重庆八级英语期中 人教新目标.doc

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1、重庆市巴蜀中学2013-2014学年八年级英语上学期期中试题第一卷(90分)听力部分(共30分)I情景反应。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,听一遍 (1.56分)1AYes,she didBYes,I doCNo,I didnt2AShe did some cleaning BI went to Central Park CI am going to Hong Kong3ATwiceBThree timesCFour times a week4ALets watch a movieBYes,I doCThey are not educational5AAn elep

2、hantBA pandaCA pig6ANo,I didntBYes,I doCIts too expensiveII对话理解。根据你所听到的对话及其问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案,听一遍。(1.56分) 7AOnce a weekBTwice a weekCThree times a week8AShe went shoppingBShe had funCShe went to HK9ABobBMaryCBoth A and B10AAt a companyBIn the schoolCAt the movie11ATalk showsBNewsCSports shows12AN

3、o,it isnt BYes,it is CIts the Nile River (尼罗河) III短文理解。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案,听两 遍。(1.58分)A13Why do most students in the countryside live in the school?ABecause they like schoolBBecause they live far from schoolCBecause teachers ask them to14How do some students in the countryside go to scho

4、ol?ABy taxiBBy busCOn foot or by bike15The students in the cities go to school _ Aby shipBby taxi,by bus or by carCby plane16Which of the following is not right ? ASome students in the cities get to school by bus BAll the students in the country live in their schools CIn China,the high school studen

5、ts in the country are different from those in the citiesB17What did Jack London do? AA writerBA workerCA dog-keeper18What is his book the Call of the Wild about? ADogBCatCGold19What did he find in Alaska(阿拉斯加)? ABooksBGold (金子)CIdeas for his books and stories20How old was he when he died? A40B14C60笔

6、试部分(共120分)单项选择。(120分)21Mary didnt want to stay _ , so she moved to Malaysia .Asomewhere cold Bcold somewhere Canywhere cold Dcold anywhere22- Do you know _ we hold School Anniversary(校庆)?- _ ten years .Ahow long,AnotherBhow often,EveryChow soon,EachDhow many years,About23I go hiking _ the countrysid

7、e _ twice a week . Ain,Bon,aboutCin,of Don,with24He studies _ at Chinese for one year, but he can still _ speak itAhard,hardBhardly,hardlyChard,hardlyDhardly,hard25MrLi likes reading newspapers so that he can _ whats going on all over the world .AfindBlook forClook atDfind out26There are _ people in

8、 the street and I couldnt see my daughter in the crowd (人群) .Aquite a fewBquite a littleCmuchDonly a little27German is similar to English in some wayIt means _ .AGerman is not the same as EnglishBGerman is different from EnglishCGerman and English have something in commonDGerman and English are diff

9、icult28You dont need to do anything _ you dont want to .Aas much asBas long asCas good asDas soon as29_ is important for everybody and we should keep us _ .AHealthy,healthy BHealth,healthyCHeathy,healthDHealth,health30Workers tried their best _ the new school in a short time Ato buildBbuildingCbuilt

10、Dbuilder31We are still waiting _ the actor _ Ato,to comeBfor,comingCto,comingDfor,to come32I hope my students can be _ about English and take English classes _ Aserious,seriouslyBseriously,serious Cserious,seriousDseriously,seriously33The _ distance (距离) in the world is that you dont know I love you

11、 when l stand in front of youLets take a _ step (更近一步) for our relationship (关系) A farthest,furtherBfar,farCfarther,furtherDfurthest,farther34The weather in Chengdu is colder than _ in Chongqing AitBthe oneConeDthat35- Mum,could you buy me an iphone 5S? Its the latest mobile phone from Apple,Inc(公司)

12、- We can buy _ one,but _ itAa cheaper;as good asBa better;as expensive asCa worse;as good asDa more expensive;not as good as36Taking buses is _ than taking a taxi . Amore cheapBmuch cheaperCa little cheapDless cheaper37The _ friends you have,the _ you will beAmore,happyBmany,happyCmore,happierDmany,

13、happier38The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet gets us _ . AlessBmoreCcloserDfarther39Yangzi River is longer than _ in China Aany riverBany other riverCother riverDany rivers40Tina has a longer neck than _ while my eyes are bigger than _ .Ame,hersBmine,hersCmine,herDme,herV完形填空(110分)When July comes,childr



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