浙江海宁七级英语期末模拟pdf 外研.pdf

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1、七年级英语第 1 页 共 3 页 听力材料 听力材料 第一节 听小对话 从第一节 听小对话 从 A B C 三个选项中选择合适的图片 每段对话仅读一遍 三个选项中选择合适的图片 每段对话仅读一遍 1 W Who is your English teacher Tony M My English teacher is Mrs Wang 2 W David are you from America M No I m from England 3 M Lingling what s your favourite animal W I like pandas best 4 M What do you

2、have for lunch Betty W I have a hamburger 5 M What are you doing now Sara W I m watching TV 第二节 听长对话 回答问题 每段对话读两遍 第二节 听长对话 回答问题 每段对话读两遍 听下面一段较长的对话 回答第 6 7 两小题 W Is this your family photo M Yes it is I m on the left There are only four people in the photo because my brother is taking the picture for

3、us W I guess this is your father M Yes you re right He is a doctor and my mum is a nurse They work in the same hospital W Oh that s interesting Your sister looks beautiful How old is she M She s eleven years old She is now in Grade Six 听下面一段较长的对话 回答第 8 10 三小题 W Hello Daming Would you like to go the

4、cinema with Lingling and me There is a new Jackie Chan s film at the cinema M Good idea Is it in the afternoon or in the evening W It s on Sunday in the evening It is at New Times Cinema M Let s ask Tony to go with us I can send an email and ask him W Yes please Daming Let s ask him 第三节 听独白 根据内容从第三节

5、 听独白 根据内容从 A B C 三个选项中选择正确的选项 完成信息记录表 独 白读两遍 三个选项中选择正确的选项 完成信息记录表 独 白读两遍 W Hello everyone I m Ann In my family different people like different things My mother likes music She often goes to the concerts at weekends So for her birthday I usually buy her some CDs My father is a football fan He likes p

6、laying football and sometimes watches AC Millan on TV So I d like to buy him a football for his birthday My grandpa likes to stay healthy He likes sports every morning He always wears T shirts I d like to give a T shirt to him My little sister likes reading and watching TV 七年级英语第 2 页 共 3 页 She often

7、 goes to the library to read some books For her birthday I d like to buy a lot of books for her 听力部分到此结束 20172017 学年第一学期七年级期末测试学年第一学期七年级期末测试 英语英语试题卷试题卷 参考答案及评分建议参考答案及评分建议 一 听力 本题有 15 小题 第一 第二节每小题 1 分 第三节每小题 2 分 满分 20 分 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A C A B C B A B C C B C B C A 二 交际运用 请从 中选择适当

8、的答句 与第 21 25 进行配对 每句限用一次 本题有 5 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 5 分 16 17 18 19 20 D C E B A 三 完形填空 本题有 10 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 10 分 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 D C B C D B C D B A 四 阅读理解 本题有 10 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 20 分 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A D B C A D B D C B 五 词汇运用 本题有 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 41 teeth 42 happening 43 he

9、althy 44 winter 45 little 46 American 47 cousins 48 Saturday 49 always 50 great 51 kitchen 52 interesting 53 magazines 54 doctors 55 secret 六 语法填空 本小题有 10 小题 每题 1 分 满分 10 分 56 monkeys 57 African 58 in 59 the 60 It 61 usually 62 good 63 catches 64 so 65 to see 七年级英语第 3 页 共 3 页 七 任务型阅读 根据短文内容完成句子 每空限填一词 本题有 5 小题 共 5 分 66 C 67 F 68 A 69 D 70 E 八 书面表达 本题有 1 小题 满分 10 分 略


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