山东淄博临淄区八级英语期中五四制 1.doc

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1、山东省淄博市临淄区2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期期中试题注意事项: 1、答题前请考生务必在答题卡及试卷的规定位置将自己的姓名、考试号等内容填、写(涂)准确。2、本试题分第I卷和第II卷两个部分,第I卷为选择题共34分,第II卷为非选择题共56分,共90分,考试时间为100分钟。3、第I卷每小题选出答案后,必须用2B铅笔把答题卡上,对应题目的答案标号(ABCD)涂黑,E选项涂AB,如需改动,须先用橡皮擦干净再改涂其它答案,第II卷须用黑笔直接答在答题卡上4、考试结束后,由监考教师把第I卷和第II卷及答题卡一并收回。第I卷(选择题 共34分)一、完型填空(共10小题,满分10分)阅读下面短

2、文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。Whenever I see this picture, I always think of the 6-day adventure(冒险)contest with1last summer. Before the contest, I really didnt know what to look forward to(期待). I only knew we would do a few different things, like mountain biking and hiking. At the beginning of

3、the contest, my friends and I received a2with 20 checkpoints(关卡)of an 18-mile way. To finish the contest, we had to reach all the 20 checkpoints on the map3six hours. The roads to the checkpoints were not4marked(标记), so we spent a lot of time checking if we were on the right way to the next checkpoi

4、nt. There were5times when I was burning up under the 35heat, or swimming across a dangerous river, or so6that I didnt want to take another step. At that time, I asked myself, “You call this an adventure? What you really want to do is to7and go back home? ”Then I went on running. Something unbelievab

5、le happened when I8all the 20 checkpoints and crossed the finishing line. I9all of the pain! I had such a huge feeling of10. We did it! We did it much better than we had thought! We finished the adventure contest in the 20th place out of 60 teams! ( )1. A. fans B. friends C. parentsD. teachers( )2.

6、A. bookB. newspaper C. map D. report( )3. A. withB. at C. on D. in( )4. A. slowlyB. clearly C. quickly D. quietly( )5. A. perfectB. exciting C. hard D. right( )6. A. confidentB. surprised C. happy D. tired( )7. A. give upB. find out C. join in D. come over( )8. A. designedB. completed C. copied D. r

7、ecorded( )9. A. got B. hated C. forgotD. remembered( )10. A. successB. worry C. scare D. sadness二、阅读理解(共15小题,满分24分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题目,从A、B、C、D中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 AHaste makes wasteA businessman had done well at the market. He had sold all his products, and filled his moneybag with gold and silver.

8、 He now wanted to make his way toward home before sunset. So he loaded his heavy bag with the money onto his horse,and rode away. At noon he had a rest in a town. When he was about to continue on his way, a servant brought him his house and said, “Sir, a nail(钉子) is missing from the shoe on his left

9、 hoof(蹄子).” “Let it be,” answered the businessman. “The shoe will certainly stay on for the six hours,for I still have to ride. I am in a hurry.” That afternoon, when he dismounted(下马)once again and had his horse fed, a servant came into the hotel and said, “Sir, a shoe is missing from your horses l

10、eft hoof. Shall I take him to the blacksmith(铁匠) ?” “Let it be,” answered the businessman. “The horse can manage for the few hours ,for I still have to ride. I am in a hurry.”He rode on, but before long the horse began to limp(一瘸一拐). It did not limp long before it began to stumble(东倒西歪), and it did

11、not stumble long before it fell down and broke a leg. The businessman had to leave the horse where it was, and loaded the heavy moneybag onto his shoulder,and walked home on foot,not arriving there until very late that night.( )11. The sentence “haste makes waste” means _.A. 欲速则不达 B. 热情反浪费C. 无速则不达 D

12、. 志坚则事成( )12.The businessman didnt repair the nail because_.A. he had no money to repair it B. he thought that the servant could repair it C. he was in a hurry to continue his ridingD. he had no time to repair it( )13.Which sentence is NOT RIGHT ? A. The businessman had sold all his products. B. The

13、 horse fell down and broke a leg. C. The businessman had a bad luck and it was caused by that boring nail. D. The businessman had to walk home on foot at last . B Do you wish you had a magic gourd(葫芦) to help you get everything you want? You may think twice and say “no” after you watch the Disney fi

14、lm The Secret of the Magic Gourd! Its the first project Disney will co-produce in China. Based on (依据) a famous Chinese tale, the film is expected to open next year.In the story, Wang Bao is a lively and imaginative young boy. He dreams of having something magic to keep him out of trouble at school

15、and in his everyday life.One day, he finds a real Magic Gourd. The Gourd helps him realize everything he needs or wants to do.He just has to think about it! The Gourd adopts(认) Wang as hid master and answers his every call. The Gourd helps Wang catch big fish when he goes fishing. The Gourd always does the boys homework on time. The boy just sits to wait for everything to happen.But Wang Bao slowly learns his wishes come at a price.When he wants to borrow a picture book in the library, the book is stolen instantly i


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