辽宁法库东湖第二初级中学八级英语上册Chapter3DealingwithtroubleReading教案1牛津沈阳 1.doc

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1、Chapter3 Dealing with trouble Reading一、 章节分析(Reading section )(一) 综述(二) 本单元的阅读部分是以日记的形式讲述了一起抢劫案。作者和他的父亲在了解案情的情况下,报警抓罪犯的过程,可以让学生得到两个启示:一、我们要在别人危难之际,勇于帮助他人。二、危及时刻,可以尽快通知有关部门,我们无须把自己陷入困境中。本篇阅读中还出现了一些核心词汇如: argue, deal with, dial, robbery, steal, trouble ,等也是教师教学的重点。(二)阅读目标1 知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。能力目标掌握

2、英语日记格式和地址写法。2 情感目标教育学生遇到突发事件,要沉着冷静,有勇有谋。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。(四)重点和难点1 词汇学习1) 核心词汇 argue (v )争吵,争论 empty (a.) 空的 crowd (n) 人群 stare (n)&(v) 瞪视,盯着看 notice (v) 注意到 follow (v) 跟从,跟随action (n) 行为,举动 report (v)&(n) 报道,报告dial (v) 拨号 rob (v) 抢劫 detail (n) 细节 steal (v) 偷 (steal-stolestole

3、n) 拓展词汇 argument (n)争吵 purse (n) (女用)钱包 robbery (n.) 抢劫案 handcuffs (n) 手铐 noisily (ad)吵闹地 railing (n) 栏杆 permission (n)许可 aboard (adv) 在船上,到船上(火车上,飞机上等) definitely (ad)明确地 2)词组:shout at 对大喊 deal with 处理、应付hold out 端出、伸出发行 wait for 等候、等待stare at 瞪着看 women tourists 女游客(复数)go on 发生 at first 起先hurry abo

4、ard 匆忙上船 run away 逃跑go down onto the ferry 走下到渡船上be afraid of 害怕 get off 下(船)车well done 干得好 shop assistant 营业员教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Pre-reading 1利用图片学习新单词 链接12通过讨论报纸上的抢劫案件引发学生的讨论。并且学习有关单词牛津英语课本While-reading 这是本课的重点部分.听课文录音全文链接2 chapter3_reading回答有关问题 链接3。讲解课文:A. 介绍英文日记格式、地址写法: 链接4.do

5、cB讨论文章四段大意,猜词训练-根据上下文推测词意链接5C. 重点词汇及句式讲解链接6DConsolidation and conclusion 指导学生完成课文后的P35 E。链接7Post-reading 学生讲述自己遇到的突发事件l链接1handcuffsdialrailingferrygate链接3l1. Where did the robbery happen?l2 .How did Paul report the robbery?l3 . Paul and his father didnt get on the mans ferry, did they?l4 .What numbe

6、r did his father dial?l5 .What do you think of Pauls father? 链接4 英文信格式 当日天气写日记日期 正文(过去时)注:1. 英文日记时间时间写在全文第一行的确右侧。一般“星期,日/月/年”或“星期,月/日/年”2一般日记讲述一天的活动,因此一般过去时经常出现在日记中。链接5英文阅读理解涉及到词汇、句子、段落、语篇四个层次的理解问题,关键在于真正读懂文章,所以最根本的是对词汇的理解。初中英语学科教学基本要求规定,学生能根据上下文推测词义,并能不借助词典读懂含有3%生词的语言材料。在8A 开始的每个Chapter中,都有一个阅读技巧训练

7、,教师要充分利用课本语言材料,结合书本或配套练习,对学生进行专项阅读技巧指导。如在这篇课文中“Find the meanings” 根据上下文猜测词意就是其中一个内容。下面介绍两种猜词法:1、根据构词法猜测词意 :后缀- ment/tion,-ing表名词,如argue/argument think/thinking, rail/railing等;后缀-er、-or或-ist表同源名词,如rob/robber,act/ actor, visit/ visitor,report/reporter,tour/ tourist,art/ artist等;。2、根据上下文猜测词意(Page 34 C

8、1)Find these words in Pauls diary on page 33. Read the words around them and choose the best meanings.1. an argument A) when a big crowd of people are all talking noisily B) when people do not agree about something and get angry2. aboardA) onto a ship or boatB) onto a piece of wood or cardboard3. st

9、rangeA) funny, amusing B) different, unusual4. to report A) to give information about sth.B) to do sth. against the law 5. a robbery A) when someone hits or kills a person B) when someone steals something段落大意:P1: Paul describes how he and his father saw a man and two women arguing.P24: One of the wo

10、men told Pauls father the man and two other men had stolen her friends purse.P89: His father quickly phoned the police with all the details.P57: Paul couldnt understand why his father wouldnt get on the ferry while the others did.P1011: The police met the ferry when it arrived and caught the man.链接6

11、New Words:1. argument (n)争吵,争论 eg. This afternoon we heard a big argument. argue (v)争论 argue with sb about/on sth eg. Dont argue with such a man.2. empty (adj) 空的(反义full)e.g. There is nothing in my hand. It is empty.empty (v) 倒空,使空e.g. He emptied everything out of his bag.3. crowd (n) 人群 a crowd of

12、people(一群.) eg. He walked through the crowd.crowded (adj) 拥挤的 be crowded with挤满的 4. stare (at sb/sth) 瞪视,盯着看e.g. Its rude to stare at others.5. purse (n) (女用)钱包e.g. She carried her purse in her handbag.6. follow (v) 跟从,跟随e.g. The boy followed his father out.7. aboard (adv) 在船上,到船上(火车上,飞机上等)e.g. Be c

13、areful when you step aboard the ferry.区别:abroad (adv) 到国外,在国外 go abroad8. action (n) 行为,举动eg. It will be late if we dont take action quickly.act (v) 行动,表演eg. She acted well in the film.active (adj) 积极的eg. He is always active in class. activity (n) 活动eg. We have many activities at school.actor (n.)男演员 actress (n.)女演员9. dial (v) 拨号 (dial(l)ed)eg.You can dial 110 if you want to call the police.10. robbery (n) 抢劫案 a bank robberyrob (v) 抢劫 ( robbed-robbed)robber (n) 抢劫犯 11. report (v)&(n) 报道,报告 eg. If there is any accident, you must report it to the headmaster. reporter (n) 记者 成绩单1


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