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1、This is me!学习目标能认读课本中六个国家及标志性景点的名称能用英语介绍这些国家及其首都学习重点能用英语介绍这些国家及其首都学习难点能用英语介绍这些国家及其首都。【课前预习】 (一)你知道下列国家的首都吗?连一连。The USA Canada Japan Russia The UK France London Moscow Ottawa Paris Tokyo WashingtonD.C.(二)从文中找出下列词组从文中找出下列词组。1.梦想中的家园_2.想住在宫殿_3.想要做某事_4.住在饭店旁_5.坐在我隔壁_6.最大的一个_7.国家和首都_8.埃菲尔铁塔_9.中国的首都_10.来自

2、日本_【课堂合作探究】1.听Page6Eddie 和Hobo的对话,并模仿课文中语音、语调。2.先阅读下面的题目,合上书本听录音选择填空。1) Eddie like to live next to a . A .palace B. restaurant C.street2)Eddies favourite restaurant is in Street.21cnjycom A .Fifth B. Sixth C.Ninth.3知识点梳理:1、Id like to live next to a restaurant.我想住在餐馆旁边。 “想要做某事” _, = _ to do sth would

3、 like sth = _ sth 意思是“想要某物”1) Would you like _(walk) with us ? -Yes, Id love/like to .= Do you _ with us ? -Yes, I do. 2) Would you like some water?= Do you _ some water ? 3)、“在.近旁” _ He wants to sit _ (在.近旁)me .2、Is Tokyo the capital of Japan ?东京是日本的首都吗?“的首都” _ 如:(首都)_ _of the USA is Washington D.C

4、.【反馈练习】一) 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Who sits next to _ (he ) ? - Tom does.2. What would you like _ ( have) ? -Bananas, please.3. Tokyo is the capital of _ ( Japanese ).4.P laying basketball is my_ (最喜欢的 )sport.5. There are ten _ (餐馆 ) in town.6.He wants to live in a _ . (宫殿)二)句型转换。1. Would you like an apple ? (

5、 同义句) _ _ _ an apple ?2. Id like to live next to a restaurant . (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ _ _ to live next to a restaurant?_.3. He does his homework every day. (改为否定句) He _ _ his homework every day4.Hed like to live here. (画线部分提问) _ _ _ _to live?五、选择填空( ) 1. Which of them isnt a capital city? A. Paris B. L

6、ondon C. New York D. Moscow( ) 2. _ is your telephone number? A. What B. How many C. How much D. How long( ) 3. Look! The boy ran_ the classroom_ a bird in his hand. A. in; has B. into; with C. into; has D. in; with ( ) 4. Would you like to play games with me? Yes,_. A. Id like B. Id like to C. I li

7、ke to D. I would like ( ) 5. _is the capital of Thailand.A. Bangkok B. Paris C. Canberra D. Rome ( ) 6. We like to chat _friends _the Internet. A. with; in B. to; in C. with; on D. to; on( ) 7. _!Here comes the bus. A. Look at B. Look for C. Look over D. Look out( ) 8. He has _books and he reads_. A. a lot of, a lot B. a lot, lot C. lots of, lot of D. a lot of, a lot of( ) 9. Its cold. Here are some clothes. You can _. A. put on them B. put it on C. put them on D. put on it( ) 10. Where does your uncle work? He works in Paris, the capital of _. A. the USA B. France C. Thailand D. Japan订正、笔记栏3


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