江苏盐城盐都郭猛中学九级英语下册Unit2RobotsPeriod1Welcometotheunit 1.doc

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1、Unit 2 RobotsPeriod 1 Welcome to the unit & Vocabulary班级_姓名_小组_评价_【学习目标】1.了解机器人的用途。2了解机器人的一些优点.。3.讨论机器人各部件的功能。【导学提纲】A. 听磁带,根据音标拼读课本P22-23和P28的单词并背诵,默写。B.(一)预习课文Comic strip内容,听录音,跟读,并回答下列问题:1. Why is Eddie writing a complaint letter? 2. What does Eddie ask Hobo to do ? (二)你做得很棒哦,现在让我们试着翻译下列短语吧。 1. 需要

2、干某事 2. 写封投诉信_3. 起诉机器人商定 4. 干洗衣服_ 5. 整理床铺 _ 6. 照看孩子_ 7. 洗碟子 8. 熨烫衣服_ 9. 做饭 10. 宇宙太空 【展示交流】1. 组内互查预习情况,纠错、朗读。2. 小组合作完成课本上P填空。3. 讨论For: Robots are very useful in our daily life. Against: Robots arent very useful in our daily life.4. 小组合作完成课本上P28 Part A & Part B的练习并校对答案。【个案补充】_【盘点收获】1.I need to complain

3、 to the robot shop. (1) complain 是不及物动词,意思是“抱怨,诉说,投诉”。其后可接to sb.,其结构为:complain to sb. About sth./ complain to sb. of sth.向某人抱怨某事;complain about (of) sth.抱怨某事。The man complained to the police about his difficulties.(2) complain的名词形式是complaint.【反馈矫正】一用所给词的适当形式填空。1、Mr.Jiangs shirts are _ (熨烫)by the rob

4、ot every day.2.I usually have my clothes washed in the _ (洗衣店).3.Would you please _ (邮寄)this letter for me this afternoon?4. -Where is Daniel? -He is _ (打扫) the floor in the next room.5.Mother often _(抱怨)that I dont work hard enough.6.The robot has three long arms _(连接).7.Robots can help Mum do the

5、_(洗衣活) when there are dirty clothes.8.In winter, the bird flu (禽流感)_(病毒)is easier to spread. So we should be more careful.9.The classroom is so dirty, you should empty the _(垃圾箱)every day.10.In fact, the eyes of the robot are _(照相机).【迁移创新】一选择题。( )1. The robot is _ dear. I dont have _money. A. much t

6、oo; too much B. too much; much too; C. much too; much too D. too much; too much( )2. “Didnt the robot have a rest?” “_. Because it never gets tired.” A. No, it did B. Yes, it did C. No, it didnt D. Yes, it didnt( )3. My shoes are broken. They need _. A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired(

7、)4. My teacher was so satisfied _ Henrys composition that he read it for us in class. A. to B. about C. on D. with( )5. “Post this for me. _, I will return you to the shop.” Eddie said to Hobo. A. So B. However C. Otherwise D. As ( )6. I dont know what to do _ the broken computer. A. for B. with C.

8、about D. of( )7. The robot is made _ all the housework. A. do B. to do C. doing D. to be done ( )8. He was thinking _ his future would _.A. what, like B. what, be like C. how, like D. how, be like二. 翻译1、 机器人能扫地洗衣。Robot can _ _ _ and _ _ _ .2、 我希望机器人能帮助做家庭作业。I hope the robot can help me _ _ _.3、 Eddie 在写投诉信。Eddie is _ _ _ _.4、 他太小,不会自己整理床铺。He is too young to _ _ _ himself.5、 别忘了替我寄信。Dont forget to _ _ _ for me.



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