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1、How often do you exercise知识技能目标会用一般现在时谈论日常活动及活动的频率。方法情感目标学会合作,自主,探究重点 一般现在时态的熟练运用。难点一般现在时态的熟练运用。教法小组合作,自主探究学法小组合作,自主探究复习自学环节自学指导:1.阅读课本SectionA 2d-3c,完成自主学习。 2.2d.阅读、翻译并分角色练习。 3.Grammar Focus, 背并能默写,总结一般现在时的句子结构。 4.完成3a,3b, 熟练掌握一般现在时的句子。 5.3c。为了提高英语,你能做些什么呢?列举出来,并谈论做的频率。2.自主学习翻译 1.下周你有时间吗?下周对我来说相当忙。

2、_ 2.怎么回事? _3.我有舞蹈和钢琴课。 _4.你在学哪种舞蹈?摇摆舞。_ 5.我必须和我的朋友们打网球。_ 6.我大概一月看一次电影。_ 7.至少_ 8.熬夜到很晚_ 9.上床睡觉 _10.吃健康的早餐_(翻译下列句子需教师点拨,特别是4,5,6题)二、学习探究环节 一、一般现在时的句子结构、常用副词或者副词短语。 二、读对话,根据2d回答问题。1. Is Claire free next week? Why or why not? 2How often does Claire have dance lessons? 3How often does Claire have dance p

3、iano lessons? you see your grandma?1._ _ does she go to the movies? Once a month.2._ _ will you get back home? In two months.3._ _ did he stay here? For two months.4._ _ does Mary live from the library? Two miles.三、Read the passage about Jack again, then answer the questions. Jack loves soccer, so h

4、e plays soccer every day. He likes surfing the Internet, so he surfs the Internet three times a week. And he watches TV twice a week. He goes to the movies twice a month. He goes shopping once a month. What about you?1. How often does Jack play soccer? 2. How often does he surf the Internet? 3. How

5、often does he watch TV? 4. How often does he go to the movies? 5. How often does he go shopping? after your health_ (健康)(2.3.题多数同学没变做对,要教师强调)五、总结反思环节 本节课主要学习了一般现在时表频率用法,大部分学生会用。4What does Claire do next Tuesday? 。口头翻译2d和Grammar Focus. 完成课本第11面的练习。1. 检查预习情况2. Answer the questions and role-play the co

6、nversation in 2d.3Learn Grammar Focus4. Do 3a 和3b.5.根据提示完成3c并做报道。Lin Ying is good at English. She reads English books every day. She (学生独立完成)三、点拨提升环节一般现在时的句子结构、常用副词或者副词短语。四、巩固练习环节一、连词成句1.how you books read often do English ? _.2. watch do how often you TV?_.3.weekend you usually what do do on?_.4.weekenddo parents what your do on?_.5.withmeet how meet often do you your friends?_.二、频率的副词或短语提问。How often 多久一次,指动作频率 how soon多久,一般用于一般将来时,回答“in”短语How long 多长时间 回答for或since短语 how far 多远 用于对距离提问。2


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