浙江温州瑞安外国语学校、滨江中学、集云实验学校等五校八级英语期中联考pdf 外研.pdf

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浙江温州瑞安外国语学校、滨江中学、集云实验学校等五校八级英语期中联考pdf 外研.pdf_第1页
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浙江温州瑞安外国语学校、滨江中学、集云实验学校等五校八级英语期中联考pdf 外研.pdf_第2页
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《浙江温州瑞安外国语学校、滨江中学、集云实验学校等五校八级英语期中联考pdf 外研.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江温州瑞安外国语学校、滨江中学、集云实验学校等五校八级英语期中联考pdf 外研.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 第 1 页共 8 页 2017 学年第二学期期中考试学年第二学期期中考试 八年级英语试题卷八年级英语试题卷 2018 05 亲爱的同学 亲爱的同学 欢迎你参加考试 现在 请你仔细阅读以下注意事项 1 全卷共 8 页 六大题 66 小题 满分 100 分 考试时间 90 分钟 2 答案必须写在答卷纸相应的位置上 写在试题卷 草稿纸上均无效 3 带 号的词可在后面的小词典里查阅 做题时 请认真审题 细心答题 祝你成功 卷卷 I 听力部分 共听力部分 共 15 分 分 一 听力 本题有一 听力 本题有 15 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 15 分 分 第一节 听小对话 从第一节 听小

2、对话 从 A B C 三个选项中选择符合对话内容三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片 的图片 1 What is mum cooking A B C 2 What was the matter with the boy A B C 3 Where has Jack been A B C 4 Which cartoon is Sam s favourite A B C 5 Which hobby does Linda think is expensive A B C 第二节 听长对话 第二节 听长对话 从从 A B C 三个选项中选择选择正确的选项 三个选项中选择选择正确的选项 听第一段较长对话听第

3、一段较长对话 回答 回答 6 7 两个两个小题 小题 第 2 页共 8 页 6 Which club is May in A Sports club B Dance club C English club 7 How does May keep fit A By swimming B By playing tennis C By riding to work 听第二段较长对话 回答 8 9 10 三个小题 8 Has Tom seen Lucy before A No he hasn t B Yes he has C We don t know 9 How long have they bee

4、n friends A For a year B For two years C For two weeks 10 What does Lucy look like A She s tall and thin with short hair B She s tall and thin with long hair C She s tall and heavy with long hair 第三节第三节 听独白 听独白 从从 A B C 三个选项中选择正确的选项 三个选项中选择正确的选项 完成信息记录表 独白念两遍 完成信息记录表 独白念两遍 卷卷 II 笔试部分 共笔试部分 共 85 分 分

5、二 单项选择题 本题有二 单项选择题 本题有 10 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 10 分 分 16 Hello how can I help you I have fever and my head hurts A the B a C an D 17 What a hot day Yeah it s hot so I often use a to keep me cool in the classroom A fan B shelf C coin D dollar 18 Do you know the song Where has the time gone Sure It b

6、eautiful I like it a lot A smells B tastes C looks D sounds 19 Do you know the girl over there No I ve met her before A never B ever C just D yet 20 I ll be away for a long time Don t worry She can look after your pet Sue She is good at making 11 Paul He has entered the 12 competition and won the 13

7、 prize Thomas 14 has been his favourite cartoon for many years Jenny She thinks to be an astronaut is very 15 11 A cookies B pizzas C apples pies 12 A singing B dancing C writing 13 A first B second C third 14 A Snoopy B Mickey Mouse C Spiderman 15 A boring B wonderful C dangerous 第 3 页共 8 页 A caref

8、ul enough B careless enough C carefully enough D carelessly enough 21 Tom have you entered the English singing competition No I haven t but I find hard to pronounce the words A its B it C this D that 22 Lily why are you still here School was over for half an hour Because I my project yet I need one

9、more hour A haven t finished B didn t finish C won t finish D don t finish 23 Look Tom What a mess Sorry mum I ll my room right now A look up B climb up C make up D tidy up 24 have you been a member of Greener China For two years We have already planted a lot of trees A How often B How long C When D

10、 How far 25 Li Ming I m looking for my pencil case A What do you think B What are you up to C How are you today D Guess what 三 完形填三 完形填空 本题空 本题 15 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 15 分 分 阅读下面短文 掌握大意 然后从 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 There is a photo of my grandpa on my desk Looking at the photo I always can t help 26 I

11、miss him so much I always think if he is happy in heaven 27 he has been dead for many years the sweet 28 together with him are still in my mind During the summer holidays my grandpa went 29 and let me come with him He handed me the rod held my arms and taught me how I can throw my line into the wate

12、r Then it was time for me to 30 by myself The 31 warmed us and we talked happily I felt proud of him when he told me his interesting experiences While fishing we have to wait 32 if you worry a lot the fish won t come he went on The fish may come 33 they may not It doesn t matter We re out in the sun

13、 It s a beautiful day If it rained we couldn t be here We re 34 to have the warmth of the sun He sat there with his back against a tree Yes it s a great day he said 35 a smile on his face I watched our bobbers No fish pulled them under the water that day It didn t matter When I was with grandpa I fe

14、lt I was not a little child any more I was like a friend of his Just being with him was 36 from being with others Everyone liked him He enjoyed all his life and always easily found something 37 when he was in trouble Even sometimes he could get 38 from it I wanted to be like him in the future He was

15、 an amazing man In the past few years together with him he has taught me not just 39 to fish He has also taught me the importance of working hard and the 40 of a good laugh It will be valuable in my life forever 26 A crying B laughing C smiling D shouting 第 4 页共 8 页 27 A However B Although C While D

16、 Because 28 A times B interests C successes D moments 29 A fishing B boating C hiking D climbing 30 A have a rest B have a look C have a try D have a taste 31 A coat B sun C wind D cloud 32 A quickly B quietly C excitedly D carelessly 33 A or B but C and D so 34 A weak B awful C lucky D unlucky 35 A by B in C with D at 36 A different B free C difficult D far 37 A to laugh B to reach C to agree D to refuse 38 A something B nothing C everything D anything 39 A how B what C when D why 40 A conditio


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