陕西延安延川第二中学八级英语下册Unit4Whydon’tyoutalktoyourparents练习新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents一翻译短语(20分)1.给我大量压力_ 2.跟我同学竞争_3.跟你同学对_ 4.重要的事_5.快速查看;浏览_ 6.成功地发展;解决_ 7.允许某人干某事 _ 8.使他吃惊 _9.课后辅导_ 10.生某人的气_11.跟我的家人相处 _ 12.感到孤独和紧张_13.主动帮助_ 14.适当的交流_15.介意他看电视_ 16.抄别人的作业_17.删除他们的一些活动 18.把他们的孩子挤得如此厉害_19.单独度过时光_ 20.引起孩子们大量的压力 二单项选择(30分)( )1. I think its them here i

2、n two hours. A. of, getting B for, getting C for, to get D of, to get( )2.The manager is training the workers to make sure they can learn more .A skills B pressure C. communication D relation ( )3. Remember, Bob, happens, keep calm and quiet. I will, thanks, Dad. A whatever B when C what D how ( )4.

3、 John, you stay out too late. Your mother will worry about you A. neednt. B. shouldnt C. must D. can ( )5. Sometimes my parents dont understand me. Talk with them more often and you will them.A. fall in love with B. get on well with C. agree with D. compare with ( )6. I am always when there is going

4、 to be a test. I dont sleep well.A. angry B happy C. nervous D. sad ( )7. My father is about football and he watches football matches on his computer every day.A. worried B. happy C. crazy D. angry ( ) 8. If you _this new TV with the old one, you will find which one is better. A. mix B. open C. add

5、D. compare( ) 9.Son, dont_ others homework. You should do by yourself. A. bring B. pass C. find D. copy ( ) 10. -Mike, do you often watch TV in the evening? -No, My parents only allow me _in the evening.A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. watched( ) 11. Mr. Green _his bike now. A. allow us to use B.

6、 allows us to use C. Allow to use D. allows to use( ) 12.I have _ homework to do, so Im busy. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too( ) 13.-Why _an e-mail to him? -Good idea. A. not to write B. not you write C. dont you to write D. dont you write( ) 14. Today is very _,and there are a lot o

7、f _in the sky. A. cloud, clouds B. cloud, cloudy C. cloudy, clouds D, cloudy, cloudy( ) 15. She is so shy that she has difficulties _with her classmates. A. communicate B. to communicate C. communicating D. communication三 单词的正确形式填空(14分)1. He is so kind, and he never _(refuse) to help others.2. You s

8、hould keep_(talk) to your friends until she wont be angry.3. My parents always_(compare) me with other kids, and I dont like it.4. I found my sister _ my things yesterday.5. My parents dont allow me_ (hang out) with friends after school.6. Try to be the first_ (finish) the work.7. Teachers complain about_ (teach) naughty kids in the classroom.四作文(10分) 你的朋友Jim因为看电视的事情和他爸爸吵架了,你给了他一些建议,Jim最后找到了和爸爸和好的方法。请根据所给提示写一封(80-100)的信。Dear Jim,_Alice Hunt1


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