辽宁法库东湖第二初级中学七级英语下册 Unit 2 travelling around the world Reading 3导学案新牛津深圳.doc

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《辽宁法库东湖第二初级中学七级英语下册 Unit 2 travelling around the world Reading 3导学案新牛津深圳.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁法库东湖第二初级中学七级英语下册 Unit 2 travelling around the world Reading 3导学案新牛津深圳.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 travelling around the world Reading 3每日分享:Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 有志者事竟成。课题学习目标学习重点本文知识点的学习、巩固和运用。学习难点本课知识点的理解和运用。学习过程1、 温故知新 分段复述本课的内容 ,各组进行比赛。 二、课堂探究1、阅读全文,从文中找出下列短语。1)以.而文明_ 2)百货商店_3)更喜欢 _4)参观一些商店_ 5)谈论 _ 6)法国首都_7)香榭丽舍大道_8)法国中心_9) 靠海边_10)在山上_.2、讨论上述短语中1)、3)、5)、

2、9)的用法1)_; 3)_;5) _; 9)_.3、 课堂练习(一)自主讨论、研究和学习全文。1、 France is in _Europe. (west, western)2、 France is a country with many beautiful places. (写出同义句)_ _many beautiful places in France.3、You will find many well-known places of interest such as the Eiffel Tower.(1)well-known的同义词_;(2)interest 是_词作_语;它的分词形式

3、是_或_;构成的短语是_ _ _(对.感兴趣)4、The most famous street in Paris is the Champs-Elysees.(同义句)The Champs-Elysees is _ _ than any other street in Paris.5、 Farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine.学习grow 和plant 的用法和区别(1)grow 着重_;plant着重_练习:Yesterday my dad _five trees and my mum _some flowers in the ga

4、rden.(用grow 和plant 填空)(2) make的用法(下列短语中make的汉语意思)make me happy_; make a big cake_; make a friend _.6、 The south of France lies on the coast.1) lie的汉语意思是_和_;2) lie的过去式_; 现在分词_。7、A French town by the sea is the perfect place for a summer holiday.(1) ly 是_词,汉语意思_;(2) perfect 的同义词_.8、You can try skiing

5、on the mountains in the French Alps.(1) try + doing 的汉语意思_, try to do 的汉语意思_.练习:1)We must try_(study ) Chinese well.2) You may try _ (use)it.(2) on 和in 的用法1) 接地点的用法 on_, in_;2) 接时间的用法 on_, in_.9、So why not visit France this year ?语法结构:why + not + do类似的同义句有:(1) So _ _ visiting France this year?(2) So

6、 _ _ visit France this year?(3) So_ visit France this year.(二)学生独立完成P18 C2的练习,学生小组讨论,教师给出答案,然后学生齐读该短文。四、总结本课的课文内容,小组讨论。1、_ 2、_五、拓展提高用所给词的适当形式填空1、 France is famous for _ (it) wine.2、 The film is perfect, and everyone _ (love) it.3、 It is _ (possibly) for him to come to this party tonight.4、 I like _ (walk) along the coast.5、 I prefer _ (play) at home during the summer holidays.6、 We will go _ (ski) in Shenyang this winter.六、家庭作业1、本课的短语每个五遍;2、本课的语法点整理一遍并记住。2


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