河北滦南青坨营中学八级英语下册Unit1 Will people have robots?第二课时导学案.doc

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1、Unit1 Will people have robots?(第二课时)课题课型新授执笔人审核人学习目标1知识目标:单词astronaunt , rocket, fly, took, moon短语space station,in five years句子What do you think Sally will be in five years? I think there will be more tall buildings.2能力目标:能够谈论自己的过去、现在和将来。3情感目标:珍惜现在的学习时间,对未来充满生活的憧憬。教学重难点一般过去时、一般现在时、一般将来时的区别;do you th

2、ink做插入语。教学过程(一)自主学习在高中 在大学 一个宇航员 住在一所公寓里 一个电脑工程师 坐火箭去月球 在太空站 在课本上完成P5的1A(二)合作交流Task 1(小组互动)完成P4-3A,并展示。Task 2(同桌互动)模仿P4-3B,做出相似的对话。Task 3(小组互动)完成P5-2A和2B的听力。Task 4(同桌互动)模仿P5-2C,做出相似的对话。(三)知识探究语法探究一般现在时过去 -现在- 将来 现在进行时请仔细观察上面的图表,回答下面的问题1.一般过去时态是 发生的动作或存在的状态。动词要使用它的 2.一般现在时态是现在 发生的动作或存在的状态。 第三人称要使用动词的

3、 。3.现在进行时态是现在 发生的动作或存在的状态。4.一般将来时是 发生的动作或存在的状态。 构成是 词汇探究1.play (/the)+ 球类,play (/the)+乐器。2.do you think可以做 ,回忆八年级上册的两个句子:你认为谁是最滑稽的男演员。 你认为谁应当得到那份工作。 本节课的例句:你认为五念以后将从事什么? ?3.一个宇航员 4.一所公寓 (四)巩固运用I. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. We _(visit) your school next week.2. What time _ you _ (leave) yesterday?3. The boys _(ta

4、lk) under the tree now. 4. There_(be)fewer trees in the future. 5. There are some tall _ (build) in front of the post office.6. Mike wants to be a computer _ (program) in the future. 7. I have _ (little) money than you.8. Betty _ (write) to her parents tomorrow.II. 句型转换:1. They clean the classroom e

5、very day. (用tomorrow代替every day) They _ _ the classroom tomorrow. 2. Will the flowers come out soon? (作肯定回答) _, _ _. 3. Well go out for a walk with you. (改为否定句) We _ _ out for a walk with you. 4. Hangzhou will have a fine day. (改为一般疑问句) _ Hangzhou _ a fine day? 5. The students will work in the super

6、market. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the students _? 单项选择:( )1. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _food and do _ exercise.A. little, many B. much, few C. fewer, less D. less, more( )2. They _ four English classes a week last term.A. has B. have C. had D. are having( )3. Were moving to a different town _.A. the day before yesterday B. last Sunday C. the day after tomorrow D. a week ago( )4. When _ you _ to Australia? Next Monday.A. did, fly B. will, fly C. are, fly D. do, fly( )5. CanSueplay_tennis?No. Butsheplays_violinverywell.A. the, B., the C. the, the D. a, a 反思3


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