 2 共I 大 8 76小 雄 满分140分 咢 试 时 洲 丨 分 钟 第I卷 选 择 题 共 6 8 分 I 单项填空 从各K 所纶的四个选项中 选出nf以坝人空f丨处的揪洼选項 1 The wi athrr in Dnlian spring is pretty good A from H on in I nt 2 W u n you arc ricliiiK a bike think about the risk of 8 cidt m A 8 H an

2、C the D 7 3 M y brotlur wfls chosen for the school basketball iciim 1 urn very proud of A he H him C his D himself 4 1 saw the film Coco yesterday 1 hAven t seen any film as as ihRt for n long time A good B better C best D the best 5 The tiger ivc in Asia it many kinds of animals for food A will cat

3、ch B cntchcs C c ught l is achinf 6 I couldn t Kvt to sleep Ias night The boys and girls n lot of noise upstaiM A mnke B m flc C 紙 making havt made 7 Kate is from England and sh D tie careful 厘 宪 形 填 空 本a 共 1 2 小 毎小s丨分 共 1 2 分 阅读下面矩文 麵其大意 然后从各靼所绐的四个选項中 选出可以填人舶处的时 选堪 O n e morning many years ago I en

4、tered the Track Kuchen 13 where everyone the p r lo 加 most powt rfUl came for breakf抓 丨 no iced M mcwhat dishevcled 头 发 凌 乱 不 珐 边 镐 士 抑 謂 叫 时 worn out hat and was alone I asked if 1 might join him He quietly and 1 sal down to have m y breakfast W e cautiously 小心潘慎地 began a conversation andspoke abou

5、t a loi of things W c 一 L6 iniroduced ourselves I thought lhat he might have no 17 and not be able to afford something to eat S o a 1 rose t buy a speond cup of coffee I asked M ay 丨 get you something A coffee would be nice w Then I lfe him a cup of coffee W e talked more and he accepted another cup

6、 of coffee 19 一 1 rose to leave wished him well and went to ihc cxil At the door met one of m y friends He a5ked How did you 20 M r ialbreatli W h o The 21 you were sUtinR w t k He is chairman of the Board 董 会 of Churchill Downs could hardly 22 i I was talking 抓 1 offering a 23 breakfast for one of

7、the world 沒 richest and moju powerful men My few minutes with M r Galbrcath changed m y life N o w I try to treat everyone with 24 n i matter who Hhink th灯 are and to m i another human being with Icindne ancJ Hinccriiy 真城 13 A restaurantB 14 A room K 15 A agreedB 16 A everB 17 A idea B 18 A passed B

8、 19 A Finally B 20 A notice B 21 A boy B 22 A vmderstamib 23 A free li 24 A confidenceli companyc theal ft box c cup left c listened never c only chance c mon y seni c made S lowly c Luckily visit c know ariist c man believec hear bigc cheap patiencec rc ptct D square D chair worked also X bought X

9、Imnxcdialciy wsiur forget fast coor gc 第2英 nrM ion of a htg menl lakes a long time ind everything will look beautiful so it s n good topic of convcrsaiion Y ou d better join in the conversation and say how much you like it At the pnd of ihe meal youM l ususlly be strved fruit hope this is helpful Em

10、ail me if you have any other questions Y ours Zh nR D a w c i 25 ZhanR Dawei wrote to Richard to A welcome him w China B give him some advice C talk alx u Chinese meal D share cattng experience 26 According t Dawei Richard h J bCU before cominR to China A learn to cook by himself B practice o ng cho

11、psticks C improve hi spoken Chinese 0 show interest in Chinese culture 27 It t k ck1 IO aboul during a meal in China p rt B work C nuisic D food 28 What is the best subject tor the email A Ealing together B Do as the Romans do C Ealing cuKioms in China A irarfuional Clnncsc dinner 第 3 共 l f fXi you

12、wiini 10 m kr y r s gift money from your parents and grandparcmn be the Mo m ihnt you t ever hud you can i A ve i i 4ilh yon must think carefully about how t pt ncl il Wi5rly Dncc 1 w n 1 apent 2 000 vim and regi tcr d 报 名 f r a wimming cUr s k m uI 12 year old Wnng Y ue from Wuxi in Jiangsu provinc

13、e wLat r I lost interest tn 錢 witnnims nd ouly went to a few cla cs I rlt great regret about it U can l difficult u kpq your money in your wnllct when chopping Everything ia pftckrtKtd catch your An t there arc ndvurtisement 广that punh you iiu buying But you 抑k youm ir n few qtu M ionK you may sftvc

14、 your money I i 1 rwlly nefd u I 1 lon t need it do 1 rcnlly want il U I buy now do I hnve enough money for other things I might need taier Could I finci it cheapiT somewhere clsie After amsvcring ttiwip quesuonju will you M ill l uy I robflWy noi iood qu ti M will help you keep a coot head when you

15、 suddenly feel like something If you really like H hut canft decide now nsk your parents or help Tell them what you will do with Listen to their idea Or you may phone caU5 to your friends who once bought it Ask them ho寶 jhey feel tboul il Ttii will help you make smarter decisions Don t cvt r dip imo

16、 OH your savings without thinking carefully If there s k first titm there will U wcond nrul ihirih Y our savinR5 will be gone bcfur you know If there domrthiii魃 iluu you think yem lik會 a loi slop look again and huik twid 29 Whfti wa Wnng Y ue problem A lie luHt in B He ptnt too much time swimming C He miued m nmny swimming D He rcgrM t d paying iot the swimming 3 Before haying wmcthin whal is the first thing we are advised to do A To asik our parents for help B To listen to our friends ideA C To


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