山东青岛即墨长江中学九级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark导学案新人教新目标.doc

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山东青岛即墨长江中学九级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark导学案新人教新目标.doc_第1页
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《山东青岛即墨长江中学九级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark导学案新人教新目标.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东青岛即墨长江中学九级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark导学案新人教新目标.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark一、课前预习1单词:1). 有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的2). 不说话的;沉默的3). 有帮助的4). 时常;有时5). 得分;进球2.课前预习词组1).足够的勇敢2).对感兴趣3).在取得成绩4).如此好的注意5).时常;有时6).戴眼镜3.翻译1)Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates._2) Its interesting to see how people have changed._二、知识点辨析1. I used

2、to be afraid of the darks.1).否定句:_2).一般疑问句:_3).反意疑问句:_2. 辨析:used to do / be used to doing /be used to do1).used to do,表示_,是过去时态,用于描述过去常常发生的动作或存在的状态。我过去害怕黑暗。 I used to_(be) afraid of the dark.2).be/get used to doing,表示_. 玛利亚习惯早起。Maria is used to_(get)up early.3).be used to do, 表示_,相当于 _. 火可以被用来做饭。Fir

3、e can be used to cook food.= Fire can _ _ _ _ food.3、练习1). Mother _us stories when we were young. A. used to telling B. is used to tell C. used to tell D. is used to telling2).我习惯走路上学。 I _ _ _ _ to school.3). He used to smoke, _ _?(完成反义疑问句)4).李先生过去住在美国,所以习惯吃西餐。Mr Li _ _ _ in America, so he _ _ _ _ w

4、estern dishes.5). _ used to_ an old bookshelf in my room. A. There; be B. There; have C. It; be D. There; having6). 小刀是用来切东西的。 Knives _ _ _ _things.= Knives _ _ _ _things. 三、辨析Whats he like now?/What does he look like?1. A: _?B :Hes tall now.2. A:_? B: Hes outgoing and funny.3. A:_? B:Hes tall and f

5、unny.四:so 与such 的用法辨析1. such1). such + a / an +adj +单数名词 2) such + adj. +不可数名3) such + adj +复数名词2.so1). so + adj / adv2)many /few +可数名词复数 3)much / little +不可数名词3.练习:1). 人们不愿做这样的工作。 People would not like to do _work. (so, such)2).It is _delicious food that I want some more. A. such a B. such C. so a

6、D. so3).他如此小一致于还不能去上学。 Hes _ _that he cant go to school.六、“穿”的各种表达 wear、put on、dress、1)wear : “穿、穿着、戴着”,强调状态。wear后面接可穿戴的东西,也包括眼镜、首饰等,可用于进行时态。Lucy likes _ purple clothes.2)put on “穿上、戴上”,指“穿”的动作,反义词为“take off”。Its cold outside. Youd better _ _ more clothes.3)dress 穿衣,作及物动词,后接人做宾语,意为“给某人穿衣服”Her son is

7、 too young to _ _.七、知识点梳理1.我过去常常怕黑。I _ _ _ _ _ the dark.2.她从来不敢问问题。She was never _ _ _ _ questions.3.我们已经有三年没见我们的小学同学了。Its been _ _ since we last _our primary school classmates.1. 看到大家发生的变化很有趣。Its _ _ _ _people _ _.2. 当他和女孩说话的时候总是会脸红。His face always _ _ when he _ to girls!3. 我过去常常在图书馆看见他读书。I _ _ _ h

8、im _ in the library every day.6.你以前戴眼镜吗?_ he _ _ _ glasses?7.看他现在多高多壮啊!Look _ _ and _ he is now!七、练习1. Tom used to_(get) up early, but now hes very lazy.2.Be _ (silent)! My baby is sleeping!3.I saw Lily _ (write) something when I passed by the classroom.4.My parents sent me a dictionary as a Christm

9、as present. Its very _(help).5.Tom used to be shy, _?A. didnt he B. isnt he C.didnt Tony D. isnt Tony6.The young man is _ to save the girl in the river.A.enough brave B. brave enoughC.enough bravely D. bravely enough7. Her mother has been dead for two years.(同义句)It has been _ _ since her mother _.8.Dont give up _ English. Its very useful.A. study B.studying C. to study D. studied.3



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