山东肥城王庄初级中学九级英语全册Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parksPeriod 3 Section B学案 人教新目标.doc

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山东肥城王庄初级中学九级英语全册Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parksPeriod 3 Section B学案 人教新目标.doc_第1页
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山东肥城王庄初级中学九级英语全册Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parksPeriod 3 Section B学案 人教新目标.doc_第2页
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《山东肥城王庄初级中学九级英语全册Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parksPeriod 3 Section B学案 人教新目标.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东肥城王庄初级中学九级英语全册Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parksPeriod 3 Section B学案 人教新目标.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks. Period 3 Section B【学习目标】1.熟记: take after 、fix up、 repair、 similar to2. Understanding: Be able to understand the phrases3.Habit-forming: Be able to use the phrases【预习导学】写出下列短语:与相像_ 修理_ 赠送_ 与相似_ 用完_【合作交流】1.take after (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像 be similar to 与.相像 ta

2、ke after 相像 look after 照顾 take care of 照顾2. work out v. + adj. 结局,结果为 The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. 他提出的这个策略效果很好。 算出,制订出,消耗完(精力等) He never seems to be worked out. 他好像永远不会疲乏似的。 He worked out a plan. 他制订了一个计划。 I have worked out our total expenses. 我已经算出了我们总的费用。3. hang out 闲荡 闲逛

3、I like to hang out at mall with my friends. 我喜欢和我的朋友一起去购物中心闲荡。4. be able to do 能 会 be unable to do 不能 不会 5. thank you for doing 谢谢做某事 如: thank you for helping me 谢谢做帮助我【扣标合作】学习任务一1.自学Section B 1a 根据要求连线。2.听录音,完成2a 3.听录音,完成2b。4.搭档练习,根据2a,2b中的表格信息,角色扮演对话。学习任务二:1.个人自学3a,划线有用的动词短语2.完成3b3.翻译并掌握重点句和短语,熟读短

4、文。4. 全班活动。利用课文4的表格,询问同学的兴趣爱好以及根据自己兴趣爱好可以做哪些帮助人们的事。【小 结】【达标测试】(一)翻译句子1、我们需要提供一个计划。_2、他赠出很多钱去帮助无家可归的孩子_3、你可以帮我修自行车吗?_4、他已经用完了所有的钱。_5、他不像他的父亲。_(二)选择题1 He _ all the money, so he has to go back home. A. run out of B. has run out of C. has run out D. runs out of 2 He is repairing the TV set. A. mend B. fi

5、xed C. fixing up D.mended3 She looks like her father very much. A. is take after B. is similar to C. looks the same D. likes4 I _(take after/ take care of ) my sister , so people often make mistake.5They finally thought _ a plan and solved the problem. A. up B. over C. away D. off6. How dirty your r

6、oom is ! You must _. A. clean it up B. clean them up C. clean it up D. do some cleanings7. When do you plan to set _ an interest group. A. off B. out C. up D. to 8. I tried my best, but I couldnt _.A. cheer up them B. cheer him up C. cheer he up D. cheer up he9. At the beginning of a new term, new test textbooks are _ to students. A. give out B. give off C. given out D. given off10. Not only_ polluted but _ crowded.A. was the city, were the streets B. the city was, were the streetsC. was the city , the streets were D. the city was, the streets were3


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