福建龙岩永定区八级英语第七周周末作业仁爱 1.doc

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1、八年级英语第七周周末作业一、 单项选择( ) 1. Mr. Green lives in a _ room on the fifth floor. A. three-beds B. three bed C. three-bed D. three beds( ) 2. There are many trees on _ side of the road.A.Every B.each C.both D.all ( ) 3. How much do you _ a single room every night? A. pay B. pay forC. take D. spend( ) 4. It

2、was getting to rain _I arrived at the station.A.as B.while C.when D.as soon as ( ) 5. We are looking forward to _ on the field.A. campB. campedC. campingD. camps( ) 6. Fujian is _ the south of China, and Taiwan is _ the south of Fujian.A.in, to B.to, in C.to, to D.in, on ( ) 7. Shenzhen is in the _

3、part of China.A. southB. southernC. southeastD. southwest( ) 8. When did your father come back last week? He didnt come back _he finished all the work.A. until B. while C. if D. when()9. If the rain _, well go for a walk.A. stopB. stops C. stopped D. to stop()10.Ill ring you up I get to Beijing.A.wh

4、enB.as soon asC.whileD.until()11.When he got home, his family supper.A.were havingB.hadC.are having D.have()12.They surveyed the area the house faced south.A.make sureB.making sureC.to make sureD.makes sure()13.My grandpa always sleeps his eyes open.A.whenB.withC.butD.and()14.They really need a hous

5、e _. A. liveB. to live C. to live in D. lives in( ) 15. There are two English _, and I want to _ another two.A. book, bookB. books, bookC. book, books二、情景交际:. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。A:Hey, Kangkang. Ive got great news.B: 1 A: Yes, my friend Darren from San Francisco is coming to visit me. 2 B: Thats fantas

6、tic! 3 A: Would you help me plan some exciting adventures in Beijing?B: 4 We can explore the graves(墓穴,坟墓) of ancient Chinese emperors.A: 5 A: Im looking forward to meeting him.B: That would be very interesting.C: Its a good idea.D: You sound very excited.E: Id like you to meet him.F: How about taki

7、ng him to the Ming Tombs?G: What can I do for you.1 2 3 4 5 三、完形填空。Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is 1 important than money. Why? Because when money spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 2 , itll never 3 . That is 4 we mustnt waste time.It goes without saying that the 5 i

8、s usually limited(有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 6 useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who 7 know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking, and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wastin

9、g part of their own 8 .In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt 9 todays work for tomorrow.Remember we have no time to 10 .( ) 1. A. muchB. lessC. much lessD. even more( ) 2. A. costB. boughtC. goneD. finished( ) 3. A. returnB. carryC. takeD. bring( ) 4. A. whatB. thatC. becauseD. why( ) 5. A. mo

10、neyB. time C. dayD. food( ) 6. A. nothingB. somethingC. anythingD. everything( ) 7. A. do notB. does notC. did notD. do( ) 8. A. timeB. foodC. moneyD. life( ) 9. A. stopB. leaveC. letD. give( ) 10. A. loseB. saveC. spendD. take四、 阅读理解( A)A Road SignA man was traveling on his way to another town when

11、 he saw a road sign(路标) which read,“NO THROUGH WAY. PLEASE GO ANOTHER WAY.” He looked ahead and saw nothing wrong at all. He decided to go on, thinking the sign was a kind of joke. After a while he saw a broken bridge and had to turn back. When he came to the sign again on the road he saw these word

12、s on its back side.“WELCOME BACK, YOU FOOL!”( ) 1. The road sign was put up on the road in roder to _ .A. make people know that the bridge ahead was being rebuiltB. tell people to be careful while crossingA. tell people to go another way( ) 2. Why did the man decide to go on when he saw the road sig

13、n? Because _ .A. he didnt see the words on the road signB. he thought the sign was a kind of jokeC. there was another way ahead( ) 3. The man had to turn back because _ .A. he saw the words on the signs back sideB. he didnt want to go to that town any moreC. the bridge was broken( ) 4. Whats on the

14、road signs back side?A. NOTHING.B. NO THROUGH WAY PLEASE GO ANOTHER WAY.C. WELCOME BACK, YOU FOOL! ( ) 5. Which of the following is wrong?A. The words on the sign were written in capital letters.B. There was something wrong with the bridge.C. The road sign was a kind of joke.( B )Mr Smith made many tests (作试验) with different animals


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