甘肃安定区李家堡初级中学八级英语上册Unit4Lesson21EataDonutandTurnRight导学案新冀教 1.doc

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甘肃安定区李家堡初级中学八级英语上册Unit4Lesson21EataDonutandTurnRight导学案新冀教 1.doc_第1页
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《甘肃安定区李家堡初级中学八级英语上册Unit4Lesson21EataDonutandTurnRight导学案新冀教 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《甘肃安定区李家堡初级中学八级英语上册Unit4Lesson21EataDonutandTurnRight导学案新冀教 1.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 21 Eat a Donut and Turn Right学习目标I Language goals: a. New words b. Language points (Refer to the learning-plan) II Ability goals: a. To ask the directions. b. To show the waysIII Moral goals: To enjoy our neighourhood 学习重点I Asking and showing the ways .II Adverbial Clouse with “because”学习难点Ad

2、verbial Clouse with “because”.学法指导 cooperation of groups, listening, speaking and reading知识准备Free-talk: Have you ever lost your way? What do you do if someone asks you for direction? 备课组补充学习流程学习流程一、导入I Free-talk: Have you ever lost your way? What do you do if someone asks you for direction? 二、展示学习目标

3、 I Master the words: downtown, coffee, through, cherry, sidewalk, himself, entrance. II Language points: lose ones way, see a movie, write out, a piece of, sometwo pieces of, the way to, must be, say to oneself. II words and phrases, then read.1 downtown _ 2 coffee _ 3 through _ 4 cherry _ 5 sidewal

4、k _ 6 himself _ 7 entrance _8 lose ones way _Listening. Try to finish Part1 on Page 55Read the lesson and write true(T) and false(F) OnPage55Talk about what you dont understand in groups (vocabulary and senesces).Finish part3 on Page55.三、预习检查 Sentences (Translation)1 Danny wrote out the directions f

5、or Brian on a pieceof paper because Brian doesnt know the way to themovie theatre. ._2 Brian says as he reads the paper. _.3 Can you tell me the way to the movie theatre?_?4 Turn right at the second crossing. _四、自主学习 根据汉语提示或首字母完成句子。1 Mike learns French by h _ because no one can understand French. 2

6、I am l_. Can you tell me the way to the hospital?3 The travelers walked t_ the forest (森林) and came back home.II Multiple choice.1 I need _. A five piece of paper B five piece of papers C five pieces of papers D five pieces of paper2 Would you like to show me the way _bank? Sure. A on B for C with D to 3 Suzan has bought a large house with a swimming pool.It _be very expensive. I never dream about it. A must B might C cant D shouldnt五、拓展延伸Make a survey. Who is polite when heshe tells the Way to六、作业布置:1. Recite the words and the text. 2 Preview Lesson 22.课后 反 思2


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