广西南宁西乡塘区七级英语上册StarterModule2Unit1Openyourbook导学案新外研 1.doc

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1、Unit 1 Open your book.学习目标:通过本单元的学习,学生可以掌握以下知识要点:1、掌握本单元的词汇与句型。2、听懂并能正确使用学过的指令语,并掌握祈使句的句型。学习重难点:1、词汇:sit, down, open, book, listen, draw, put, up, hand, stand, close2、句型:Sit down. / Stand up. / Open your book. / Close your book. / Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 课前预习 I. 根据音标写出单词及中文意思。/sit/_

2、_ /daun / _ _ / upn / _ _ /buk / _ _ /lisn / _ _ /dr: / _ _ /put / _ _ /p / _ _ /hnd / _ _ /stnd / _ _ /kluz / _ _II. 完成句子。1. 请在黑板上画一棵树。_ _ a tree on the blackboard. 2. 请关上门。 _ the door, _. 3. 如果你们有问题请举手。If (如果) you have any questions, please _ _ your hand. 4. 不要坐下。 _ sit _.II. 读一读,写一写。1. 坐下! _2. 起立

3、! _3. 请打开你的课本。 _4. 我的书 _5. 一个书包 _6. 关门! _7. 听我说! _ 自主探究 请同学们预习课本活动一和活动二的内容,找出含有指令性的句子。_自主归纳:请同学们观察这些句子,表达说话人的叮嘱、劝告、请求或命令等的句子,我们称之为:_。祈使句的句子中一般没有主语,肯定结构都以_开头,其否定形式的基本构成为:_。 学习过程 Step 1 Listen to the tape and read the conversation in Activity 1.(听一听课本活动一的对话录音,并读一读。)Step 2 Listen to the sentences in Ac

4、tivity 2, then repeat and do.(听读课本活动二的句子,并做一做这些动作。)Step 3 Match the sentences.(连一连下列的句子。)1. Put upa) your book.2. Open.b) down.3. Standc) up.4. Sitd) your hand.Step 4 Work in pairs. Say and do.(口语训练。小组合作,操练课本活动六的对话。)(1) A: Stand up. B: Yes.(2) A: Open your book. B: Yes(3) A: Goodbye, B: Step 5 Compl

5、ete the sentences in Activity 7.(完成课本活动五的句子。) 巩固练习 I. 单项选择。( ) 1. -Sit down,please. -_.A. Nice to meet you. B. Im fine, too. C. Thank you. D. Sorry.( ) 2. Please _ your books and lets have a dictation (听写).A. close B. open C. put up D. draw( ) 3. -Look! Thats a chair.-Yes. _ a black chair.A. Thiss B

6、. This is C. Its D. That( ) 4. -Excuse me! _ you Mr Green?-Yes. My name _ Jack Green.A. Are; am B. Is; am C. Is; are D. Are; is( ) 5. Is Miss Gao _ teacher?A. your a B. you a C. your D. you( ) 6. When you ask your teacher some questions, you should _ your hands. A. put up B. close C. stand up D. sit

7、 downII. 根据句意和所给词的首字母完成单词。1. Good morning, class. _ (坐) down, please.2. Can you _(画) pictures?3. This is our c_. We study (学习) in it.4. This is my _(书).5. Jim, this is _(我的) good friend.6. Wash your h_ before meals (饭前).7. I have two good _(朋友). Theyre Amy and Tony.8. _(听)!Someone is singing.9. -_(怎

8、么样)is he? -He is fine.10. Its very hot. Please _(打开) the window.III. 从II栏中找出与I栏中各句相对应的答语 I II( ) 1 Good morning, Henry. A. Nice to meet you, Lucy.( ) 2. Open your book, please. B. Yes, Miss Li.( ) 3. How are you? C. Fine, thanks.( ) 4. Can you spell “draw”? D. Goodbye.( ) 5. Whats your name? E. Yes, D-R-A-W, draw.( ) 6. Where is Miss Li from? F. Good morning.( ) 7. This is Lucy. G. I am Ann.( ) 8. Goodbye, Mike. H. She is from Beijing.( ) 9. How many pens are there? I. Class Three.( ) 10. What class are you in? J. Eleven 我的教与学收获、疑问:_4


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