辽宁抚顺新宾九级英语教学质量检测六 1.doc

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1、辽宁省抚顺市新宾县2017届九年级英语教学质量检测(六)试题2017年初中毕业生第六次质量调查英语试卷 参考答案及评分标准15 CCBDA 610 BADCD 11-15 BABDB1620 CAEDB2125 CDACB 2630 BCDAB3135 CDBAB 3640 ADCDB 4145 CBDBC 4650 ABDDC51. When will it be?52. Have you prepared well?53. Do you go to bed late/stay up late to study?54. I agree with you. / You are right.55

2、. I think you should talk with your teachers about it.注:此补全对话是开放性试题,参考答案不唯一,凡符合语境的正确表达均可得分。评卷教师可酌情处理。56. are too hard on57. get in the way of58. too careless to /so careless that you cant59. warned children not to swim60. is becoming/will be stronger and stronger61. How heavily/ hard it is snowing n

3、ow!62. It has been 20 years since I met her last time.63. Its time for us to take action to stop them.64. 那么,如果你制定了一个好计划,所有的事情将会井然有序/井井有条。65. 先努力做好做最糟糕的事,这会使你一天中的剩余事情做起来更容易。评卷教师可酌情处理66. However 67. expensive 68. space 69. for 70 invented 71. centuries 72. recording 73. more widely 74. use 75. truly7

4、6. In the early morning.77. A school bus driver.78. Because he felt too scared.79. Classmates.80. He was afraid of the math test.81.The power of love82.predict their chances for future83.going back to the same place84. 90% of the boys would spend some time in jail85. most had become successful Lucy

5、likes seeing movies especially action movies. She seldom goes to the cinema because the tickets are expensive. She likes to see movies on the Internet. She thinks that students shouldnt spend too much time on movies. She thinks that sudents should sutdy hard.First, We should wait in line to get on t

6、he bus. Its also very important to get on the bus in order. Second, we should keep the bus clean. Its not polite to throw litter on the bus. Third, we shouldnt talk with others loudly on the bus. Whats more, we should tell our parents not to smoke on the bus. Its impolite and its also harmful. There

7、 must be many people on the bus. So we mustnt fight with others. All in all, we should be polite on the bus. 一、 选择性试题根据所给答案评分。二、 非选择性试题如考生答案与参考答案不完全一致,但与其表达意思相近,符合问 题或情境要求,酌情给分。三、 书面表达 评分时首先要根据作文内容和语言,初步确定其所属等次,再以该等次的要求来衡量,确定或调整等次,最后给分。一等文:(13-15分)作文内容完整,表达清楚,正确;可读性强。二等文:(9-12分)作文内容比较完整,语言较流畅;有些语言表达错误,但不影响意思;可读性较好。三等文:(6-8分)作文内容不完整;叙事不具体;语言表达不够清楚;词数不足80。四等文:(0-5)基本不成文。四、 扣分说明(1) 非选择题书写潦草,难以辨认,从总得分中扣3-5分。(2) 书面表达每两处语法错误扣1分,单词书写每三处扣1分。(3) 书面表达87题,词数不足80词,扣2分。12


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