八级英语下册 Unit 5 International charities so...that...从句与 so that 从句及其简化同步讲解 牛津.doc

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八级英语下册 Unit 5 International charities so...that...从句与 so that 从句及其简化同步讲解 牛津.doc_第1页
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八级英语下册 Unit 5 International charities so...that...从句与 so that 从句及其简化同步讲解 牛津.doc_第2页
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1、so that与so.that.用法辨析so that与so . that .的用法在近几年来全国各省市的中考试题中出现率较高,一直是历年来中考试题的重要考点。下面结合近几年来的中考试题,将so that与so . that . 的用法归纳如下:一、so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是“因此;所以”。如:1. The little boy saved every coin

2、_ _he could buy his mother a present on Mothers day.(用所给的短语填空,每个短语只能用一次)(2003大连市) (答案为so that。)2. She bought a digital camera online she would save a lot of time. (2003扬州市)A.so that B.as soon as C.no matter D.such that (答案为A。)二、so形容词或副词that .引导结果状语从句。(一)so形容词或副词that .引导的肯定的结果状语从句,意思是“如此以致于”。如:3._fin

3、e day it is today! Yes,the sunshine is_beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea. (2003青岛市) A. How, such B. What a, very C. How, so D. What a, so (答案为D。)4.当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以致于大喊大叫。(根据中文意思完成句子,每空一词。)(2003北京市海淀区)When the football fans saw Beckham, they got_excited_they cried out. (答案为so,that

4、。)(二)so形容词或副词that .引导的否定的结果状语从句,意思是“如此以致于不能”。如: 5. The camera is _expensive_ I cant afford it. (单项选择)(2004年辽宁省) A. so, that B. such, that C. so, as to D. enough, that (答案为A。)6. Miss Gao asked a question, but it was_that nobody could answer it.(2001安徽省) A.very difficult B. too difficult C. difficult

5、enough D. so difficult (答案为D。)注意:当that引导的结果状语从句为肯定句时,so . that .可以与be . enough to do转换;当从句为否定句时,可以与too . to . 或be not . enough to do转换。如: 7. David was so careless that he didnt find the mistakes in his test paper. (变为简单句)(2003福州市) David was_careless_find the mistakes in his test paper. 8. A:The boy

6、is so young that he cant look after himself. B:The boy is not_to look after himself.(改写句子,使B句与A句意思相近)(2004年桂林市)(答案为old enough。)so . that . 引导结果状语从句有时候可以与such . that .句型相互转换。如: 9. The stone is so heavy that I cant lift it up. It is_ a heavy stone_ I cant lift it up.(改写句子)(2003南京市) (答案为such, that。)so

7、. that. 从句与 so that 从句及其简化so. that.与 so that 都可引导状语从句,但是有所不同。现分述如下: so that 意为“如此以致于”,用来引导一个结果状语从句。其句型结构是: 1. 主语 + 系动词( be, become, feel 等) +so +adj. +that 从句。例如: This book is so difficult that I cant read it. 这本书太难,我读不懂。 He felt so tired that he couldnt walk any longer. 他太累,不能再走了。 2. 主语 + 实义动词 +so

8、+adv + that 从句。例如: He ran so fast that no one could catch up with him. 他跑得太快了,没有人能赶上他。 It rained so heavily that we couldnt go out. 雨下得很大,我们出不去。 3. 主语 + 谓语 +so +adj. + a / an + 单数可数名词 +that 从句。例如: It was so busy a day that we didnt go shopping. 那天很忙,我们没有去买东西。 4. 主语 + 谓语 +so + many / few + 复数可数名词 +th

9、at 从句。例如: Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over. 我摔了那么多跤,以致于全身青一块、紫一块。 There were so few workers in the factory that the boss decided to take on twenty more. 这家工厂里工人很少,很板决定再雇用二十名工人。 5. 主语 + 谓语 +so + much / little + 不可数名词 +that 从句。例如: There was so much rain last spring that the vegeta

10、bles did not grow well. 去年春天雨水太多,蔬菜长得不好。 Sorry, Ive got so little money that I cant lend you any. 对不起,我身上带的钱太少,不能借给你。 6. 主语 + 谓语 +so + many ( much, few, little ) +that 从句。例如: The shirt cost so much that I didnt want to take it. 这件衣服太贵了,我不想买。 so that 从句可以转成以下几种简单句: 3. 若 that 从句是肯定句,且主从句的主语一致时,用 enoug

11、h to do sth 句型来转换。例如: The girl is so old that she can go to school. = The girl is old enough to go to school. 这个女孩到上学的年龄了。 4. 若 that 从句是肯定句,且主从句的主语不一致时,用 enough for sb. to do sth 句型来转换,这里 for 后的 sb 。仍是原从句主语的宾格形式。例如: The question is so easy that we can answer it. = The question is easy enough for us

12、to answer. 这道题很简单,我们能够回答它。 5. that 从句是否定句,可用 not enough ( for sb. ) to do sth 句型来转换,但 enough 前的 adj. 或 adv. 应为原句型中 so 后的 adj. 或 adv. 的反义词。例如: The room is so small that it cant hold 200 people. =The room is too small to hold 200 people. =The room isnt big enough to hold 200 people. 这个房间太小,不能容纳 200 人。

13、 The box is so heavy that we cant carry it. =The box is too heavy for us to carry. =The box isnt light enough for us to carry. 这个箱子太重,我们搬不动。 so that 是从属连词,用来引导目的或结果状语从句。 1. so that 可以引导目的状语从句,意为“以便、为了”,此时,可用 in order that 从句来替换。这种从句的谓语动词一般要和情态动词 can / could, may / might 等连用。例如: He gets up early in t

14、he morning so that he can catch the early bus. =He gets up early in the morning in order that he can catch the early bus. 他早晨起得很早,为的是赶上早班汽车。 He worked hard so that he could finish his work in time. =He worked hard in order that he could finish his work in time. 他工作很努力,以便能及时完成工作。 2. so that 引导结果状语从句时,意为“结果是”,“以致于”,一般不与情态动词连用,有时可用逗号与主句隔开,有时则不用。这种从句可用 so that 从句来转


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