江苏永丰初级中学七级英语下册Unit 1 Dream homesReading I作业 牛津.doc

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1、Unit 1 Dream homesReading I作业I. 复习今日所讲内容,背诵Reading P8。 家长签字 II. 完成下列习题一 翻译下列短语 1.世界各地的家 _ 2. 躺在海滩上_ 3.在阳台上玩游戏 _ 4. 看漫画书_ 5 互相聊天 _ 6.住在底楼_ 7.看外面的海 _ 8.向窗外看_ 9.看上去酷的_ 10.住在泰国的一个小镇_ 11.保持安静 _ 12.相当贵的_二、词汇:1. Simons d_ home is very large.2. Eddie would like to live in a _ (宫殿) next to a _ (餐馆).3. They w

2、ant to learn about the c_ of some countries.4. My father often reads newspapers on the _ .(阳台)5. Madee lives in a w_ house o_ a river.6. Monkeys are good at c_ trees.7. Anna _(合用) a bedroom with her sister.8. Neils dog sleeps in the _ _ (起居室).9. You can use _ (梯子) to climb into the house.10. _ has t

3、he same pronunciation (发音) of “see”.11. Neil lives in a small house in a t_ near London.12. Dont swim in the r_ alone. Its dangerous.13. You should be q_. The children are sleeping.14. My mother is cooking _ (当时候) I am doing my homework.15. My dream home is a _ (公寓) with a beautiful _ (花园).16. His f

4、ather is one of the c_ in that Chinese restaurant.17. How many _ (海滩) are there in China?18.We spend _ (大部分) of the time at school.三、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Which apple do you want? -I want the _ (big) one.2. He comes from _ (English), but he can speak _ (China).3. China is one of the strongest _ (country) i

5、n the world.4. I enjoy _ (lie) on the ground.5. Our neighbors are _ (friend) and we are happy here.6. A garden is the _ (good) place _ (grow) flowers.7. He plans _ (watch) TV after _ (do) her homework.8. My dream home is quite different from _ (she).9. Would you like _ (be) a teacher?10. She climbs

6、a ladder _ (get) into her house.11. Sunshine Town is a good place _ (live) in.三单项选择 ( ) 1. They are from America. They English. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak ( )2. Would you like a cup of tea? A. drinking B. to drink C. / D. BC ( ) 3. - We will have a school trip next week. - That sounds . Im sure

7、 well have a good time there. A. well B. badly C. bad D. good ( ) 4. Which of them isnt a capital city? A. Paris B. London C. New York D.Moscow ( )5. The little girl always the windows in class. This makes her teacher very angry(生气的) Alooks out B. looks out at C. looks out of D. looks like ( )6.We l

8、ike to chat friends the Internet. A. with; on B. to;in C. with; on D. to; on( ) 7. Please keep . My sister is sleeping now. A. healthy B. clean C. quiet D. quite( ) 8. -Would you like to play games with me? -Yes, A. Id like B. Id like to C. I like to D. please四、句型转换 1.His favourite place is the balc

9、ony. (同义句) He the balcony 2.He climbs a ladder to get into my house (同义句) He into my house a ladder He into my house a ladder. 3. It rains a lot here. (同义句) There rain here. 4. He looks cool in this coat (同义句) looks cool 5. This is a wooden house. (同义句) This house wood(木头) 6. There are over ten girl

10、s in the classroom.(同义句)There are ten girls in the classroom. 7. The building has twenty-four floors. (划提) floors does the building ? 8. Do it like this.(改为否定句) it like this.9. My sister and I live in one bedroom.(同义句) My sister _ one bedroom _ me.10. How much _ the flat _?(根据答句完成问句) Ninety-nine thousand yuan.11. Theres a carton of milk in the fridge?(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ of milk _ there in the fridge?12. I usually go to school on my bike.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you usually _ to school?2


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