江苏淮安淮阴区九级英语期末调查测试 牛津.doc

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1、江苏省淮安市淮阴区2012-2013学年九年级英语上学期期末调查测试试题(扫描版) 牛津版九年级英语练习听力原稿及参考答案、听力测试(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A) 听对话回答问题。每段对话读两遍。1. W: Where are you from, Mr. Black? M: Im an American. I come from USA.2. W: Look! Whats that in the sky, Tom? M: Oh! Its a big bird.3. M: What do you often do in your free time, Mary? W: I like

2、singing.4. M: Can I help you, Madam? W: Id like some bananas.5. W: Did you have a holiday in April?M: No, I was busy at that time. I had a holiday in May.6. W: You are interested in sports, arent you?M: Yes. I go swimming once a week and play tennis twice a month.7. M: Shall we take a bus or the und

3、erground?W: The stop is a bit far and Im too tired to walk. I want to get a taxi home.M: All right.8. M: Which tie is better for my new shirt, the brown one or the blue one?W: Neither. The red one looks best on you. Believe me, Sam.9. W: Are you doing anything tonight?M: Nothing special . Watching T

4、V, I suppose. There is a football match.W: What about going to the cinema for a change?M: Good idea!10. M: So many cars here! Wheres ours?W: um. Id parked it next to a white car before we had coffee.M: Oh yes. Its over there.B)听下面的对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,根据你所听到的内容,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答语。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段

5、材料,回答第1112小题。W: What areyou going to be when you grow up, Ted?M: Im going to be a computer programmer. W: Why?M: Computer is getting more and more popular. Every family will have one in the future. W: Where will you work?M: Ill work in my uncles company. W: Whom will you live with?M: Ill live with m

6、y parents. You know, Im the only child in my family. W: What should you do now?M: I should study hard to learn more about computers. 听第二段材料,回答第1315小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。One night a thief wanted to steal something from a gentlemans house. He opened the door and went in. The gentleman was

7、 sleeping. The thief saw a watch on the table and put it in his pocket. Just then the gentleman woke up and saw the thief. He got up and asked the man, “What are you doing? Will you please tell me your name?” The thief stood there and began to speak rudely. The gentleman was very angry. He shouted t

8、o the thief, “Get out! You are a bad-mannered man!” The thief ran out of the house quickly听第三段材料,回答第1620小题题。When you are in England, you must be careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look at the right first and then the left.In the morning

9、and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then.When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. Have a look at first or you will be in the wrong way.In many English cities,

10、 there are big buses with two floors. You can sit in the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. Its very interesting.参考答案I. 1-5 AABBB 6-10 AACCA 11-15 CBACB 16-20 BCCCBII. 21-25 BCCCA 26-30 ADABA 31-35 ACCCBIII. 36-40BABAA41-45DABDB46-50 ACDDAIV. 51-55BADCB 56-60 DBDBA 61-65 DBBDAV

11、. 1. shortly after 2. went beyond 3. puts all her effort into 4. put on 5. are strict with6. horror films 7. play the lead role 8. took part in 9. taking 10.loss 11. actresses12. twentieth13. not read14. to be 15. workingVI. 16. not only; crazy about watching17. Chatting on line/the Internet; has a

12、bad effect on 18. At the age of; passed away/died peacefully19. wanted to remind; by showing us20. devoted much of his time; during his lifetimeVII. 21. He drove after drinking. 22. He felt sorry (for what he had done).23. Yes, he did.24. He / she / It may hurt other people. / It may cause traffic a

13、ccident. 25. We shouldnt dive our cars after drinking.26. clean energy; wind27. a lower place; building dams28. heat in the rocks; in a few places29. turn energy; the weather30. New Energy(能源) in the Twenty-first CenturyVIII. 31. (略)五档文:内容不完整,语言表述错误很多,不能完整地表达思想。可得0-5分四档文:内容不完整,重点描述有少部分合理,但表述不充分,层次结构不合理,语言不够流畅,字迹不工整,6-8处语法或拼写错误;字数不足。可得6-11分三档文:内容不完整,重点描述有部分合理,但表述不充分,层次结构不完全合理,字迹不够工整,5-6处语法或拼写错误;字数不足。可得12-14分二档文:内容完整,重点描述比较充分,层次结构比较清晰,语言比较流畅,字迹工整,有4-5处语法或拼写错误;字数符合要求。可得14-17分一档文:内容完整,重点描述清楚、合理,表达充分,层次结构清晰,字迹工整,可读性强,语言流畅,仅有1-2处语法或拼写错误;字数符合要求。可得18-20分。12


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