山东夏津双语中学七级英语期中外研 1.doc

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1、山东省夏津县双语中学2014-2015学年七年级英语上学期期中试题 七年级英语期中测试题答案 一1-5BCCBB 6-10 BCBBC 11-15 BCABC16. 14/fourteen 17. city 18. cakes 19. swimming/ to swim 20. China二21-25 CBCCB 26-30 AACBB 31-35 BACBC三36-40 ABACB 41-45 BBCDA 46-50 ADDCB 51-55 BCCDA四56. name 57. family 58.father 59.job 60.in 61.brothers 62.same 63.are

2、64.dog 65.our五66-70 BCEAF六71. 我家有5口人。72. Our house is in front of a small garden.73. There are many flowers.74. No, it isnt.75. Its a nice room./Its nice.七略八There are sixty desks in our classroom. They are all orange and new. We often do our homework on it every day. In our classroom, there is a teachers desk in the front, and there is a computer on it. There are two blackboards and three windows in our classroom. The wall in our classroom is white. I like my new classroom very much. 8



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