湖南望城金海双语实验学校九级英语Unit4 What would you do?学案三 人教新目标.doc

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1、湖南省望城县金海双语实验学校九年级英语Unit4 What would you do?学案三(无答案) 人教新目标版学习目标1. Learn the new words:outgoing energetic sky confident creative 2. Talk about imaginary situations学习重点1. Learn to use the expression of 虚拟语气2 . Master the structure of虚拟语气学习难点虚拟语气学习过程:(备注栏内请老师们补充复备情况,请同学们补充课堂笔记)流程及预见性问题学习要求和方法备注一、 明确目标1.

2、Greetings and Lead-in:2.Show the teaching aims on the blackboard:What would you do if 二、自主学习1掌握本页的5个单词。outgoing energetic sky confident creative 2翻译下列词语:(1)变得紧张(2)做一个演讲(3)整个学校(4)未经允许(5)在.前面(6)介绍给三、合作探究1Learn 1a and 1b- 你是什么人?_-我认为我有创造力而且外向._而问一个人外表长什么样,则用句型:What + _ + sb.+ _?练习1)- What _?- Im pretty

3、 confident and energetic.2).-What_? - She is tall with long hair.教师轻松导入,并展示本堂课的学习目标。同学们坐姿端正,认真聆听。课前预习课本第二页内容,根据课文内容思考左边的自主学习试题。2Listening:2a ,2b【知识点拔】 all和whole都有”全部的, 完全的,整个的” 之意,但whole强调完整性,修饰名词的单数形式,前面要加定冠词the ,或者指示代词this, 或者物主代词my,his等等,如: the whole world ; the whole day ; the whole book all强调总量

4、, 修饰复数或不可数名词,但名词的前面要有定冠词,物主代词或指示代词,如: all my friends ; all the time ; all my life (= my whole life)【跟踪练习】1) He used the _ time to do this work ., 2) _ the students are having class now. 3) I cant give you _ my money. 4) Please tell me the _ story.四、展示提升 Finish 2c ,pairworkAsk and answer the question

5、s in the personality survey五、过关检测1.I dont know what I should do.(改为同义句)I dont know_ _ _.2. He left here just now. He didnt say anything.(合并为一句)He left here_ _ anything just now.3.Tomorrow will be fine. We will go shopping.(用if合为一句)We_go shopping if it_fine tomorrow.4. This question is very difficult. I cant answer it.(合并为一句)This question is_difficult_me_answer.5. He will help you. He is here now.(改为虚拟语气) He_help you if he_here now.跟老师组员一块完成合作学习内容,要求认真思考,积极回答老师提出的问题。利用本堂课所学内容,相信自己,大胆展示,2用心 爱心 专心



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