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1、八年级英语寒假期作业卷(本试卷满分为100分,时间90分钟)班级:_ 姓名:_ 家长签名: 一、词汇。(每题2分,合计30分)A.根据中英文提示、首字母提示或句意写出句中所缺单词。1.Jacky Chen often becomes a _(英雄) in his films.2. We study in a _ (boys and girls have lessons togethet) school.3. Its very easy for me to learn a _(外国的)language.4. He cant do the work well. Can you _(提供) him

2、some help?5.Lets _ (讨论)the problems together.B.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Today most schools are _(mix)school.2. English is one of the important _(subject) of all.3. Time seems _(go)faster when we are having a good time.4. Tom wasnt at home when I called him this morning. His mother offers _(tell)me where he wa

3、s.5. We all like people who talk _(little) but do most.6. We should try to do the work better with _(little)money and _(few)people7. I like going travelling by train. Because its faster and cheaper than _(take) a bus8. Wang Nan spends 6 hours practicing _(play) table tennis every day.9. Last week, o

4、ur school basketball team _(win) two games. 10. It took me three days _(finish)reading the book.二、根据中文,完成下列句子。(每空1分,合计30分)1. 他们不得不更努力工作。 They _ _ _ _ .2. 学校像什么?它就像看电视。 _ school _ ? Its _ TV.3. 在所有学科中,我最喜欢法语。 Among _ _ _, I like _4. 学外语挺有趣。_ _is _.5. 我经常比我的同学看书多。I often read _ _ _ my classmates.6. 当我

5、们阅读有趣的书的时候,时间似乎过得更快。 Times _ _ _ _ when we are _ _ books.7. 在星期五下午,我们放学比平时更早。 On Friday afternoon, our school _ _ _ _.三、选择填空。(每题1分,合计20分)( )1. This box is_ that one.A. heavy than B. so heavy than C. heavier as D. as heavy as( )2. I think the story is not so _ as that one.A. interesting B. interested

6、 C. more interesting D. most interesting( )3. I think science is _ than Japanese.A. much important B. important C. much more important D. more much important( ) 4. This pencil is_ than that one. A. longest B. long C. longer D. as long( ) 5. My mother is no _ young. A. shorter B. longer C. little D.

7、few( ) 6.These children are _ this year than they were last year. A. more tall B. more taller C. very taller D. much taller( ) 7. It was very hot yesterday, but it is_ today. A. even hotter B. more hotter C. much more hot D. much hot( )8.Our classroom is_ larger than theirs.A. more B. quite C. very

8、D. much( ) 9. Maths is more popular than_.A. any other subject B. all the subjects C. any subject D. other subject( ) 10. China is larger than _ in Africa(非洲) . A. any other country B. other countries C. the other country J 1%D. any country( ) 11. Tom is stronger than _ in his class.A. any other boy

9、 B. any boys C. any boy D. other boy( )12. When spring comes, it gets_.A. warm and warm B. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter( )13. When spring comes the days get _ and nights _.A. short; long B. long; short C. longer; shorter D. shorter; longer( )14. _ he read the book, _

10、 he got in it. A. The more; the more interestingB. The less; the more interesting C. The more; the more interested D. More; more interested ( ) 15. I like_ one of the two books. A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. older( ) 16. Which is_country, China or Japan? A. the large B. the larger C. large

11、r D. largest( ) 17. Of the two cups, he bought . A. the smaller B. the smallest C. small D: smaller( ) 18. Which do you like _, tea or coffee?A. well B. better C. best D. most( ) 19. This work is _ for me than for you. A. difficult B. most difficultC. much difficult D. more difficult( ) 20. Beijing

12、is one of_ in China.A. the largest city r ; B. the large cities C. the larger cities D. the largest cities四、阅读理解 (每题1分,合计10分)AMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday18:159:00EnglishChinese MathsEnglishEnglish29:109:55Chinese MathsChinese Maths Maths9:5510:20MORNING EXERCISES310:2011:05MathsEnglishPEHis

13、toryGeography411:1512:00Computer StudiesPolitics GeographyBiologyComputer Studies12:002:30LUNCH TIME52:303:15HistoryBiologyArtCompositionChemistry63:254:10ChemistryPhysicsBiologyCompositionPE74:205:05PEChemistryMusicPolitics Physics ( )1. There are two _ lessons in a week.A. History, Chemistry and Biology B. English, Music and Politics C. Politics, Chinese and Geography D. Geography, Computer Studies and History( )2. How many lessons are there in a week?


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