天津东丽区徐庄子中学七级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 新人教新目标.ppt

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天津东丽区徐庄子中学七级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 新人教新目标.ppt_第1页
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天津东丽区徐庄子中学七级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 新人教新目标.ppt_第2页
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《天津东丽区徐庄子中学七级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 新人教新目标.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《天津东丽区徐庄子中学七级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 新人教新目标.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七年级人教新目标上册 Unit3Isthisyourpencil SectionB Pen pen showmeyourpen Ruler ruler showmeyourruler Eraser eraser Ihaveaneraser Pencil pencil Ihaveapencil Key key thisismykey Book book thatisyourbook Backpack backpack thatisherbackpack Watch watch itishiswatch One two three lookafterourthings Let schant bas

2、eball watch computergame IDcard Newwords key notebook ring pen bag Game Whohasthebesteyes 谁的眼睛最亮 1aMatchthewordswiththingsinthepicture baseball 5 key 2 watch 6 notebook putergame 7 ring 4 IDcard 8 pen 9 bag Checktheanswers e b h a i g c d f 1bAskandanswerquestionsaboutthethingsinthepicture A What st

3、his B It sawatch A Howdoyouspellit B W A T C H A What sthisinEnglish B It sapen A Howdoyouspellit B P E N pen A What sthisinEnglish B It sapen A Canyouspellit B Yes P E N pen 注意两个句型的区别 putergame7 Ring4 IDcard8 pen9 bag watch pen baseball IDcard 1dListenagain WritethethingsthatbelongtoLindaorMike Tap

4、escript Conversation1 Kelsey I mlookingformywatch Teacher OK Isthisyourwatch Kelsey No itisn t That smywatch Teacher Hereyouare Kelsey Andthat smyIDcard Teacher OK What syourname Kelsey Kelsey Conversation2 Mike That smypen Teacher This Mike Yes andthat smybaseball Teacher Allright What syourname Mi

5、ke Mike Teacher OK Here syourbaseball Mike Thankyou 1ePairwork StudentAisLindaandStudentBisMike Makeconversationsaboutthethingsin1d Thenchangeroles Isthisyourwatch No itisn t It sJim s That sismywatch Hereyouare 2aWritethethingsyouloseeasily SchoolIDcard watch key Schoolbag wallet 钱包 ruler eraser no

6、tebook pen Summary A Isthisher hispencil B Yes itis A Isthather hispen B No itisn t Sonia Tim isthis eraser Tim itis Thisisnot thisyour Sonia Yes it smywatch Isthisyour Tim No it snotmybook It s book Sonia OK Jane is yourbook Jane Yes itis your Yes my watch watch book her this Thankyou Is Fillintheb

7、lanks Choosethecorrectanswer 1 Isthisyourpen It shispen A ItismypenB Yes itisC No itisn t 2 Tina Isthisyourbook A ExcusemeB SorryC Thank 3 What sthis A onChineseB atEnglishC inEnglish C A C 4 mybook herbook A This s That sB Thisis That sC This s Thatis 5 Itisawatch A Isthisawatch B Isitawatch C What

8、 sthisinEnglish B C 6 M A R Y A Howdoyoucallit B AreyouMary C Howdoyouspellyourname 7 Ifyoufindmybook pleasecallme 31397671 A inB atC for C B 8 Mybagis A noB notC lost 9 Whenyoumeetanewword pleaseuse 用 your A keyB gameC dictionary 10 Isthatyourruler itis A YesB ThanksC No C C A 变为疑问句 1 Thisismyclock

9、 2 Thatisyourring 3 Theseareherbooks 4 Thosearehisoranges 5 Thosearemybackpacks Isthisyourclock Isthatyourring Aretheseherbooks Arethosehisoranges Arethoseyourbackpacks 1 Thisismypencil 一般疑问句 2 Isthathereraser 肯定回答及否定回答 3 Thisishisbackpack 一般疑问句 4 Thatisaneraser 根据划线部分提问 Isthisyourpencil Yes itis No itisn t Isthishisbackpack What sthat 句型转换



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