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1、Unit 3 A day out课题Unit 3 A day out - Task 课时第七课时执教时间复备人教学目标1知识目标:学习单词:square, 学习词组:meet everyone, see the biggest city square, visit the garden and row boats, plan a day out, go back to 学习句型:We will take the underground/bus to Tiananmen Square.= We will go to Tiananmen Square by underground/bus. We

2、will walk to Beihai Park.=We will go to Beihai Park on foot. We hope you can join us.2. 技能目标:a. 学会选择、组织并呈现信息。b. 能识别关键信息并将其归类,计划一次外出郊游。c. 会写一封邀请朋友外出郊游的信。3情感目标:培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣。 教学重点知识目标 + 技能目标。教学难点如何写一封邀请信。学法指导先构思旅行计划,再注意书信格式。教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动任务一:Lead in: Free talkT: Lin

3、da comes from the USA. She came to visit Kitty and Daniel in China. What place did she visit in Beijing?S: The World Park.T: Yes. But there are many places of interest in Beijing, and Linda is going back to the USA soon. So Kitty and Daniel want to invite all their classmates on a trip with Linda be

4、fore she goes back to the USA.What places in Beijing do you think they will go to? What can they do there? T: Kitty and Daniel are making a plan now. Lets take a look.任务二:Read the plan on page 40 quickly, and underline the answers to these questions.仔细阅读53页的计划,回答下列问题。1. How many places will they vis

5、it? What are they?2. How will they get to the Place Museum from Tiananmen Square?3. How much time will they spend at Beihai Park? And what will they do there?4. Where will they go after that? And what will they do?任务三:Finish the invitation letter on page 41 with the help of the plan on page 40 . 根据4

6、0页A部分计划的内容将邀请信补充完整,注意重点句型任务四:总结邀请函书写的格式及可能包括的附件(日期、收信人、目的、计划、花费、说明、结束语等)。Writing guideT: Do you think its a good plan? What about their invitation letter? But how to write an invitation letter? Lets read and learn.1. How many main parts are there in this letter? (Four.)2. Read loudly and know what e

7、ach main part is about. Part 1: Purpose of the letter (Para 1) Part 2: Plan (Four paragraphs. One place, one paragraph. ) Part 3: Cost (Para 6) Part 4: Instructions (Para 7) 附加:Date; Name of receiver; Closing; Signature(s)任务五:小组交流讨论一个新的计划。(参照A部分的计划和B部分的要求)任务六:模仿第41的邀请信,写一篇有自己特色的邀请信。任务七:Group work每个同学根据提纲独立完成自己的文章。教师可给学生提供一些有用的词汇。两人一组,互相批阅对方的文章。用红笔标注错误的地方。成果展示(Work in groups)。The reporter of each group should be made to read their letter before the whole class.Step4:总结提升你知道邀请信的书写格式以及所包含的内容吗? Step5:当堂反馈见导学案Step6:课后拓展见导学案Step7:布置作业1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogue再备教学反思 3


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