陕西靖边第四中学七级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag period 3导学案新人教新目标.doc

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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag period 3课题:Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section B(1a-2a) 课时 第( )课时备注1.掌握词汇:radio,clock,tape player,model plane2.谈论物品的位置:Wheres your notebook?Its in the bookcase.Where re the English books?Theyre under the radio.3会正确使用under,on,in谈论物品的位置。:1.翻译下列词组:我的收音机_他的钟 _录音机_模型飞机 _在我的椅子下_在

2、沙发上_bring.to._在书柜里_2.用a或an填空。_bus_old bus _apple_nice apple _orange _good orange_English name_Japanese name_answer_wrong(错误的) answer_clock_alarm clock1.用一房间的图片展开对话,重点记under,on,in的意思,并用这3个词造句或编对话:-Where is-? -Its on-.-Where are-?-Theyre-.2. 记忆大挑战:引入Section B 1a中的物品名词,看谁记住的单词最多,看谁能说出物品的具体方位。_ _ _ _ _

3、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. 听力训练,写下汤姆房间的东西和那些物品的所在位置,例如:The English books are under the radio._知识超市:1.记住take 和bring的用法:(1)take拿走,带走,反义词bring拿来,带来(2)take的常用句式为“take+人/物+ to+地点”,表示把某人/物带到某地去。熟记下面的短语:take the books to school, take me to Beijing,take these things to your sister.(3)bring的常用句式为“bring+人/物+ to+地点”,表示把

4、某人/物带到某地来。熟记下面的短语bring the books to me , bring the CD to school.2.need的用法:表示“需要”时为实意动词,后面可以加名词,也可以加不定式:I need a pen.Do you need any water? No, I dont.I need to have a rest.need doing=need to be done (表示被动)The flowers need watering. =The flowers need to be watered. 花需要浇水。need在否定时做情态动词使用:You neednt go so early. (=You dont need to go so early.)Must I clean the desk right now? No, you neednt. 【Blackboard Design】Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag?Wheres your notebook?Its in the bookcase.Where re the English books?Theyre under the radio.(教师复备栏及学生笔记)3


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