九级英语上册 Unit4 Stay Healthy Lesson 27教案 冀教.doc

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1、冀教版英语九年级上第四单元Lesson 27教案Teaching aims1,Aim of knowledge1)master the words for lesson 27 and expressions2)master the following sentence pattens be made from,be different from, be full of, stay strong, a balanced diet,2,Aim of ability Learn four food groups,3,Aim of emotion Express the idea “good food

2、 ,good health”, If you want to be healthy,please eat a balanced diet.Organization Ask the students to pre-review the words for class Revision Talk about the food and healthTeaching of new lesson1. presentation,(用幻灯片打出人物对比图,weak-strong 提出交谈话题,good food,good health.),ask the students to say their favo

3、urite food,fruit and vegetables.2. learn the word of lesson 273. Listening, let the students listen to the tape of lesson 27,Have the class follow the audiotape while looking at the text and answer :用幻灯片打出问题,How many food groups are here? What are they?Four: food from grain/ fruit and vetetables /pr

4、otein foods/ calcium foods.4. Reading,ask the students read the text carefully ,ask them to answer the questions after reading用幻灯片打出有关课文细节的内容,帮助学生阅读理解课文,1) What are made from grain?2) What do the foods from grain give you ?3) What do fruit and vegetables give you ?4) Say the differences between vege

5、tables and fruit5) What does fresh mean?6) What does protein help you ?7) What food have protein?8) Is calcium important? Why?9) What food contain calcium?5,let the students discuss (用幻灯片打出讨论话题)1) What is calcium?2) Why is calcium important for the body?3) What are some foods that have calcium in th

6、em?6,language points,(幻灯片根据知识点出现的先后逐一打出知识点,帮助学生理解和学习知识的重难点。)l Potatoes are a very popular vegetable in North America.Popular (adj) 为众人所喜爱的、赞赏或欢迎的。例:Pop music is popular among the youngSwimming is a popular form of exercise Be popular with sb某人所喜爱、赞赏、或欢迎的, 例:China Daily is popular with the English le

7、arnersl Protein helps your body grow and stay stronggrow和 stay都用做系动词,grow表示“变得,逐渐”,后面跟形容词或过去分词。例:He is growing fatter and fatter.Stay在句中做“保持某种状态”,后面经常跟形容词或名词,例:He stayed awake for over three hours last night. We have stayed friends for many years.l Milk,cheese ,butter and yogurt contain calciumContain 动词,“包含,含有”,不用于进行时态, 例:what does the bag contain?Contain “控制(某事或自己),抑制,克制, 例:He could hardly contain his anger.7,come to “lets do it”8,homework(资源与学案)


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