福建宁化城东中学中考英语总复习七下Unit6Topic1仁爱 1.doc

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1、( Unit 6 Topic 1 )I.词汇部分:( A )根据汉语意思写单词:20%1 花园_ 2 卧室_ 3 第二 _4 地板_5 厨房_ 6 浴室_ 7 房子_ 8 爷爷_9 在 后面 _10 键盘 _11 椅子_ 12 人们_ 13 中心_ 14 院子_ 16 钟_ 17 灯_ 18 桌子_ 19 花_20 河_( B )汉译英 10%1 Where is your father ? He is _ _ _ ( 在 前面) the house .2 Dont put them there . _ them _ ( 把 放回原处) , please .3 _ _ ( 有 ) some c

2、hairs and a desk in the classroom .4, Im glad to _a _ _ ( 收到来信 ) you .( C ) 根据句意,从方框中选择合适的单词或词并用适当形式填空: people garden key beautiful play with 1. There are many flowers in the _.2. There are five p _ in my family. Theyre my grandparents, my parents and me.3. This new dress looks very b _ on you.Thank

3、 you.4. We can open the door with this k _.5 . Look! Jean is _ _her dog.II .单项选择。(15%)( )1.There _ a desk and several chairs on the second floor of this building.A. amB .is C .are( )2._ there two bedrooms and a small study in the house? Emm. I am not sure.A. Am B Is C. Are( )3.Are there _ cars on th

4、e road ? No, there arent.A. some B. much C .any( )4.What do you think of the new book?There are _ new words in it. Its too difficult for me.A. little B. so much C. so many( ) 5. _ students are there in your class? Only twenty.A. How about B. How many C. How much ( )6.The old man lives _ the _ floor.

5、 I often go there to look after him.A .in; two B. on; second C. under; second( )7.Where do you usually do your homework?I usually do my homework in my _.A. study B. washroom C. kitchen( )8.Aunt Li isnt at home. Can you help her _ her baby?A. look like B .look after C. look around( )9.Where is Guzhou

6、? Lets _ the map of China.A. have a look B. have a look at C. look( )10.Judy, dont put your money here. _, please.A. Put them away B. Put up them C. Put them up( ) 11. My classroom is _ the teachers office.A. in the front of B. on C. next to ( ) 12. _ behind the door? _ two soccer balls behind it.A.

7、 Whats; Its B. Whats; Therere C. Wheres; Its ( ) 13. The movie is boring. Why not _ home and watch TV?All right. Lets go. A. to go B. go to C. go ( ) 14. There arent _ birds _ the tree. A. any; in B. some; in C. any; on ( ) 15. Im glad _ a letter _ Li Hong.A. get; to B. get; from C. to get; fromIII.

8、 情景交际(10%)请根据对话情景填入适当的句子,补全对话内容(其中有两项多余)。 A: Welcome to my new house.A. Do you have Harry Potter? B. How long can I keep it? C. Would you like to go to the school library? D. Whats in it?E. Its on the second floor. F. Can I borrow it? G. Thank you.B: Thanks. What a nice house! Wheres your study?A: L

9、ets go and have a look at it.B: OK. Wa, there are so many books on the shelf. A: Yes, I have.B: A: Of course you can.B: A: You can keep it for three weeks.B: A: Not at all. IV. 完形填空 10%请先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给选项中选出最佳选项。 A man is walking in a forest (森林). He has 16 caps in his hand. There are some monkeys

10、17 the trees. The man puts (放) a cap on 18 head and has a seat under a tree. And then he goes to sleep (睡着). When he wakes up (醒来), he cant 19 his caps. He looks up and 20 some monkeys in the tree. Each of 21 has a cap on their 22 . The man thinks it over and then he gets a (an) 23 . He takes off (脱

11、下) his cap and puts it on the ground (地面). The monkeys do 24 . The man is very 25 to get all of his caps back.( )16. A. a B. an C. any D. some ( )17. A. in B. at C. to D. for( )18. A. his B. her C. its D. their( )19. A. bringB. take C. find D. look( )20. A. looks B. likes C. says D. sees( )21. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs( )22. A. armsB. legs C. backs D. heads( )23. A. idea B. cap C. monkey D. tree( )24. A. right B. the same C. different D. wrong( )25. A. nice B. kind C. happy D. fine2



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