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1、初三英语中考复习 介词 Answerthefollowingquestions 1 What sthenameofthisfilm 2 Whenwasiton AliceinWonderland OnMarch5th 2010 Round1 Findoutthekey Whichistherightkey A B C D Task1 Category 2010 March spring themorning thefuture 7 30 night theageof19 first last themoment Monday March5 March5th 2010 Mondaymorning

2、 holiday Children sDay in on at Prepositionsoftime Conclusion 表示较长时间如 世纪 年代 年份 月份 季节 上午 下午 晚上以及一些习惯用法中要用介词in the19thcentury 2010 March spring themorning thefuture 表示某一时间点如 钟点 年龄 中午 夜晚 子夜 就餐时间或其它的习惯用法中要用at 7 30 theageof19 noon night midnight lunchtime first last Monday March5th March5th 2010 Children

3、 sDay acoldmorning holiday 表示某一天或者特定的时间如 星期 某月某日 某年某月某日 含Day的节日 有修饰上午 下午 晚上以及一些习惯用法中要用介词on 1 Theyoftenhaveparties Christmas 2 TheyplantogotoHainan vacation 3 themorning March31 shemadeanimportantdecisioninherlife Fillintheblanks P15 一 at on On 4 thelifetime HepburnearnedfourmoreOscarnominations 5 It

4、hasrained thedaybeforeyesterday 6 ItwasaverylongdayforJack Hedidn tgethomefromschool sixo clock since During until of Theyhaven tseenAlice lastyear AlicehasbeeninWonderland onemonth since for Alicedidn tsleep midnight Waithere therainstops until until 表示持续一段时间用介词for for 段时间 表示 自 以来 从过去某一时刻到现在 用介词sin

5、ce 用于现在完成时 表示从一点时间到另一点时间的一个阶段用介词from to 表示 在 的期间 要用介词during during表示在特定的时间里 表示某动作或者状态延续到某一时间终止 用介词till until until可用于句首 而till通常不用于句首 Conclusion Task2 Dialogue A B C D E F F F F Prepositionsofplace at一般指小地方 in一般指大地方或某个范围内 over above和on均表示 在 上面 over反义词是under above反义词是below on指两个物体表面有接触 infrontof表示 在 前

6、面 其反义词是behind inthemiddleof表示 在 的中间 between表示在两者之间 among表示 在 中 数目为三者或三者以上 around表示围绕在四周 beside表示 在旁边 inside表示 在 内 outside表示 在 外 Conclusion near by nextto表示 在 旁边 opposite表示 在 对面 1 Marysits 在 附近 thewindow 2 Sheissitting 在 中间 BettyandTom 3 YaoMingisapopularbasketballplayer 在 之中 theChinesepeople 4 Ourte

7、acherisstanding 在 前面 theblackboard Fillintheblanks P15 二 between among near infrontof by 5 Myteachersaystheearthmoves 围绕 thesun 6 Thereisashop 在 对面 ourschool around opposite infrontof是在物体外部的前面例如 教室前有个花园 e g Thereisagardeninfrontoftheclassroom inthefrontof是在物体内部的前面例如 教室前有张桌子 e g Thereisadeskinthefron

8、toftheclassroom Therearesomeapples thedesk Thereisabridge theriver Sandylivesonthegroundfloor Daniellivesonthethirdfloor Daniellivestwofloors Sandy on over above Task3 Runquickly through across up down over round Prepositionsofmovement 横穿 从内部穿过 up表示 向上 其反义词down表示 向下 along表示 沿着 into表示进入的过程 onto为放上去的过

9、程 outof为 在 外部 over表示 越过 跨过 Conclusion from表示 从 自 to表示 向 往 到 off表示 脱离 不触及 round表示 环绕 围绕 1 Millieiswalking theroad 沿着 2 Simonisswimming thepool 横穿 3 Eddieisjumping thechair 越过 4 Atrainisgoing thetunnel 穿过 5 Kittyisclimbing thehill 向上 6 Amyiswalking thesofa thewindow 7 Sandyisgoing thelibrary 去 8 Hoboi

10、swalking thetable 环绕着 Fillintheblanks along through across over up from to to round 1 WecouldnotmakegreatprogressinourEnglish ourteacher shelp 2 Ipaidonehundred theEnglish Chinesedictionary 3 Hespendsabouttwohours hishomeworkeveryday 4 Hedidn tgotoschoolbecause illness 5 Iftheydon tgiveuscandies wew

11、illplayatrick them Fillintheblanks P15 三 without of for on on 没有 的帮助 付款 在 上花费 因为 对 恶作剧 6 Hesuddenlyreturned 在一个寒冷的雨夜 7 Moreandmorepeopleliketosleep 窗户开着 8 Hewillbeback 三天后 Fillintheblanks P16 四 inthreedays onacoldrainyday withthewindowsopen Thankstoyourhelp Alicegetsfree Congratulations Round2 PK A

12、B C D Alicemeetsherenemies helpher Correct 1 Inthebeginningofthefilm therewasaparty 2 Redqueen scastleisontheeastofWonderland 3 Thereisanoldstonebridgeabovetheriver 4 Shehidherselfafterthetree 5 AlicevisitedtheoldmaninSundayafternoon 6 She llleaveLondontoChina on for At behind over in 三组表示位置关系的介词比较B

13、is theeastofA Dis theeastofA Cis theeastofA 1 Japanis theeastofAsia 2 Japanis theeastofChina 3 Koreais thenortheastofChina north south west east A B C D in to on in to on Multiplechoice 1 Where sAlice Weareallhere her A besidesB aboutC exceptD with2 Shesentherfriendacardapresent A onB asC forD of3 T

14、hefilmisdirected TimBurton A toB forC asD by4 Alicewaslate theparty A forB toC withD of5 Shehadbeenwaiting 10years A withB forC ofD at6 Aliceisthegirl blue A withB ofC inD on besides意为 除 之外 包含 except意为 除 之外 不包含在内 除了这支 我还有一支蓝色钢笔 共2支 2 Weallpassedtheexam Tom 除了汤姆 我们都通过了考试 汤姆不合格 1 Ihaveanotherbluepen t

15、hisone besides except Fillintheblanks Alice abeautifulgirl wasborninthe19thcentury Attheageof19 shewastakentoagardenparty asummerafternoon whereshefell aholeandmetlotsofstrangethings Duringhertimeinwonderland Alicemadefriends theMadHatter theWhiteQueenandsoon Alicewassurprisedtoknowthatshecouldn tre

16、turn therealworlduntilshekilledthedragon theendofthefilm Alicekilledthedragonandreachedhome Shebecamebraveaftertheadventureandshelookedforward atripinChina on into with to to At Infact thedogisAlice sfriend Goodluck AlicewilltakeashipnamedWonderlandtoChina CouldyouintroducesomeplacesinChinaforAlice Round3 AliceinChina IntroduceaplaceinChinaforourforeignfriendAlice WelcometoChina Workingroupsof4tointroduceaplace StudentA groupleader presentStudentB takenotesStudentC giveadviceStudentD counttime G



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