福建武平城郊中学八级英语第8周校本练习仁爱 1.doc

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1、福建省武平县城郊中学2014-2015学年八年级英语上学期第8周校本练习班级 姓名 座号 成绩 第二部分 语言知识运用(共30小题,满分35分)V选择填空(20分):从下面.三个选项中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳选项. ( )1. What are they going to do tomorrow? They are going to have a football game_ Class One? A. ofB. againstC. between ( )2. What are you going to _when you grow up? A teacher.A. do B. beC.

2、 become( )3. There_ _ an interesting movie this evening .Would you like to go and watch it with me? Yes ,Id love to.A. hasB. is going to beC. have ( ) 4. Running is a good way _ healthy.A. keepsB keepingC. to keep ( )5. How long does your sister spend _ books every day? For two hours.A. to readB. re

3、ad C. reading( )6. Id like to read the book over there. Could you pass _, please?Certainly. Here you are. A. me itB. it to meC. me for it( )7. Would you mind _ us in the game? Not at all. A. joiningB. joinC. join in( )8.You must stop the dog from_ into the room.A. goB .to goC. going( )9. Basketball

4、is a game _ indoors or outdoors.A. playing B. played C. play( )10. His father is good _ playing table tennis, and playing table tennis is good _ our health.A. in; atB. at; forC. on; at ( )11. The students are all _about the _news.A. exciting ; excitedB. excited ;excitingC. excited; excited( )12. Lin

5、 Tao will take part in _.A. the boys 800-meter race B. the boys 800-meter raceC. the boys 800-meters race ( )13.Nowadays, the Olympic Games are held by different cities _. A、in turnsB、in turnC、in the turn( )14.Its her first time _dinner. She thinks she will have a lot of fun with itA. to cookB. cook

6、C. cooking( )15.In our school library there _ a number of books on science and the number of them _ growing larger and larger.A. is; areB .has; isC. are; is ( )16. Where does your brother want to study when he _? He wants to study in America.A. stays upB. grows upC. gets up ( )17. John _may games af

7、ter he _ the school basketball team last year.A. took part in; joinedB. took part in; took part inC. joined; took part in ( )18.We often _ two hours doing our homework in the evening.A. takeB. cost C. spend ( )19.She looks young, but she must be _40 years old.A. at leastB. at lastC. at first ( )20.Y

8、ou mustnt _ the old people. Its not polite.(礼貌)A. shout toB. shout at C. shout withVI.完形填空 (10分) Basketball is one of the most popular 21 in the United States and other parts of the world. It has a history of over a 22 .The inventor of basketball ,James Naismith ,came from Canada .He 23 basketball f

9、or his students in 1891.At first, it was an 24 game so that students could play in bad weather.Basketball soon became very popular. In 1946 the NBA 25 into being .There were many great basketball stars in the NBA. For many years they were all Americans. But now many good players come from other coun

10、tries.Basketball is both an indoor 26 outdoor game. It is a team sport 27 two teams of five players each. The goal is to throw the ball through the other sides basket, and to stop the other team from 28 so. You can throw it from any part of the court with one hand or two hands. You can pass the ball

11、 to your teammates. but you must follow the rules. 29 ,you cant hold the ball and run with it. To win basket games, you should have good skills. But it is more important for you and other players to play 30 a team. You are sure to enjoy playing this popular sport.( ) 21、A、sportsB、sportC、sporting( )

12、22、A、centuriesB、century C、hundred( ) 23、A、inventsB、inventorC、invented( ) 24、A、outdoorB、outdoorsC、indoor( ) 25、A、cameB、comeC、comed( ) 26、A、fromB、andC、with( ) 27、A、withB、haveC、has( ) 28、A、doB、to doC、doing( ) 29、A、For exampleB、Such asC、At first( ) 30、A、againstB、asC、with第三部分 口语应用(共10小题,满分10分)VII口语运用(共10

13、小题,满分10分)第一节 从方框中选出最佳选项完成下面的对话。A:Hi,Wang Tao!_31_B:I prefer boating.A:Do you go boating much? B:Yes, quite a lot. _32_A. Then which sport do you like best?B:_33_This Saturday I am going hiking with my friends. Would you like to join us?A: 34_But I am going to play football with my classmates. Do you

14、 like playing football?B: _35_ANo, I think it is boring. BAnd I often go swimming ,too .CWhich sport do you prefer, skiing or boating?DMy favorite sport is hiking.F Id like to.31_32_33_34_35_第二节 情景选择。根据对话情景,从每题所给的三个选项(A,B,C)中,选出最佳选项。36. . Would you like to go mountain climbing with me this Sunday ?


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