山东肥城王庄初级中学七级英语下册Unit2 What time do you go to school第三课时导学案新人教新目标.doc

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《山东肥城王庄初级中学七级英语下册Unit2 What time do you go to school第三课时导学案新人教新目标.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东肥城王庄初级中学七级英语下册Unit2 What time do you go to school第三课时导学案新人教新目标.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 What time do you go to school第三课时【学习目标】 知识与能力:1. 识记一些重要词汇:letter, around, start, write, tell, me, soon, best, Saturday, wish.2.理解并掌握句型:1.Thanks for your help. 3. Please write and tell me about your morning.过程与方法:学会以书信的形式向朋友谈论日常生活及作息时间。【学习重难点】:熟练掌握本单元词汇及语言结构。【预习任务】:任务一:预习3a,完成本课单词和短语。很快地_ 大约_ 或

2、者 或者_ 大量许多_ 有时_我(宾格)_ 味道_早早上床睡觉 参加体育运动 任务二:预习3a, 翻译下列短语和句子为而感谢 _ 想做 _ 起床 _做家庭作业_ 吃早饭 _ 她知道它对她没好处但它尝起来好 放学后我有时打篮球半小时._ .在晚上我要么看电视要么玩电子游戏._ _ 【预习诊断】 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Please write and tell _ (I) about your morning.2. She _ (do) her homework in the evening.3. School _ (start) at nine oclock.4. Best _ (wish

3、) to you.5. My father usually _ (go) to work at 7:00.【预习质疑】:你还有什么问题吗?(Do you have any problems?)_【课中实施】【限时作业】 满分:10分 得分率:_一、单句改错1.Do you your homework on weekends?A B C2.School start at 8:00 every day. A B C3.I usually go to bed around at 10:00. A B C4.Please write and tell me for your morning. A B

4、C5.They do their homeworks in the evening. A B C二、单项选择1.Mr. Zhang usually _ lunch _ twelve oclock.A. eat, in B. eat, at C. eats, in D. eats, at2.Does she want _ about your family?A. know B. to know C. knows D. knowing3.What time _ Mr Wang _ to work?A. does, go B. does, to go C. do, go D. is, go4.Please write and tell _ about _ morning.A. he, her B. my, your C. him, your D. she, his5.Thanks _ your help.A. to B. for C. at D. by2


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